TCI Append Standard


Total Consumer Insights (TCI) is the most comprehensive collection of available U.S. consumer data. The TCI Standard Append accepts inputs of name, address, phone and emai. It returns a core selection of demographic and geographic data elements, which are impactful contributors in customer acquisition and retention activities and decisioning.

Input Message Body

TCI Standard Append accepts identity data elements including name, address, phone, and email as input.


Field Name Parameter Name Required Description
First Name fname Optional First name, 15 characters max.
Last Name lname Optional Last name, 20 characters max.
Address1 addr1 Required Address line 1, 64 characters max.
City city Required City name, 28 characters max. Either City/State or Zip5 is required.
State state Required 2 character state abbreviation. Either City/State or Zip5 is required.
Zip5 zip Required 5 digit numeric USPS zip code. Either City/State or Zip5 is required.
Phone phone Required 10 digit numeric phone number (without spaces, dashes, or parentheses)
Email email Required Email address, 100 characters max
pid persistentId Optional Synthetic PID, Unique individual. Encrypted value
hhid householdId Optional Synthetic Household ID, Unique address + Last Name. Encrypted value
At a minimum, one of the following input combinations is required for processing:
  • Phone
  • Email
  • Address1 + Zip
  • Address1 + City + State
For enhanced Identity resolution is highly recommended to include name in the input.


Geographical Data

Output Field Description  Returned Values
ZIP Five-Position numeric as assigned in USPS publication 65, National Zip Code Directory 5 characters
Z4TYPE Zip+4 Type:
  • F - Firm or company address
  • G - General delivery address
  • H - High-rise or business complex
  • P - PO Box address
  • R - Rural route address
  • S - Street or residential address
1 character: F, G, H, P, R, S
DPV Delivery Point Validation Code:
  • Y - Address DPV confirmed for both primary and (if present) secondary numbers
  • D - Address DPV confirmed for the primary number only, and secondary number information was missing
  • S - Address DPV confirmed for the primary number only, and secondary number information was present but unconfirmed
  • N - Both Primary and (if present) Secondary number information failed to DPV Confirm
1 character: Y, D, S, N
VACANT Vacant:
  • Y - Physical Address Identified by USPS as Vacant
  • N - Someone living at that address
1 character: Y or N
MSA A metropolitan statistical area (MSA), formerly known as a standard metropolitan statistical area (SMSA), is the formal definition of a region that consists of a city and surrounding communities that are linked by social and economic factors, as established by the U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB). For more information on how FIPS, MSA and CBSA are related, visit 4 characters
CBSA New metropolitan and micropolitan statistical area definitions were announced by OMB on June 6, 2003, based on application of the 2000 standards with Census 2000 data. Metropolitan and Micropolitan Statistical Areas are collectively referred to as Core-Based Statistical Areas. Metropolitan statistical areas have at least one urbanized area of 50,000 or more population, plus adjacent territory that has a high degree of social and economic integration with the core as measured by commuting ties. M 5 characters
STATECD Federal Information Processing System (FIPS) Codes for States and Counties FIPS codes are numbers which uniquely identify geographic areas, this fields contains the two-digit State code, e.g. Code 01 corresponds to ALABAMA 2 characters
CNTYCD Federal Information Processing System (FIPS) Codes for States and Counties FIPS codes are numbers which uniquely identify geographic areas, this fields contains the three-digit count code, e.g. Code 003 corresponds to Baldwin County 3 characters
DWELLTYPE Dwelling Type is an indicator of the type of structure at a given address. Single Family Dwelling Unit (SFDU) indicates that one household resides in the structure. Multiple Family Dwelling Unit (MFDU) is one where more than one household is present in the building.
  • S=Single Family Dwelling Unit (SFDU)
  • M=Multi-family Dwelling Unit (MFDU)
  • Blank - Unknown
1 character: S or M

Match Levels

Output Field Description Returned Values
MATCH LEVEL Indicates level of identity match to the Infutor Graph:
  • 1 - indicates a match at the individual level
  • 2 - indicates a match at the household level
  • 3 - indicates a lower level match
  • 4 - indicates a match to a single identity marker where multiple markers were provided
  • 5 - indicates a match to an identity that does not have demographics available – gender, age, and dob are the only fields that may contain values
  • 6 - indicates that no match was made our identity graph but a gender could be inferred based on analysis of the name present on input
1 character with values 1 - 6

Core Demographics

Output Field Description Returned Values
GENDER Known gender - Male, Female. The gender of an individual is typically gathered from self-reported or public information sources, or can be assigned based on the individuals name and/or title. In cases where the individual's first name and title are unknown/ambiguous and no additional sources reflect gender, the gender will be coded as "Unknown."
  • M - Male
  • F - Female
1 character: M or F
AGE Adult Estimated Age is calculated from date of birth data. Age data is applied at the individual level and is compiled from a variety of sources that may include public data, buying activities, and self-reported information. This is a calculation of age based on the individual's Year of Birth. The calculation is current year less the YOB. 2 characters from 18-99
DOB The known month and Year of birth of the individual and date where availabe. The Adult Date of Birth select will identify members of the household that meet the given birth date criteria. Dates must be entered for the birth month and year. Age data is applied at the individual level and is compiled from a variety of sources that may include public data, buying activities, and self-reported information. Exact age data is considered sensitive in nature and may require contractual restrictions. Formats YYYYMMDD, YYYYMM, YYYY
HOMEOWNERCD The Homeowner/Renter select identifies if the occupant of the residence is the homeowner or a renter. Home ownership as reflected by real estate transaction and deed records County Assessor or County Recorder based, survey data and modeled information.
  • H - Homeowner is a deterministic value of known homeowners as recorded by property deed records and recorded home sales.
  • R - Renter is a deterministic value of known households living in properties that are not currently occupied by the homeowner. Data is sourced from property deed records and recorded home sales data.
  • O - Probable Homeowner is a probabilistic value identifying medium-level confidence of a homeowner status. Data is based on a combination of survey data signals indicating a likely homeowner status.
  • P - Probable Renter is a probabilistic value identifying medium-level confidence of a renter status. Data is based on a combination of survey data signals indicating a likely renter status.
  • U - Unknown are records with no data signals to indicate a homeowner or renter status and are assigned as likely to be low-confidence renters. Previous versions recorded assigned these records as NULL.
1 character: H, R, O, P, U
EHI Estimated income level is a model and takes into consideration several known demographic attributes, self-reported information and census demographics. Data is assigned at the household level.
  • A - Less than $20,000
  • B - $20,000-$29,999
  • C - $30,000-$39,999
  • D - $40,000-$49,999
  • E - $50,000-$74,999
  • F - $75,000-$99,999
  • G - $100,000-$124,999
  • H - $125,000-$149,000
  • I - $150,000-$174,999
  • J - $175,000-$199,999
  • K - $200,000-$249,999
  • L - $250,000+
1 character: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L
MARRIEDCD Known marital status and modeled information. The Marital Status select indicates if member of the household is likely married or single. Data is applied at the household level where available and then the married or single designation is inferred at the Zip+4 or to provide more thorough coverage.
  • M - Married
  • S - Single
1 character: M or S
WEALTHSCR The net worth selection is a demographically based analytical model which predicts the ranges for household net worth. Net worth is calculated by the total assets etitmated to be associated with a household (such as deposit accounts, investments and home value) minus liabilities (such as loans, mortgages and credit card debt).
  • A = $0 OR LESS
  • B = $1 - $4,999
  • C = $5,000 - $24,999
  • D = $25,000 - $49,999
  • E = $50,000 - $74,999
  • F = $75,000 - $99,999
  • G = $100,000 - $149,999
  • H = $150,000 - $249,999
  • I = $250,000 - $374,999
  • J = $375,000 - $499,999
  • K = $500,000 - $749,999
  • L = $750,000 - $999,999
  • M = $1,000,000 +
1 character: A - M
ETHNICITYCD Ethnicity of an Individual as proved by self reported participante and overlays from participating source data.
  • A - Southeast Asian
  • C - Central & Southwest Asian
  • E - Eastern European
  • F - All African American Ethnic Groups
  • I - Middle Eastern
  • J - Jewish
  • M - Mediterranean
  • N - Native American
  • O - Far Eastern
  • P - Polynesian
  • S - Scandinavian
  • T - Other
  • W - Western European
  • Y - Hispanic
  • Z - Uncoded (No Group)
1 character: A, C, E, F, I, J, M, N, O, P, S, T, W, Y, Z
LANGUAGECD Languages spoken by an individual as provided by self reported participants and overlays from particpating source data.
  • A2 - Albanian
  • A3 - Amharic
  • A4 - Arabic
  • A5 - Armenian
  • A6 - Ashanti
  • B4 - Bulgarian
  • B5 - Burmese
  • C1 - Chinese
  • C3 - Czech
  • D1 - Danish
  • D2 - Dutch
  • E1 - English
  • E2 - Estonian
  • F1 - Farsi
  • F2 - Finnish
  • F3 - French
  • G2 - German
  • G3 - Ga
  • G4 - Greek
  • H2 - Hebrew
  • H3 - Hindi
  • H4 - Hungarian
  • I2 - Indonesian
  • I3 - Italian
  • J1 - Japanese
  • K2 - Khmer
  • K4 - Korean
  • L1 - Loatian (Include Hmongh)
  • L2 - Latvian
  • L3 - Lithuanian
  • N2 - Norwegian
  • O1 - Oromo
  • P1 - Pashto
  • P2 - Plish
  • P3 - Portuguese
  • R1 - Rumanian
  • R2 - Russian
  • S2 - Serbo-Croatian
  • S3 - Sinhalese
  • S4 - Slovakian
  • S5 - Slovenian
  • S8 - Spanish
  • S9 - Swahili
  • SB - Swedish
  • T1 - Tagalog
  • T3 - Thai
  • T4 - Tibetan
  • T6 - Turkish
  • U1 - Urdu
  • V1 - Vietnamese
2 characters
CHILD The Presence of Children, childrens's age ranges and number of children selections reflects the probable presence of children under age 18 in a given household. Information is sourced from children's age and gender data which is gathered from a variety of sources that includes public records where they may be available, survey data as well as modeled census based information.
  • Y - Presence of Children
1 character: Y or Blank
CHILDAGECD_6 Presence of Children under 6 1 character
CHILDAGECD_6_10 Presence of Children Aged 6 - 10 1 character
CHILDAGECD_11_15 Presence of Children Aged 11 - 15 1 character
CHILDAGECD_16_17 Presence of Children Aged 16 - 17 1 character
CHILDNBRCD Number of Children Code:
  • A - No Children
  • B - Less Than 3
  • C - 3-5
  • D - 6+
1 character: A, B, C, D

TCI Append Plus


Input Message Body

The TCI Property Append accepts identity data elements including name, address, phone, and email as input.


Field Name Parameter Name Required Description
First Name fname Optional First name, 15 characters max.
Last Name lname Optional Last name, 20 characters max.
Address1 addr1 Required Address line 1, 64 characters max.
City city Required City name, 28 characters max. Either City/State or Zip5 is required.
State state Required 2 character state abbreviation. Either City/State or Zip5 is required.
Zip5 zip Required 5 digit numeric USPS zip code. Either City/State or Zip5 is required.
Phone phone Required 10 digit numeric phone number (without spaces, dashes, or parentheses)
Email email Required Email address, 100 characters max
pid persistentId Optional Synthetic PID, Unique individual. Encrypted value
hhid householdId Optional Synthetic Household ID, Unique address + Last Name. Encrypted value
At a minimum, one of the following input combinations is required for processing:
  • Phone
  • Email
  • Address1 + Zip
  • Address1 + City + State
For enhanced Identity resolution is highly recommended to include name in the input.



Output Field Description Returned Values
ZIP Five-Position numeric as assigned in USPS publication 65, National Zip Code Directory 5 characters
Z4TYPE Zip+4 Type:
  • F - Firm or company address
  • G - General delivery address
  • H - High-rise or business complex
  • P - PO Box address
  • R - Rural route address
  • S - Street or residential address
1 character: F, G, H, P, R, S
DPV Delivery Point Validation Code:
  • Y - Address DPV confirmed for both primary and (if present) secondary numbers
  • D - Address DPV confirmed for the primary number only, and secondary number information was missing
  • S - Address DPV confirmed for the primary number only, and secondary number information was present but unconfirmed
  • N - Both Primary and (if present) Secondary number information failed to DPV Confirm
1 character: Y, D, S, N
VACANT Vacant:
  • Y - Physical Address Identified by USPS as Vacant
  • N - Someone living at that address
1 character: Y or N
MSA A metropolitan statistical area (MSA), formerly known as a standard metropolitan statistical area (SMSA), is the formal definition of a region that consists of a city and surrounding communities that are linked by social and economic factors, as established by the U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB). For more information on how FIPS, MSA and CBSA are related, visit 4 characters
CBSA New metropolitan and micropolitan statistical area definitions were announced by OMB on June 6, 2003, based on application of the 2000 standards with Census 2000 data. Metropolitan and Micropolitan Statistical Areas are collectively referred to as Core-Based Statistical Areas. Metropolitan statistical areas have at least one urbanized area of 50,000 or more population, plus adjacent territory that has a high degree of social and economic integration with the core as measured by commuting ties. M 5 characters
STATECD Federal Information Processing System (FIPS) Codes for States and Counties FIPS codes are numbers which uniquely identify geographic areas, this fields contains the two-digit State code, e.g. Code 01 corresponds to ALABAMA 2 characters
CNTYCD Federal Information Processing System (FIPS) Codes for States and Counties FIPS codes are numbers which uniquely identify geographic areas, this fields contains the three-digit count code, e.g. Code 003 corresponds to Baldwin County 3 characters
DWELLTYPE Dwelling Type is an indicator of the type of structure at a given address. Single Family Dwelling Unit (SFDU) indicates that one household resides in the structure. Multiple Family Dwelling Unit (MFDU) is one where more than one household is present in the building.
  • S=Single Family Dwelling Unit (SFDU)
  • M=Multi-family Dwelling Unit (MFDU)
  • Blank - Unknown
1 character: S or M

Match Levels

Output Field Description Returned Values
MATCH LEVEL Indicates level of identity match to the Infutor Graph:
  • 1 - indicates a match at the individual level
  • 2 - indicates a match at the household level
  • 3 - indicates a lower level match
  • 4 - indicates a match to a single identity marker where multiple markers were provided
  • 5 - indicates a match to an identity that does not have demographics available – gender, age, and dob are the only fields that may contain values
  • 6 - indicates that no match was made our identity graph but a gender could be inferred based on analysis of the name present on input
1 character with values 1 - 6

Core Demographics

Output Field Description Returned Values
MATCH LEVEL Indicates level of identity match to the Infutor Graph:
  • 1 - indicates a match at the individual level
  • 2 - indicates a match at the household level
  • 3 - indicates a lower level match
  • 4 - indicates a match to a single identity marker where multiple markers were provided
  • 5 - indicates a match to an identity that does not have demographics available – gender, age, and dob are the only fields that may contain values
  • 6 - indicates that no match was made our identity graph but a gender could be inferred based on analysis of the name present on input
1 character with values 1 - 6
GENDER Known gender - Male, Female. The gender of an individual is typically gathered from self-reported or public information sources, or can be assigned based on the individuals name and/or title. In cases where the individual's first name and title are unknown/ambiguous and no additional sources reflect gender, the gender will be coded as "Unknown."
  • M - Male
  • F - Female
1 character: M or F
AGE Adult Estimated Age is calculated from date of birth data. Age data is applied at the individual level and is compiled from a variety of sources that may include public data, buying activities, and self-reported information. This is a calculation of age based on the individual's Year of Birth. The calculation is current year less the YOB. 2 characters from 18-99
DOB The known month and Year of birth of the individual and date where availabe. The Adult Date of Birth select will identify members of the household that meet the given birth date criteria. Dates must be entered for the birth month and year. Age data is applied at the individual level and is compiled from a variety of sources that may include public data, buying activities, and self-reported information. Exact age data is considered sensitive in nature and may require contractual restrictions. Formats YYYYMMDD, YYYYMM, YYYY
HOMEOWNERCD The Homeowner/Renter select identifies if the occupant of the residence is the homeowner or a renter. Home ownership as reflected by real estate transaction and deed records County Assessor or County Recorder based, survey data and modeled information.
  • H - Homeowner is a deterministic value of known homeowners as recorded by property deed records and recorded home sales.
  • R - Renter is a deterministic value of known households living in properties that are not currently occupied by the homeowner. Data is sourced from property deed records and recorded home sales data.
  • O - Probable Homeowner is a probabilistic value identifying medium-level confidence of a homeowner status. Data is based on a combination of survey data signals indicating a likely homeowner status.
  • P - Probable Renter is a probabilistic value identifying medium-level confidence of a renter status. Data is based on a combination of survey data signals indicating a likely renter status.
  • U - Unknown are records with no data signals to indicate a homeowner or renter status and are assigned as likely to be low-confidence renters. Previous versions recorded assigned these records as NULL.
1 character: H, R, O, P, U
EHI Estimated income level is a model and takes into consideration several known demographic attributes, self-reported information and census demographics. Data is assigned at the household level.
  • A - Less than $20,000
  • B - $20,000-$29,999
  • C - $30,000-$39,999
  • D - $40,000-$49,999
  • E - $50,000-$74,999
  • F - $75,000-$99,999
  • G - $100,000-$124,999
  • H - $125,000-$149,000
  • I - $150,000-$174,999
  • J - $175,000-$199,999
  • K - $200,000-$249,999
  • L - $250,000+
1 character: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L
MARRIEDCD Known marital status and modeled information. The Marital Status select indicates if member of the household is likely married or single. Data is applied at the household level where available and then the married or single designation is inferred at the Zip+4 or to provide more thorough coverage.
  • M - Married
  • S - Single
1 character: M or S
WEALTHSCR The net worth selection is a demographically based analytical model which predicts the ranges for household net worth. Net worth is calculated by the total assets etitmated to be associated with a household (such as deposit accounts, investments and home value) minus liabilities (such as loans, mortgages and credit card debt).
  • A = $0 OR LESS
  • B = $1 - $4,999
  • C = $5,000 - $24,999
  • D = $25,000 - $49,999
  • E = $50,000 - $74,999
  • F = $75,000 - $99,999
  • G = $100,000 - $149,999
  • H = $150,000 - $249,999
  • I = $250,000 - $374,999
  • J = $375,000 - $499,999
  • K = $500,000 - $749,999
  • L = $750,000 - $999,999
  • M = $1,000,000 +
1 character: A - M
ETHNICITYCD Ethnicity of an Individual as proved by self reported participante and overlays from participating source data.
  • A - Southeast Asian
  • C - Central & Southwest Asian
  • E - Eastern European
  • F - All African American Ethnic Groups
  • I - Middle Eastern
  • J - Jewish
  • M - Mediterranean
  • N - Native American
  • O - Far Eastern
  • P - Polynesian
  • S - Scandinavian
  • T - Other
  • W - Western European
  • Y - Hispanic
  • Z - Uncoded (No Group)
1 character: A, C, E, F, I, J, M, N, O, P, S, T, W, Y, Z
LANGUAGECD Languages spoken by an individual as provided by self reported participants and overlays from particpating source data.
  • A2 - Albanian
  • A3 - Amharic
  • A4 - Arabic
  • A5 - Armenian
  • A6 - Ashanti
  • B4 - Bulgarian
  • B5 - Burmese
  • C1 - Chinese
  • C3 - Czech
  • D1 - Danish
  • D2 - Dutch
  • E1 - English
  • E2 - Estonian
  • F1 - Farsi
  • F2 - Finnish
  • F3 - French
  • G2 - German
  • G3 - Ga
  • G4 - Greek
  • H2 - Hebrew
  • H3 - Hindi
  • H4 - Hungarian
  • I2 - Indonesian
  • I3 - Italian
  • J1 - Japanese
  • K2 - Khmer
  • K4 - Korean
  • L1 - Loatian (Include Hmongh)
  • L2 - Latvian
  • L3 - Lithuanian
  • N2 - Norwegian
  • O1 - Oromo
  • P1 - Pashto
  • P2 - Plish
  • P3 - Portuguese
  • R1 - Rumanian
  • R2 - Russian
  • S2 - Serbo-Croatian
  • S3 - Sinhalese
  • S4 - Slovakian
  • S5 - Slovenian
  • S8 - Spanish
  • S9 - Swahili
  • SB - Swedish
  • T1 - Tagalog
  • T3 - Thai
  • T4 - Tibetan
  • T6 - Turkish
  • U1 - Urdu
  • V1 - Vietnamese
2 characters
CHILD The Presence of Children, childrens's age ranges and number of children selections reflects the probable presence of children under age 18 in a given household. Information is sourced from children's age and gender data which is gathered from a variety of sources that includes public records where they may be available, survey data as well as modeled census based information.
  • Y - Presence of Children
1 character: Y or Blank
CHILDAGECD_6 Presence of Children under 6 1 character
CHILDAGECD_6_10 Presence of Children Aged 6 - 10 1 character
CHILDAGECD_11_15 Presence of Children Aged 11 - 15 1 character
CHILDAGECD_16_17 Presence of Children Aged 16 - 17 1 character
CHILDNBRCD Number of Children Code:
  • A - No Children
  • B - Less Than 3
  • C - 3-5
  • D - 6+
1 character: A, B, C, D

Supplemental Demographics

Output Field Description Returned Values
LOR Length of residence indicates the probable number of years an individual/household has been located at current address. Data comes from multiple sources including real estate, public record and self-reported sources. 2 characters: 00 - 99
SGLPARENT Potentially single parent determined by model of known demographic information. The Single Parent Household select is used to identify households with a potentially single parent present. Data is applied at the household level and is sourced from self-reported survey data. 1 character: Y
HHNBRSR Total number of individuals in a given household whose known birth year indicates and age of 65 or greater 1 character: Y
HHNBR Total number of individuals in a given household. Number of individuals in household
SPANISHSPCD Indicates an individual who has reported speaking Spanish in their home 1 character: Y
SOHOCD Indicates an individual owns a small business or has a home office at this address. 1 character: Y
VETERANCD Compilation of signals and self reported data indicating an individual within the household has served or is serving in the armed forces. 1 character: Y
CREDITCARD Indicator that an indivdual has used a credit card for purchases of goods and services.
  • Y - Credit Card
1 character
CHARITYDNR Known donor to charitable causes received from self-reported and other transactional sources 1 character: Y
MRKTHOMEVAL Estimated market value of home as indicated by County Tax Assesor and deed records. The Home Market Value indicates the relative Home Market Value as compared to all of the homes within the same county. This data is applied at the address level.
  • A - $1,000 - $24,999
  • B - $25,000 - $49,999
  • C - $50,000 - $74,999
  • D - $75,000 - $99,999
  • E - $100,000 - $124,999
  • F - $125,000 - $149,999
  • G - $150,000 - $174,999
  • H - $175,000 - $199,999
  • I - $200,000 - $224,999
  • J - $225,000 - $249,999
  • K - $250,000 - $274,999
  • L - $275,000 - $299,999
  • M - $300,000 - $349,999
  • N - $350,000 - $399,999
  • O - $400,000 - $449,999
  • P - $450,000 - $499,999
  • Q - $500,000 - $749,999
  • R - $750,000 - $999,999
  • S - $1,000,000 Plus
1 character: A - S
EDUCATIONCD Education is defined as the level of education completed by the consumer. This is a probabalistic attribute based on self-reported information, surveys, and census sources.
  • A - Completed High School
  • B - Completed College
  • C - Completed Graduate School
  • D - Attended Vocational/Technical
  • E - Some High School
  • F - Some College
1 character: A, B, C, D, E, F
OCCUPATIONCD Derived from self-reported data and/or state license bureaus indicating an individuals occupation code.
  • B - DOCTOR
  • L - FORMAN
  • N - FARM
  • 2 - LEGAL
  • 3 - MEDICAL
1 character: A – Z,1 - 5
RELIGIONCD Religion of individual as provided by self reported participants and overlays from participating source data.
  • B - Buddhist
  • C - Catholic
  • G - Greek Orthodox
  • H - Hindu
  • I - Islamic
  • J - Jewish
  • K - Siku
  • L - Lutheran
  • M - Mormon
  • O - Eastern Orthodox
  • P - Protestant
  • S - Shinto
  • X - Not Known or Unmatched
1 character: B, C, E, G, H, I, J, S, L, M, O, P, S, X
YRBLD Year dwelling was built based on real estate transaction and deed records County Assessor or County Recorder based Format YYYY
MOBHOMECD Residence is a mobile home as indicated by Real Estate transaction and deed records County Assessor or County Recorder based 1 character: Y
POOL Residence has a pool as indicated by Real Estate transaction and deed records County Assessor or County Recorder based 1 character: Y
FIREPLCD Residence has a fireplace as indicated by Real Estate transaction and deed records County Assessor or County Recorder based 1 character: Y
CENSPCT_WATER Percentage of Water in a given zip code From 0-100
CENS_POP_DENSITY Population Density per square mile in a given zip code 6 character max eg. 85035
CENS_HU_DENSITY Housing Units Density per square mile in a given zip code 6 character max eg. 29338
CENSPCT_POP_WHITE Percentage of White population in a given zip code From 0-100
CENSPCT_POP_BLACK Percentage of Black population in a given zip code From 0-100
CENSPCT_POP_AMERIND Percentage of Amer Indian population in a given zip code From 0-100
CENSPCT_POP_ASIAN Percentage of Asian population in a given zip code From 0-100
CENSPCT_POP_PACISL Percentage of Pac Islander population in a given zip code From 0-100
CENSPCT_POP_OTHRACE Percentage of Other Races population in a given zip code From 0-100
CENSPCT_POP_MULTIRACE Percentage of Multi Race population in a given zip code From 0-100
CENSPCT_POP_HISPANIC Percentage of Hispanic population in a given zip code From 0-100
CENSPCT_POP_AGELT18 Percentage Population Age 18 in a given zip code From 0-100
CENSPCT_POP_MALES Percentage Males in a given zip code From 0-100
CENSPCT_ADULT_AGE1824 Percentage Adult Age 18-24 in a given zip code From 0-100
CENSPCT_ADULT_AGE2534 Percentage Adult Age 25-34 in a given zip code From 0-100
CENSPCT_ADULT_AGE3544 Percentage Adult Age 35-44 in a given zip code From 0-100
CENSPCT_ADULT_AGE4554 Percentage Adult Age 45-54 in a given zip code From 0-100
CENSPCT_ADULT_AGE5564 Percentage Adult Age 55-64 in a given zip code From 0-100
CENSPCT_ADULT_AGEGE65 Percentage Adult Age 65+ in a given zip code From 0-100
CENS_POP_MEDAGE Population Median Age in a given zip code From 0-100
CENS_HH_AVGSIZE Average Household Size in a given zip code (not rounded to the nearest whole) 10 characters max eg. 3
CENSPCT_HH_FAMILY Percentage Hh Family in a given zip code From 0-100
CENSPCT_HH_FAMILY_HUSBWIFE Percentage Hh Family Husband & Wife in a given zip code From 0-100
CENSPCT_HU_OCCUPIED Percentage Housing unit Occupied in a given zip code From 0-100
CENSPCT_HU_OWNED Percentage Housing unit Owned in a given zip code From 0-100
CENSPCT_HU_RENTED Percentage Housing unit Rented in a given zip code From 0-100
CENSPCT_HU_VACANTSEASONAL Percentage Housing unt Vacant/Seasonal in a given zip code From 0-100

Parcel Level GeoCodes

Output Field Description Returned Values
LATITUDE The geometrical location north or south of the equator assigned to the address. A value in decimal degrees to an accuracy of 4 decimal places is accurate to 11.1 meters, a value of 6 decimal places is accurate 0.111 meters.
LONGITUDE The geometrical location east or west of a north-south line, called the prime meridian, assigned to the address. A value in decimal degrees to an accuracy of 4 decimal places is accurate to 11.1 meters, a value of 6 decimal places is accurate 0.111 meters.
GEOLEVEL The level of precision at which the Latitude and Longitude are assigned.
  • 01 - Exact Parcel Level
  • 02 - Street Interpolation (ie., parcel point interpolation between 2 points)
  • 03 - Street Point (i.e., a spatial location derived from placement on the street centerline)
  • 04 - ZIP9
  • 05 - ZIP7
  • 06 - ZIP5
  • 07 - CITY
  • 08 - STATE
From 01-08

Behavioral & Lifestyle Insights

Output Field Description Returned Values
MS_ACCESSORY Includes shoes, purses, belts, etc. Values from 0 to 99
MS_APPAREL Includes the purchase of clothing. MS_ACCESSORY, MS_KIDAPP, MS_MENAPP, and MS_WOMAPP are included in the overall MS_APPAREL variable. Values from 0 to 99
MS_AUDIO Includes purchases related to audio equipment. Values from 0 to 99
MS_AUTO Includes purchases related to Cars/Trucks Values from 0 to 99
MS_AVIATION Includes purchases of aviation related items. Values from 0 to 99
MS_BARGAINS Includes purchases of low-cost or on-sale products from catalogs, retail and websites Values from 0 to 99
MS_BIBLE Includes purchases of religious items Values from 0 to 99
MS_BOATSAIL Includes boating, sailing, canoeing, kayaking, water skiing, rafting, etc Values from 0 to 99
MS_BOOKS Number of distinct book company participants. Values from 0 to 99
MS_BUSINESS Includes business news, and/or products usually associated with running a business or a career or operating an office Values from 0 to 99
MS_CAMP Includes camping and hiking Values from 0 to 99
MS_CATALOG Number of different catalogs ordered from. Values from 0 to 99
MS_COLLECTIBLES Includes dolls, coins, stamps, stuffed animals, plates, memorabilia, etc. Values from 0 to 99
MS_COMPUTERS Includes Computers, software and computer accessories Values from 0 to 99
MS_COOKING Includes recipes, cooking utensils and food products Values from 0 to 99
MS_BEAUTY Includes purchases of Beauty & Cosmetic items Values from 0 to 99
MS_CRAFTS Includes crochet, sewing, knitting, needlepoint, quilting, jewelry, ceramics, painting, etc. Values from 0 to 99
MS_CULTUREARTS Includes art, antiques, opera, museums, the theatre, etc. Values from 0 to 99
MS_CURREVENT Includes periodicals, news magazines, websites & blogs Values from 0 to 99
MS_DIY Includes home improvements and construction, wood working, auto repair, etc. Values from 0 to 99
MS_ELECTRONICS Includes home and auto stereos, video equipment, etc. Does not include computers. Values from 0 to 99
MS_EQUESTRIAN Includes purchases related to horses/horse riding Values from 0 to 99
MS_FAMILY Includes products designed for families with children. Values from 0 to 99
MS_FICTION Include books & magazines of fiction Values from 0 to 99
MS_FISHING Include fishing paraphenalia as well as books & publications related to fishings Values from 0 to 99
MS_FITNESS Includes purchases of fitness equipment, clothing, accessories as well as subscribers to publications and books. Values from 0 to 99
MS_FOOD Includes purchases of any food item Values from 0 to 99
MS_FUNDRAISING Includes purchases of any food item Values from 0 to 99
MS_GAMES Includes computer games, traditional board games, puzzles, etc. Values from 0 to 99
MS_GARDEN Includes purchases of gardening products, plants, seeds, books etc. Also includes subscribers to gardening publications Values from 0 to 99
MS_MERCHANDISE Includes catalog items not classified under any other affinity. Values from 0 to 99
MS_GIFTGIVR Number of orders that were given as gifts. Values from 0 to 99
MS_GIFTEE Number of orders that were received as gifts. Values from 0 to 99
MS_GIFTS Includes products usually given as gifts. Values from 0 to 99
MS_GOURMET Includes upscale products, and fine foods, wines, and other expensive items. Values from 0 to 99
MS_HEALTH MS_FITNESS is included in MS_HEALTH. Also includes health related items which are not fitness Values from 0 to 99
MS_HISTORY Includes purchases of books/publications related to history Values from 0 to 99
MS_HOMEDECR Includes furniture as well as other home décor items such as rugs, vases, pictures etc. Values from 0 to 99
MS_HOUSEWARES Includes housewares excluding large appliance purchases Values from 0 to 99
MS_HUMOR Includes comic books and strips, cartoons, comedies, etc. Values from 0 to 99
MS_HUNTING Includes purchases of all types of hunting related items (including rifles, bows etc) as well as subscribers to hunting publications Values from 0 to 99
MS_INSPIRATION Includes non-religious products, such as new age products, astrology, etc. Values from 0 to 99
MS_KIDAPP Includes all types of children's apparel Values from 0 to 99
MS_MAGS Number of distinct participating magazine titles. Values from 0 to 99
MS_MENAPP Includes all types of men's apparel Values from 0 to 99
MS_MOTORCYCLES Includes all types of motorcycles/motorcycle related products and subscriptions to motorcycle publications Values from 0 to 99
MS_MUSIC Includes music, music playing equipment, and musical instruments. Values from 0 to 99
MS_MONEYMAKING Includes moneymaking opportunities, usually of the get-rich-quick nature. Values from 0 to 99
MS_MONEYMAKING Includes moneymaking opportunities, usually of the get-rich-quick nature. Values from 0 to 99
MS_PFIN Includes all types of personal finance (including magazines) Values from 0 to 99
MS_PETS Includes purchase of all types of pet products including cats and dogs Values from 0 to 99
MS_PHOTOPROC Includes companies that offer film processed via the mail or the Internet. Values from 0 to 99
MS_PHOTO Includes products/magazines related to photography Values from 0 to 99
MS_PUBLISH Number of distinct publishing participants, counting individual magazines and book companies Values from 0 to 99
MS_PUB_COOKING Includes all types of cooking publications & books Values from 0 to 99
MS_PUB_FAMILY Includes all types of family/children publications & books Values from 0 to 99
MS_PUB_GARDEN Includes all types of gardening publications & books Values from 0 to 99
MS_PUB_GIFTGIVR Indicates number of magazine subscriptions given as a gift Values from 0 to 99
MS_PUB_GIFTEE Indicates number of magazine subscriptions or book orders received as a Gift. Values from 0 to 99
MS_PUB_HOMEDECR Includes all types of publications & books related to home décor and furninishings Values from 0 to 99
MS_PUB_HOMELIV Includes all types of publications & books related to home living Values from 0 to 99
MS_PUB_OUTDOORS Includes all types of publications & books related to outdoors (includes hunting, fishing, camping, hiking, some watersports) Values from 0 to 99
MS_SCIENCE Includes products, magazines & books related to science Values from 0 to 99
MS_SPORTS Includes products, magazines & books related to sports Values from 0 to 99
MS_TRAVEL Includes products, magazines & books related traveling & vacations Values from 0 to 99
MS_TVMOVIES Includes purchases of videos, subscribers to streaming services as well as magazine subscribers Values from 0 to 99
MS_WILDLIFE Includes purchasers of products related to Wildlife and the environment as well as donors & magazine subscribers Values from 0 to 99
MS_WOMAN Includes generic women’s publications. Values from 0 to 99
MS_WOMAPP Includes all types of women's apparel Values from 0 to 99
MS_WOMFASH Includes publications related to women’s fashion. Values from 0 to 99
CPI_HISTORY_AMERICAN_INDEX Interested specifically in American History, patriotic themes, and/or veteran’s issues. Included in CPI_HISTORY_INDEX. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_APPAREL_INDEX Interested in or purchasers of Apparel or fashion. Includes the CPI_APPAREL_ACCESSORIES, CPI_APPAREL_KIDS, CPI_APPAREL_MEN, CPI_APPAREL_MENFASH, CPI_APPAREL_WOMEN, CPI_APPAREL_WOMFASH indices below. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_APPAREL_ACCESSORY_INDEX Interested in or purchaseres of shoes, purses, belts, etc. Included in CPI_APPAREL_INDEX. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_APPAREL_KIDS_INDEX Interested in or purchasers of children’s apparel via direct marketing channels. Included in CPI_APPAREL_INDEX. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_APPAREL_MEN_INDEX Interested in or purchasers of men’s apparel . Included in CPI_APPAREL_INDEX. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_APPAREL_MENFASH_INDEX Interested in or purchasers of men’s fashion. Included in CPI_APPAREL_INDEX. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_APPAREL_WOMEN_INDEX Interested in or purchasers of women’s apparel via direct marketing channels. Included in CPI_APPAREL_INDEX. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_APPAREL_WOMFASH_INDEX Interested in or purchasers of women’s fashion. Included in CPI_APPAREL_INDEX. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_INSURANCE_AUTO_INDEX Interested in purchasing Automobile Insurance Values from 9 to 0
CPI_AUTO_TRUCKS_INDEX Interested specifically in trucks (excluding SUVs). Included in CPI_AUTO_INDEX. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_AUTO_INDEX Interested in anything automobile-related, such as auto parts and tools, restoration, performance, general and make/model specific enthusiast products, etc. Includes CPI_AUTO_RACING and CPI_AUTO_TRUCKS indices. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_AVIATION_INDEX Interested in airplanes and other things that really fly and can transport things and people. Does not include toy planes. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_BARGAINS_INDEX Interested in saving money, including coupons, low-cost stores and discount clubs, money-saving sales, rewards programs, auction websites, free stuff, etc. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_BEAUTY_INDEX Interested in beauty-related products, including cosmetics, treatments, etc. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_BIBLE_INDEX Interested in religion, church-going, bible-oriented products, and the spiritual. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_PUBLISH_BOOKS_INDEX Known to have purchased a book via direct marketing channels. Included in CPI_PUBLISH_INDEX. Includes CPI_NONFICTION, CPI_FICTION, and CPI_SCIFI passions. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_BUSINESS_INDEX Interested in business news, career, and/or products usually associated with running a business. Includes CPI__BUSINESS_HOMEOFFICE index. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_BUSINESS_HOMEOFFICE_INDEX Indication that the person has a Home Office. Included in CPI_BUSINESS_INDEX. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_CATALOG_INDEX Has purchased from a catalog. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_DONOR_INDEX Has a known history of donating to charitable causes. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_FAMILY_INDEX Those known to live in a family (i.e., adults and children) household, based on the presence of children and/or the purchase of children’s related products. Includes both CPI_FAMILY_TEEN_INDEX and CPI_FAMILY_YOUNG_INDEX. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_FAMILY_TEEN_INDEX Those known to live in a family (i.e., adults and children) household with at least one teenager, based on based the presence of children and/or the purchase of teen-related products. Included in CPI_FAMILY_INDEX. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_FAMILY_YOUNG_INDEX Those known to live in a family (i.e., adults and children) household with at least one child under , based on the presence of children and/or the purchase of younger children’s related products. Included in CPI_FAMILY_INDEX. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_COLLECTIBLES_INDEX Interested in collectibles, including dolls, coins, stamps, stuffed animals, plates, memorabilia, etc. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_COLLEGE_INDEX Interested in colleges and universities as an alumni. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_COMPUTERS_INDEX Interested in computers and products used with computers. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_CONTINUITY_INDEX Purchased a product offered via continuity. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_COOKING_INDEX Interested in cooking, baking, and all things culinary, including recipes and cooking equipment. Included in CPI_HOMELIV_INDEX. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_CRAFTS_INDEX Covers all crafts, including crochet, sewing, knitting, needlepoint, quilting, jewelry, ceramics, painting, etc. Includes the CPI_CRAFTS_CROCHET, CPI_CRAFTS_KNIT, CPI_CRAFTS_NEEDLEPOINT, CPI_CRAFTS_QUILT, CPI_CRAFTS_SEW passions listed below. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_CRAFTS_CROCHET_INDEX Interested in crocheting. Included in CPI_CRAFTS Index Values from 9 to 0
CPI_CRAFTS_KNIT_INDEX Interested in knititing. Included in CPI_CRAFTS Index Values from 9 to 0
CPI_CRAFTS_NEEDLEPOINT_INDEX Interested in needlepoint. Included in CPI_CRAFTS Index Values from 9 to 0
CPI_CRAFTS_QUILT_INDEX Interested in quilting. Included in CPI_CRAFTS Index Values from 9 to 0
CPI_CRAFTS_SEW_INDEX Interested in the sewing craft. Included in CPI_CRAFTS_INDEX. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_CC_INDEX Has used a credit card to make a purchase Values from 9 to 0
CPI_CREDIT_REPAIR_INDEX Interested in repairing their credit Values from 9 to 0
CPI_CREDIT_REPORT_INDEX Have purchased or obtained a copy of their credit report Values from 9 to 0
CPI_CULTUREARTS_INDEX Interested in culture and the arts, including art, antiques, opera, museums, the theatre, etc. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_CURREVENT_INDEX Interested in the news and politics. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_DIY_INDEX Interested in Do It Yourself projects, including home improvements and construction, wood working, auto repair, etc. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_EDUCATION_SEEKERS_INDEX Interested in furthering their education including online schools, brick and mortar schools and trade schools Values from 9 to 0
CPI_ELECTRONICS_INDEX Interested in electronics, such as home and auto stereos, video equipment, etc. Does not include computers. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_FICTION_INDEX Interested in fiction books. Included in CPI_PUBLISH_INDEX and CPI_PUBLISH_BOOKS_INDEX. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_GAMBLING_INDEX Interested in games of chance, including casino gambling and lotteries. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_GAMES_INDEX Interested in a variety of games, including computer games, traditional board games, puzzles, etc. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_GARDENING_INDEX Interested in gardening and plants, both indoors and outdoors, decorative and edible. Included in CPI_HOMELIV_INDEX. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_GIFTGIVR_INDEX Has been known to purchase gifts for others via a direct marketing channel. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_GOURMET_INDEX Interested in gourmet and upscale products, such as fine foods, wines, and other expensive items. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_HEALTH_INDEX Interested in one’s health and/or self-improvement. Includes HEALTH_DIET and HEALTH_FITNESS indices below. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_INSURANCE_HEALTH_INDEX Interested in purchasing Health Insurance Values from 9 to 0
CPI_HEALTH_DIET_INDEX Interested in weight control or losing weight. Included in CPI_HEALTH_INDEX. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_HEALTH_FITNESS_INDEX Interested in physical fitness and exercise, including running, biking, walking, weight lifting, aerobics, etc. Included in CPI_HEALTH_INDEX. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_HIGHTECH_INDEX Interested in new and/or relatively rare high technology electronic products, such as HDTV’s, digital video cameras, digital video recorders, satellite radio, pagers, home fax machines, plasma TVs, etc. This is a moving target as products become more accepted and as new products are invented. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_HISPANIC_INDEX Race indicated as Hispanic, speaks Spanish, and/or interested in Hispanic-oriented products. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_HISTORY_INDEX Interested in History. Includes CPI_HISTORY_AMERICAN index. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_HOBBIES_INDEX Interested in unspecified hobbies or in various hobbies not included in other passions. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_HOMEDECR_INDEX Interested in Home Decorating, such as furnishings, wall and window treatments, layouts, etc. Included in CPI_HOMELIV_INDEX. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_HOMELIV_INDEX Interested in things related to the home. These include the CPI_COOKING, CPI_GARDENING, and CPI_HOMEDECR passions listed below, but also include house wares, linens, and the like. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_EQUESTRIAN_INDEX Interested in horses and riding. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_INSPIRATION_INDEX Interested in non-religious inspiration, including new age products, astrology, etc. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_INSURANCE_INDEX Interested in purchasing insurance (includes Life, Health & Auto) Values from 9 to 0
CPI_INTERNET_ACCESS_INDEX Known only to have internet access; does not necessarily include an internet purchase. Included in CPI_INTERNET_INDEX. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_INTERNET_BUY_INDEX Known to have purchased a product via the internet. Included in CPI_INTERNET_INDEX. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_INTERNET_INDEX Known to be on the internet. Includes the INTERNET_ACCESS and INTERNET_BUY passions. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_JOB_SEEKERS_INDEX Users of online job searching sites Values from 9 to 0
CPI_PUBLISH_MAGS_INDEX Known to have purchased a magazine via direct marketing channels. Included in CPI_PUBLISH_INDEX. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_PUBLISH_INDEX Known to have purchased a book or magazine via direct marketing channels. Includes CPI_PUBLISH_MAGS and CPI_PUBLISH_BOOKS passions. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_MOBILE_APPS_INDEX Have purchased a ring tone or app for a mobile device Values from 9 to 0
CPI_MOTORCYCLES_INDEX Interested in motorcycles and ATVs. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_MUSIC_INDEX Interested in music and/or music playing equipment. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_NONFICTION_INDEX Interested in non-fiction books. Included in CPI_PUBLISH_INDEX and CPI_PUBLISH_BOOKS_INDEX. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_MONEYMAKING_INDEX Interested in moneymaking opportunities, usually of the get-rich- quick nature. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_OUTDOORS_INDEX Interested in outdoor, sportsman-type activities. Includes the CPI_OUTDOORS_BOATSAIL, CPI_OUTDOORS_CAMP, CPI_OUTDOORS_FISHING, CPI_OUTDOORS_HUNTING, and CPI_OUTDOORS_HUNTFISH passions listed below. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_OUTDOORS_BOATSAIL_INDEX Interested in boating, sailing, canoeing, kayaking, water skiing, rafting, etc. Included in CPI_OUTDOORS_INDEX. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_OUTDOORS_CAMP_INDEX Interested in camping, hiking, climbing, etc. Included in CPI_OUTDOORS_INDEX. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_OUTDOORS_FISHING_INDEX Interested specifically in fishing, saltwater and/or freshwater. Included in CPI_OUTDOORS_INDEX. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_OUTDOORS_HUNTING_INDEX Interested specifically in hunting or guns. Included in CPI_OUTDOORS_INDEX. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_OUTDOORS_HUNTFISH_INDEX Interested in hunting and/or fishing. Source data covers both (general sportsman activities), not specific to one or the other. Included in CPI_OUTDOORS_INDEX. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_PFIN_INDEX Interested in personal finance, investments, retirement planning, etc. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_EGO_INDEX Interested in personalized products, such as monograms. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_PETS_CATS_INDEX Interested in or an owner of cats. Included in CPI_PETS_INDEX. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_PETS_DOGS_INDEX Interested in or an owner of dogs. Included in CPI_PETS_INDEX. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_PHOTOPROC_INDEX Known to have had film processed via the mail or the internet. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_PHOTOG_INDEX Interested in photography. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_CONSERVATIVE_INDEX Expressed a preference for a conservative political point of view or party. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_LIBERAL_INDEX Expressed a preference for a liberal political point of view or party. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_SOCIAL_NETWORKING_INDEX Users of online social networking services such as facebook, twitter etc. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_SPORTS_INDEX Interested in sports, mostly spectator and/or paraphernalia purchaser, but includes participation. Includes the CPI_SPORTS_BASEBALL, CPI_SPORTS_BASKETBALL, CPI_SPORTS_FOOTBALL, CPI_SPORTS_GOLF, CPI_SPORTS_HOCKEY, CPI_SPORTS_SKIING, CPI_SPORTS_SOCCER and CPI_SPORTS_TENNIS passions below. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_SPORTS_BASEBALL_INDEX Interested in the specific sport of Baseball as a spectator, paraphernalia purchaser and/or participant. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_SPORTS_BASKETBALL_INDEX Interested in Basketball Values from 9 to 0
CPI_SPORTS_BIKING_INDEX Interested in Biking Values from 9 to 0
CPI_SPORTS_FOOTBALL_INDEX Interested in Football Values from 9 to 0
CPI_SPORTS_GOLF_INDEX Interested in Golf Values from 9 to 0
CPI_SPORTS_HOCKEY_INDEX Interested in Hockey Values from 9 to 0
CPI_SPORTS_RUNNING_INDEX Interested in Running Values from 9 to 0
CPI_SPORTS_SKI_INDEX Interested in Skiing Values from 9 to 0
CPI_SPORTS_SOCCER_INDEX Interested in Soccer Values from 9 to 0
CPI_SPORTS_SWIMMING_INDEX Interested in Swimming Values from 9 to 0
CPI_SPORTS_TENNIS_INDEX Interested in Tennis Values from 9 to 0
CPI_SWEEPS_INDEX Interested in offers utilizing sweepstakes. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_TRAVEL_INDEX Interested in traveling. Includes the CPI_TRAVEL_CRUISE, CPI_TRAVEL_RV and CPI_TRAVEL_US passions. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_TRAVEL_CRUISE_INDEX Interested in boat cruises. Included in CPI_TRAVEL_INDEX. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_TRAVEL_RV_INDEX Interested in recreational vehicles or known to own one. Included in CPI_TRAVEL_INDEX. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_TRAVEL_US_INDEX Interested in travel within the US. Included in CPI_TRAVEL_INDEX. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_TVMOVIES_INDEX Interested in television, movies, videos, DVDs, etc. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_WILDLIFE_INDEX Interested in the environment and/or wildlife. Values from 9 to 0

Connex Targets

Output Field Description Returned Values
CT_MEDIA_HEAVYUSAGE_MAGAZINE Y - Frequent reader of magazines 1 character: Y
CT_MEDIA_HEAVYUSAGE_NEWSPAPER Y - Frequent reader of newspapers 1 character: Y
CT_MEDIA_HEAVYUSAGE_RADIO Y - Frequent listener to radio 1 character: Y
CT_MEDIA_HEAVYUSAGE_PTRADIO Y - Frequent listener to radio primetime 1 character: Y
CT_MEDIA_HEAVYUSAGE_TV Y - Frequent watcher of television 1 character: Y
CT_MEDIA_HEAVYUSAGE_INTERNET Y - Frequent user of internet 1 character: Y
CT_MEDIA_HEAVYUSAGE_ODRMDA Y - Frequent reader of outdoor media 1 character: Y
CT_SOCIALUSAGE30_FB Y - Facebook Social media, photo or video-sharing services visited or used in the last 30 days 1 character: Y
CT_SOCIALUSAGE30_INSTA Y - Instagram Social media, photo or video-sharing services visited or used in the last 30 days 1 character: Y
CT_SOCIALUSAGE30_LNKIN Y - Linkedin Social media, photo or video-sharing services visited or used in the last 30 days 1 character: Y
CT_SOCIALUSAGE30_PINT Y - Pinterest Social media, photo or video-sharing services visited or used in the last 30 days 1 character: Y
CT_SOCIALUSAGE30_TWITTER Y - Twitter Social media, photo or video-sharing services visited or used in the last 30 days 1 character: Y
CT_SOCIALUSAGE30_YOUTUBE Y - Youtube Social media, photo or video-sharing services visited or used in the last 30 days 1 character: Y
CT_STRMSUB_PRIME Y - Subscribes to Prime Video for streaming video services 1 character: Y
CT_STRMSUB_HULU Y - Subscribes to Hulu for streaming video services 1 character: Y
CT_STRMSUB_NETFLIX Y - Subscribes to Netflix for streaming video services 1 character: Y
CT_SMRTPHN_TYPEOWNS_ANDROID Y - Owns an Android smartphone (any brand) 1 character: Y
CT_SMRTPHN_TYPEOWNS_IPHONE Y - Owns an Apple iPhone smartphone 1 character: Y
CT_HOMEIMPROVE12_ANY Y - Made improvements to home 1 character: Y
CT_HOMEREMODEL12_ANY Y - Home Remodeling - Summary: Any: In last 12 months 1 character: Y
CT_POLITICAL_PARTYAFF_DEMOCRAT Y - Democratic political affiliation 1 character: Y
CT_POLITICAL_PARTYAFF_GOP Y - Republican political affiliation 1 character: Y
CT_POLITICAL_PARTYAFF_IND Y - Independent/no party affiliation 1 character: Y
CT_POLITICAL_OUTLK_VCONSERV Y - Political outlook is very conservative 1 character: Y
CT_POLITICAL_OUTLK_SWCONSERV Y - Political outlook is somewhat conservative 1 character: Y
CT_POLITICAL_OUTLK_MID Y - Political outlook is middle of the road 1 character: Y
CT_POLITICAL_OUTLK_SWLIBERAL Y - Political outlook is somewhat liberal 1 character: Y
CT_POLITICAL_OUTLK_VLIBERAL Y - Political outlook is very liberal 1 character: Y
CT_ONLINESHOPSEG_OFFLINE Y - Online Shoppers Segments: Offline-Only Shoppers 1 character: Y
CT_ONLINESHOPSEG_TRAD Y - Online Shoppers Segments: Traditional Consumers 1 character: Y
CT_ONLINESHOPSEG_STRAITFWD Y - Online Shoppers Segments: Straightforward Shoppers 1 character: Y
CT_ONLINESHOPSEG_DEALSEEK Y - Online Shoppers Segments: Passionate Deal Seekers 1 character: Y
CT_ONLINESHOPSEG_QUALSEEK Y - Online Shoppers Segments: Active Quality Seekers 1 character: Y
CT_TECHTUDESEG_PHOBES Y - Technology Attitude Segments: Techno-Phobes 1 character: Y
CT_TECHTUDESEG_LAGGRDS Y - Technology Attitude Segments: Techno-Laggards 1 character: Y
CT_TECHTUDESEG_XPLOIT Y - Technology Attitude Segments: Tech-Sploiters 1 character: Y
CT_TECHTUDESEG_GAMER Y - Technology Attitude Segments: Techno-Gamers 1 character: Y
CT_TECHTUDESEG_THUSIAST Y - Technology Attitude Segments: Tech-Thusiasts 1 character: Y
CT_TECHTUDESEG_XPLOR Y - Technology Attitude Segments: Tech-Splorers 1 character: Y
CT_DNR_CONTRIB_PBS Y - Contributed to Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) 1 character: Y
CT_DNR_CONTRIB_NPR Y - Contributed to National Public Radio (NPR) 1 character: Y
CT_DNR_CONTRIB_RELIGIOUS Y - Contributed to religious organization(s) 1 character: Y
CT_DNR_CONTRIB_ARTS Y - Contributed to arts/cultural organization(s) 1 character: Y
CT_DNR_CONTRIB_EDU Y - Contributed to educational organization(s) 1 character: Y
CT_DNR_CONTRIB_ENVIRO Y - Contributed to environmental organization(s) 1 character: Y
CT_DNR_CONTRIB_HEALTH Y - Contributed to health organization(s) 1 character: Y
CT_DNR_CONTRIB_POL Y - Contributed to political organization(s) 1 character: Y
CT_DNR_CONTRIB_SOCSERV Y - Contributed to social service organization(s) 1 character: Y
CT_DNR_CONTRIB_NONREL Y - Contributed to other non-religious organization(s) 1 character: Y
CT_DNR_CONTRIBAMT_HIGH Y - Contributed $500 or more to organization(s) 1 character: Y
CT_VOLUNTEER_CHTYORG Y - Volunteered for a charitable organization 1 character: Y

Connex Segmentation

Output Field Description Returned Values
HHCLSTRDCD See Connex HouseHold Clusters Table Cluster code
NEIGHBORHOOD_CLSTRDCD See Connex Neighborhood Clusters Table Cluster code
FMCLSTRDCD See Connex Family Clusters Table Cluster code
MESSAGING_CLSTRDCD See Connex Messaging Clusters Table Cluster code
DIGITALCLSTRDCD See Connex Digital Clusters Table Cluster code
GENERATION_CLSTRDCD See Connex Generation Clusters Table Cluster code
GENERATION_GRPCD See Connex Generation Groups Table Generation group code
LIFESTG_CLSTRD See Connex Life Stage Clusters Table Cluster code
LIFESTG_GRPCD See Connex Life Stage Groups Table below Life Stage group code

Connex Household Cluster

Cluster Code Cluster Name Cluster Description
A01 Single Start-Ups Single Start-Ups are off and running towards a successful future. With Associate's degrees in hand, this unmarried and child-free audience is focusing on their careers in the armed forces, law enforcement and administration. Their less than average household income centers around necessities including transportation, food & beverages and personal care. In their free time, "Single Start-Ups" like to go dancing, engage in cooking for fun, relax with a beer or two and cheer on the home team at sporting events.
A02 Hard-Working Mamas Hard-Working Mamas are young unmarried women caring for children under the age of ten. In general, these armed forces enlistees, law enforcement officers and administrators live in rentals built after 1990 and focus their limited household income on transportation, food & beverages and personal care. "Hard-Working Mamas" enjoy listening to the radio or reading magazines when they're not chatting with friends on their smartphones. These kid-focused moms have also recently bought toys or eaten in fast food restaurants.
A03 Road-Weary Renters Road-Weary Renters are a middle-aged, middle class audience that tends to be unmarried and without children in the household. You may find them riding their motorcycles on their weekends off from their jobs in the armed forces, law enforcement and administration. Their limited household income goes towards transportation and food & beverages, but they have probably also ordered an item by phone that they recently saw on the internet. It's highly likely that "Road-Weary Renters" have smoked cigarettes and chewed tobacco, as well as taken a vitamin, dietary supplement or prescription remedy to address a specific issue.
A04 Fun for the Whole Family Married with children, "Fun for the Whole Family" is a family-oriented audience. Managing careers in the armed forces and law enforcement is nothing compared to managing kids under the age of fifteen! Although they spend the bulk of their money on transportation, food & beverages and personal care, you can bet these families have also bought toys or a small kitchen appliance recently. You have probably also seen "Fun for the Whole Family" driving their standard or compact cars to nearby fast food restaurants for a quick bite before heading off to their next activity.
A05 Single in Suburbia Single in Suburbia are single without children in the household, living in suburban rentals that are likely located near a military base. These Associate's degree holders are enjoying careers in the armed forces, law enforcement and administration. They like playing the lottery, and gambling in general, and can be seen zooming around town on their motorcycles. Although their limited budget goes towards necessities like transportation, food & beverages and personal care, "Single in Suburbia" also have enough left over to purchase low-ticket home furnishings or perhaps a new toy for their household pet.
A06 Family Focused Family Focused are married couples caring for children of all ages. You can find these families living in single family homes in mid-size suburbs, driving their full-size pick-ups or compact cars to their jobs in the armed forces and law enforcement. Although they have debt, with a household income slated mainly for transportation, food & beverages and personal care, "Family Focused" still find a way to buy new toys or spend a day at the local theme park.
A07 Humble Homebodies Humble Homebodies are predominantly single retirees living in mid-size suburban areas in single family homes built after 1990. They have a limited fixed income, which they use for transportation, food & beverages and tobacco products. They enjoy the simple pleasures of home such as watching television, reading the newspaper and gardening. It's also quite probable that many "Humble Homebodies" own some type of retirement real estate.
A08 Road to Retirement For the most part, "Road to Retirement" are a middle-aged audience creeping increasingly closer to retirement. These married empty nesters live in mid-size suburban areas in single family homes that are less than 30 years old. You'll likely see them driving their full-size picks-ups or motorcycles to their jobs in the armed forces, law enforcement and administration. This established segment tends to own mutual funds, as well as life insurance policies. Their down-time is spent reading outdoor media, volunteering for charitable organizations or taking a cruise vacation. "Road to Retirement" also like eating out at family restaurants and it's quite possible that they've recently ordered something by phone that they saw in a catalog.
A09 Middle Class Mommies Middle Class Mommies are predominantly unmarried women taking care of children between the ages of three and five. These homeowners live in newer homes in mid-size suburban areas. They've earned their Associate's degree, which they've used to land jobs in the armed forces, law enforcement and administration. They use their somewhat less than average household income for transportation, food & beverages and personal care. In their rare free moments, "Middle Class Mommies" like to listen to the radio and try their luck with the lottery. Some of their more recent purchases may include large kitchen appliances, big-ticket home furnishings, toys, clothing and perhaps something for their dog.
A10 Middle-Aged Middles With their average single family homes in mid-size suburban areas, these marrieds with children are your typical family next door complete with Fido and Fluffy. "Middle-Aged Middles" drive their compact cars and vans to their jobs in the armed forces, law enforcement and administration. Many of them avoid a commute altogether as home-based business owners. They channel their household income towards transportation, personal care and food & beverages--especially the fast food variety. "Middle-Aged Middles" have probably also recently purchased a large kitchen appliance or returned from a cruise trip.
A11 Sweet Life in Suburbia Single family homes. Attended a theme park. Spend $150+ per week on groceries. Bought sports/recreation equipment. Yep, these are the trappings of "Sweet Life in Suburbia". These mommies and daddies work hard at their jobs in the armed forces, law enforcement or as home-based business owners. When they get a free moment, they enjoy reading a magazine or two. Their above average income is geared towards transportation, food & beverages and personal care. Like many families, "Sweet Life in Suburbia" does have some consumer debt, but there's still money for investment real estate, new tires and gas for their mid-size SUVs.
B01 Small Town Singles Young, single and free from the responsibilities of parenthood, "Small Town Singles" are living an unencumbered existence in small town suburbia. As recent recipients of Associate's and Bachelor's degrees, this audience is just getting started in their yet-to-be-solidified careers. They use their less than average incomes for household furnishings and operations, as well as for entertainment and transportation. For fun, "Small Town Singles" like to go dancing, listen to music they've recently downloaded or surf the net. They've also been known to imbibe in distilled liquor, which they may accompany with a cigar or cigarette.
B02 Millennial Mommies Single, Gen Y women and their children dominate this audience. When they're not on the job as engineers, "Millennial Mommies" are on the job as mommy and daddy, caring for children under the age of fifteen. For the most part, this audience lives in rental properties that are less than 25 years old in small-size suburban areas. They like to go dancing and listen to the radio, as well as spend quality time with the kids at the local theme park. Although their less than average income is budgeted for household operations and transportation, they've probably also recently purchased some low-ticket home furnishing or toys for the kids.
B03 Single and Ready to Mingle Young, single and free from the responsibilities of children aptly summarizes the "Single and Ready to Mingle" audience. As recent recipients of their Associate's or Bachelor's degrees, these workforce newbies are in the initial phases of their careers in the field of architecture/engineering. They like to gamble, enjoy cooking and frequently listen to their fave tunes on the radio. You can see them riding their motorcycles around their small-size suburban neighborhoods, or at the local watering hole knocking back a few beers with friends. "Single and Ready to Mingle" spend their less than average incomes on household furnishings and operations, entertainment and transportation and they may have recently returned from a vacation abroad or a cruise.
B04 Tweeners Tweeners are singles in between relationships caring for children in between grade school and college. These single parents tend to live in smaller suburban settings in comfortable single family homes; and whether it's a compact or intermediate car, these are typically two vehicle households. "Tweeners" enjoy careers in architecture/engineering and spend their above average incomes on furnishing and running their households, transportation and entertainment. For fun, this group likes to play the lottery and go dancing, which they may also do around the house to music they've recently downloaded. And with children in the household, you can bet they've recently purchased toys or some kind of sports/recreation equipment.
B05 Simply Retired Simply Retired are enjoying their golden years in mid-size suburban areas where they reside in comfortable single family homes. They are less likely than the national average to be married and unlikely to have any children left at home. Those that are still working enjoy careers in architecture/engineering and those that are retired enjoy reading newspapers, watching television and gardening. "Simply Retired" spend their fixed incomes on furnishing and maintaining their homes, transportation and entertainment. In addition, they probably also own some kind of retirement real estate.
B06 Boomerangers Boomerangers are married retirees whose children have returned (or perhaps never left) the nest. This group likes to gamble, are members of collector's clubs and enjoy spoiling their four-legged fur babies. They spend their slightly less than average household incomes on their homes, transportation and entertainment and have probably recently purchased a large kitchen appliance or some new tires for the standard and compact cars that are parked in the driveway.
B07 Reaching for Retirement On the brink of retiring, "Reaching for Retirement" are a middle-aged audience living in small town suburbia, where they reside in comfortable rentals built after 1990. Whether they're married or single, this segment is unlikely to have children living under their roof any longer. They have established careers in the field of architecture/engineering and spend their incomes on their homes, their two or more cars and entertainment. "Reaching for Retirement" enjoy watching television and cooking, which would account for the large kitchen appliance they recently purchased.
B08 Hearth and Home Hearth and Home are married with children living in single family homes, which are located in mid-size suburban settings. After dropping the kids off at school, these moms and dads head to the office where they enjoy careers in architecture/engineering. Some of them simply head to their home offices, where they expertly manage the details of their home-based businesses. When they're not working, you can find "Hearth and Home" listening to the game on the radio, volunteering for charitable organizations or perhaps attending a sports event. Although they have consumer debt, these folks still find a way to buy that large kitchen appliance they've had their eye on...perhaps a new refrigerator to protect the $150+ worth of groceries they buy on a weekly basis!
B09 Prime Time As its name suggests, "Prime Time" are in the prime of their lives working as engineers in mid-size suburban settings. They are less likely than the national average to be married with children, but not unlikely. For the most part, these folks are renters living in properties that are less than 25 years old. They spend their above average incomes on their homes, their two or more vehicles and entertainment. In their free time, "Prime Time" are members of collector's clubs and also enjoy gambling. They are likely to own investment real estate and some of their most recent purchases may include low-ticket home furnishings and sports/recreation equipment.
B10 Family Ties Married with children of all ages, "Family Ties" are the definition of family life in small town suburbia. You will typically find this audience living in rental properties, with the majority of their income focused on home furnishings and operations, transportation and entertainment. An accounting of their latest purchases would probably reveal big-ticket home furnishings, large kitchen appliances, sports/recreation equipment and toys. "Family Ties" also spend a fair amount of money on food, frequently dining out at their favorite family restaurant, not to mention the $150+ they spend on groceries each week.
B11 Happy Homeowners Happy Homeowners are single and unlikely to have children still living at home. As its name suggests, nearly every household in this segment is the proud owner of a house in the suburbs. "Happy Homeowners" focus their above average incomes on their homes, their two plus cars and entertainment. Although they like to gamble and play the lottery, they do have an eye on the future, which is evidenced by their mutual funds, college savings accounts, retirement plans and other similar investments. Although "Happy Homeowners" do have consumer debt, it doesn't stop them from purchasing items they may have seen on the internet or in their favorite catalog.
B12 Small Town Suburbia Small Town Suburbia are married couples and their children, living in single family homes located in mid-size suburban settings. With kids of all ages still at home, this segment spends quality time at the local theme park or sporting events. Typical expenditures include $150+ per week on groceries, new sports & recreation equipment and of course toys. Although "Small Town Suburbia" does have consumer debt, it hasn't stopped them from making some recent home improvements, which may have included the purchase of a large kitchen appliance.
B13 Free At Last Free At Last are married couples who are reconnecting again now that the kids have left the nest. This retired, or nearly retired, set enjoys watching sports on TV and gardening. They live a comfortable existence in their single family homes in smaller suburban areas and are rested and relaxed having just returned home from their recent cruise trip. With the bulk of their career in their review mirrors, "Free At Last" have had ample time to build investment portfolios, which include stocks, mutual funds and other investments. They enjoy eating out at their favorite family restaurant on a regular basis, which they drive to in their compact cars or full-size pick-ups.
C01 Hittin' the Ground Running Hittin' the Ground Running are young, unmarried and unlikely to have children in the household. They have recently earned their Bachelor's or Post-Graduate degrees and are starting promising careers in the fields of computers and engineering. They live in larger suburban areas where they have rentals they enjoy fixing up with new household furnishings. Their income is directed towards their homes, paying off student loans, gifts and personal insurance. In their free time, "Hittin' the Ground Running" like to go dancing, surf the net and play on their smartphones.
C02 Mama's In Charge Mama's In Charge is an audience comprised largely of young, single mothers caring for kids under the age of ten. For the most part, this audience lives in rental properties located in larger size suburban areas. These educators and engineers tend to use their incomes to take care of their homes, pay for school loans, buy gifts and to insure themselves and their children. They may have also treated themselves to a piece of fine jewelry recently. When they're not working, "Mama's In Charge" are probably shopping for women's clothing, chatting on their smartphones or spending quality kid time at the local theme park.
C03 Aging Gracefully Single with no kids left at home, "Aging Gracefully" are retired, or rapidly approaching retirement, from their jobs as engineers, educators and healthcare diagnosticians. These folks live in well maintained homes located in larger suburban settings. They have a healthy net worth and probably own stocks and mutual funds, along with some retirement real estate. For "Aging Gracefully," a little R&R includes a glass or two of wine, travel to foreign countries, cheering on their hometown teams or simply reading the newspaper.
C04 Sunny Suburbia Sunny Suburbia are married with kids, living in well appointed homes located in large suburban settings. They drive their imports, SUVs and luxury cars to their jobs in the fields of engineering, education, healthcare/diagnostics and management. Weekends are spent with the family at the local theme park or cheering on the hometown team. "Sunny Suburbia" also relax with a glass of wine now and again and for real relaxation they vacation to foreign countries.
C05 Parents Without Partners Parents Without Partners are successful singles with children, living in well appointed homes in large suburbs. They're in the thick of their careers as architects, educators, corporate managers and doctors. They use their above average incomes to furnish and maintain their homes, buy gifts and for education, whether it be lingering student loans or their children's education. "Parents Without Partners" enjoy tuning in the local sports team on the radio, listening to music they've recently downloaded or catching a flick on their Blu-ray player. They also like to shop and have probably purchased women's clothing or a small kitchen appliance recently.
C06 Relaxation Maximization Relaxation Maximization are living out their golden years in single family homes located in larger suburban settings. Having retired from their careers in education, healthcare and engineering, this set now enjoys more laid back endeavors such as reading the newspaper, watching TV or gardening. They have a comfortable net worth, along with some retirement real estate, and tend to focus their spending on their homes, gifts and personal insurance. "Relaxation Maximization" take care of their health with vitamins and dietary supplements, but occasionally take a prescription remedy for a specific ailment.
C07 Slowin' Their Roll Slowin' Their Roll are established singles and married couples winding down from, or newly retired from, careers in engineering, education and healthcare. The majority of these folks still have children living with them in their high-end suburban homes. This set continues to add to their already comfortable nest egg and what they're not saving they're using for their homes, education, gifts, contributions and personal insurance. They've also recently purchased books, women's clothing or an item they saw in a catalog, which they ordered over the phone. "Slowin' Their Roll" enjoy dancing, playing the lottery and eating out at their favorite family restaurants...well, when they're not noshing on home-cooked meals that is, which costs them $150 or more per week at the grocery store.
C08 Climbing the Ladder Climbing the Ladder are young singles creating a name for themselves in their chosen field of computers/math, architecture/engineering and education. These career-minded professionals rent posh pads located in larger suburban settings. They enjoy dancing, attending sporting events and surfing the net where they've recently downloaded some new tunes or perhaps a best-selling read. "Climbing the Ladder" spend their above average incomes on household operations, big-ticket home furnishings, gifts and personal insurance. What remains is devoted to the multiple trips abroad this set has already taken or plan on taking in the future.
C09 Reaping the Reward Reaping the Reward are married empty nesters enjoying the fruits of their labor. As retired engineers, executive managers, educators, doctors and nurses, these folks managed to create a very healthy net worth for themselves. Whether it's stocks, mutual funds or real estate, "Reaping the Reward" have diverse portfolios that allow them to enjoy a worry-free retirement from their comfortable suburban homes. At home you can find them reading the newspaper or enjoying a glass of wine out on the deck. Vacations are spent cruising the high seas or discovering foreign locales.
C10 Single Savvy Savers Single Savvy Savers are a middle-aged audience that is single and unlikely to have children in the household. They live in large-scale suburbs where they enjoy careers as educators and architectural engineers. They've managed to amass a comfortable net worth thus far and what they're not saving is focused on home furnishings, renter insurance for their upscale abodes, education, gifts and personal insurance. They enjoy dancing, sports and browsing the internet where they probably spotted a must-have item that they ordered over the phone. "Single Savvy Savers" also enjoy the occasional libation and have a particular fondness for wine and distilled spirits.
C11 Carpool Lane Carpool Lane are married couples caring for children of all ages in mid-size suburban surroundings. Dad drives his imported car to his engineering job, while mom takes the SUV to drop off the kids at school before heading to the medical office where she's a nurse practitioner. The family's above average income is used for household operations and furnishings, education, gifts, contributions and personal insurance. On the weekends, "Carpool Lane" heads to the local theme park for a day of good old fashioned family fun.
C12 Pinnacle of Success Pinnacle of Success are middle-aged educators, doctors, nurses and executive managers who live in comfortably furnished suburban homes with their spouse and children. They continually add to their already solid net worth and use what remains of their income for their kid's education, gifts, contributions, personal insurance and for their high-end homes, which probably have new furnishings or large kitchen appliances. They also drop $150 or more per week on groceries. "Pinnacle of Success" enjoy reading magazines, not to mention the recently purchased NYT bestseller. For fun, these families revel in a day of roller coasters and cotton candy at the local theme park.
C13 Single Sophisticates For the most part, "Single Sophisticates" are single without any children in the household. Rather, this established audience is focused on their careers in engineering, education, healthcare and computers. Their above average incomes afford them comfortable suburban homes, as well as allow them to pay for education, gifts, contributions and personal insurance. They've also probably bought some household furnishings recently. "Single Sophisticates" enjoy surfing the net on their smartphones and cheering on their home team at any number of sporting events. They like to relax with a beer or their favorite distilled liquor and it's not unusual for this set to visit a foreign country for vacation.
C14 Sittin' Pretty in the Suburbs Sittin' Pretty in the Suburbs are mature married couples closing in on retirement. This audience probably still has some older children living with them in their high-end homes. They've been highly successful in their careers as executive managers, home-based business owners and successful in fact that they've built a substantial net worth for themselves, which includes stocks and investment real estate. "Sittin' Pretty in the Suburbs" earn well above average incomes that allow them to enjoy the finer things in life like luxury cars, vacations abroad and cruising the high seas.
C15 Suburban Splendor Suburban Splendor are married couples and their children living the good life in mid-size suburban settings where they reside in sprawling high-end homes. Theses engineers, doctors, executive managers and home-based business owners work hard and have already managed to build-up a sizable net worth. They enjoy reading magazines, driving luxury cars and taking fabulous family vacations to foreign lands. "Suburban Splendor's" extremely healthy incomes allow them to invest in real estate, buy top-of-the-line household furnishings, educate their children and to be quite generous with gifts and contributions.
D01 Fast Trackers Fast Trackers are rapidly ascending the ladder of success as lawyers, artists and careers in social science. These singles live in high-end condos and townhouses in the urban core. They enjoy dancing, participating in sports, cooking for fun and chillin' with friends over a beer or their fave distilled liquor. "Fast Trackers" use their less than average incomes for reading materials, clothes, student loans, personal care and other miscellaneous expenses. It also wouldn't be surprising if they recently downloaded the latest chart topper.
D02 Momagers Momagers are living jam-packed lives with fast-paced careers as lawyers, professors and in the fields of social science and the arts. When work is finished, the race continues as these urban singles hop in their compact cars and head to their townhomes where their kids are waiting to hear what's for dinner. They use their slightly less than average incomes for reading materials, education, apparel, retail therapy and other miscellaneous expenses. With what's left over, they may purchase the latest NYT best seller or perhaps a new household appliance. When "Momagers" do eke out some free-time they like to go dancing, relax with a beer or two or chat with friends on their smartphones.
D03 Success in the City This established set is married with kids and in the midst of successful careers in the fields of education, social science and the arts. "Success in the City's" above average incomes allow them to buy reading materials, apparel, gifts and to educate their children. Recent purchases may have also included sports and recreation equipment for the kids, low-ticket home furnishings for their condo and even a piece of fine jewelry. Outside of work, you can find "Success in the City" volunteering for a charitable organization, or perhaps they just returned from a trip abroad.
D04 Renaissance Retirees Renaissance Retirees are retired from, or are in the twilight of, their careers in the arts, social science and in the legal sector. They're single and unlikely to have children living with them in their high-end urban rentals. They use their slightly below average household incomes for reading materials, apparel, personal insurance and other miscellaneous expenses. They have also recently purchased an item by phone, which they saw in a catalog. "Renaissance Retirees" enjoy reading their favorite newspaper or magazine with a glass of wine and volunteering for a charitable organization close to their hearts.
D05 Affluent Aficionados Affluent Aficionados are a married, middle-aged and child-free segment who are living a comfortable lifestyle in the big city. As lawyers and financial representatives they've done well for themselves and have managed to accrue a tidy net worth. Their above average incomes allow them to indulge in the finer things in life like luxury cars, fine jewelry and trips to foreign countries. On the flip side, "Affluent Aficionados" are also quite philanthropic and volunteer for charitable organizations in their free time.
E01 Young and Hungry Young and Hungry are unmarried and unlikely to have children in the household. Rather, they are putting their Bachelor's or Post-Grad degrees to work in their fledgling careers in social services and the armed forces. They tend to rent average condos and townhouses in smaller suburban settings with an above average crime index. There may also be a military base or correctional facility nearby, which would account for a higher population density than is typical for this area. With their limited incomes, "Young and Hungry" focus their spending on reading materials, utilities, personal care, healthcare and other miscellaneous expenses. Their free-time is spent dancing or relaxing with friends over a couple beers or other adult beverage of choice.
E02 Making It Matriarchs Making It Matriarchs are young unmarried mothers who are caring for children under the age of fifteen. Their careers are concentrated in the armed forces or social services. After work, these women head home to their rented condos for some quality time with their kids. Their below average income is applied to necessities such as utilities, personal care, healthcare and transportation. They have also recently purchased some clothes for themselves, toys for the kids and maybe even a piece of fine jewelry. "Making It Matriarchs" don't have a lot of free time, but when they do this group likes to go dancing or perhaps try out a new recipe on their family.
E03 Retiring Retirees Retiring Retirees have retired from their jobs in the armed forces or social services and are living a simple lifestyle in smaller suburban settings where they rent cozy townhomes. Although the suburbs they live in are on the smaller side, the local population is fairly dense due to a nearby military base or perhaps a correctional facility. Their limited fixed incomes handle the basics such as personal care, healthcare, utilities and retail expenses, with a little left over to buy that must-have item they recently saw in a catalog and ordered by phone. "Retiring Retirees" enjoy watching television, reading the newspaper and gardening.
E04 Stuck in the Middle Stuck in the Middle are a middle-aged, middle class audience that is more than likely married and certain to still have children at home. For the most part, these folks own condos or townhomes in suburban settings where the crime index tends to be on the high side. They're also more than likely living near a military base where they have a job in the armed forces. Although their income is slightly below average, they find the money for books, small kitchen appliances and women's clothing after the utilities and healthcare expenses are paid. In their spare time "Stuck in the Middle" can be found tooling around on their ATVs or volunteering for a charitable organization close to their hearts.
E05 Home Sweet Home Home Sweet Home are living a low-key family life in comfortable homes in the suburbs. During the week, you can find these married computer experts and social servants carpooling to work in the subcompact car they share. Their above average incomes allow them to pay their personal care, transportation and healthcare expenses, while still leaving extra for that cool new gas grill they ordered on the internet or the new stainless steel fridge they bought when their old one finally bit the dust. For fun, "Home Sweet Home" enjoy a good book or listening to the music they recently downloaded.
E06 Retirement Ready Upper middle-aged empty nesters dominate this group of social servants and computer experts who are closing in on retirement. "Retirement Ready" enjoy reading the newspaper, playing the lottery and dining out at family restaurants. They also spend a fair amount of time volunteering for their favorite charity. Their less than average household income is directed towards reading materials, utilities, healthcare, transportation and other miscellaneous expenses. And with retirement on the horizon, "Retirement Ready" are also keen investors, with portfolios featuring stocks, mutual funds and investment real estate.
E07 Frontline Families Married with children of all ages, "Frontline Families" are living lives focused on home, family and duty to country. This audience probably owns an average condo or townhouse in smaller suburban areas--quite possibly near the military base where they're enlisted. They use their above average household incomes for home goods such as large kitchen appliances, low-ticket home furnishings and other household appliances. They have probably also recently purchased some new toys or perhaps a new movie to watch on their DVD or Blu-ray players. "Frontline Families" enjoy catching up on the latest news and trends compliments of their favorite magazines, as well as spending quality family time at the local theme park.
E08 Settled Singles Settled Singles are enjoying low-key lives in suburban areas where the crime index tends to be high. These computer techs and social servants bring home an average paycheck, which they use to buy reading materials, pay the utilities, cover healthcare expenses and to gas up their imported cars. For fun, "Settled Singles" like to go dancing, gamble or have their friends over to dine on their latest culinary masterpiece.
F01 Low Income Laborers Low Income Laborers are young singles who are unlikely to have children at home. For the most part, this segment has not completed high school, which drives their blue collar careers in maintenance, construction, farming and material moving. With a very limited household income, "Low Income Laborers" focus their spending on basics such as food & beverages, utilities, personal care, apparel and their tobacco habit. A night out might include dinner at their favorite fast food restaurant followed by dancing, or perhaps a beer or two with friends.
F02 She Works Hard for the Money She Works Hard for the Money are young single mothers caring for infants and toddlers. These moms probably did not finish high school and are supporting their families with low paying jobs in maintenance, farming, construction and material moving. With their below average incomes, these women buy food & beverages, pay for utilities and purchase apparel, tobacco products and the occasional toy if their budgets permit. For fun, "She Works Hard for the Money" enjoy reading magazines, a night out dancing and chatting on their smartphones.
F03 Fixed Income Fixed Income are mature singles who are unlikely to have children still living with them in their moderate suburban homes. Living off their well below average incomes, this mature group's frugal spending is geared towards food & beverages, utilities, personal care and tobacco products. "Fixed Income" enjoy watching television and are also probably members of a collector's club. It's also a safe bet that these folks have taken a prescription or two recently to remedy an ailment.
F04 Flying Solo Residing in comfortable homes in mid-size suburban areas, "Flying Solo" are middle-aged singles raising children on their own. These single parents probably haven't graduated from high school and work hard at their blue collar jobs in maintenance, construction, farming and material moving. With their below average incomes, this segment tends to focus their spending on basics such as utilities, personal care and tobacco. They have probably also bought new tires recently, as well as women's clothing. "Flying Solo" also spend a good amount of money on food & beverages, including the $150 or more per week they spend on groceries, as well as their frequent meals at fast food restaurants.
F05 Gettin' By Gettin' By are an upper middle-aged segment that is married and may also have children living with them in their modest suburban homes. They drive their compact and imported cars to their maintenance and construction jobs and use their below average incomes for food & beverages, tobacco, utilities, personal care and apparel--they probably also own some retirement real estate. They like to relax by watching their favorite programs on television and perhaps a little gardening as well.
F06 La Familia La Familia are married with children, enjoying a modest lifestyle in mid-size suburban settings. Although their jobs as farmers, maintenance engineers and construction workers don't bring in the "big bucks," they do make enough to buy $150+ per week in groceries, pay the utilities, pick up some new trousers for dad, put new tires on the family car and pay the smartphone bill. "La Familia" also manages the occasional little luxury like toys for the kids, family time at the local theme park or rawhide treats for Fido.
F07 Daily Grind Single, without any children in the household, "Daily Grind" are living unremarkable lives in mid-size suburban settings. These maintenance workers, construction laborers and material movers get around in their compact cars or on their motorcycles, for which they've probably just purchased new tires. "Daily Grind" are avid sports fans who enjoy tuning into their favorite programs on the radio, gambling, reading magazines and enjoying a beer or two with the guys.
F08 Mamas and Papas Mamas and Papas are maintenance workers, farmers and construction laborers who work hard to support their families. These homeowners spend their average incomes on utilities, apparel, payments on their imports or luxury cars and groceries, for which they drop upwards of $150 per week. Weekends find "Mamas and Papas" enjoying family time at the local theme park, playing catch in the backyard with Spot and purchasing new toys for kids who managed to get their weekly chores completed as promised.
F09 American Dream American Dream are married couples enjoying an idyllic suburban lifestyle with their children. Their above average incomes cover household expenses such as food & beverages, transportation, apparel, personal care and utilities, as well as extras like large kitchen appliances for their comfortable homes or perhaps a piece of fine jewelry for mom. "American Dream" enjoy reading magazines, gambling and spending quality time with the kids at the local theme park. They are also planning for the future with a growing nest egg that includes investments in real estate and mutual funds.
G01 Single Simplicity Single Simplicity are young singles, without children in the household, living in older rentals in mid-size suburban areas. You can find this audience driving their compact cars to their jobs as healthcare technicians, administrators and social servants. They spend their less than average household incomes on transportation, healthcare, utilities, tobacco products and other miscellaneous expenses. They have probably also recently purchased big-ticket home furnishings or small kitchen appliances. "Single Simplicity" spends their downtime surfing the net and eating out at fast food restaurants.
G02 Modest Means Mommies Modest Means Mommies are predominantly single women caring for children under the age of fifteen. After dropping off the kids at school or daycare, these busy moms head off to their healthcare technician and social services jobs. Their less than average incomes are earmarked for rent, transportation, healthcare, utilities and other miscellaneous expenses. Some of their other recent purchases include new clothing for themselves, as well as new toys for the kids. When they do get some free time, "Modest Means Mommies" like to go dancing, read magazines, listen to the radio and treat the kids to dinner at McDonald's or Burger King.
G03 Suburban Sunsetters Suburban Sunsetters are a mature set, comprised heavily of single women who are unlikely to still have children living at home. On the verge of retirement, or newly retired, from their jobs in social services and healthcare, this audience lives in unexceptional rentals in mid-size suburbs. Their lean fixed income is geared towards transportation, utilities and healthcare, while still leaving a bit left over for new women's clothing. "Suburban Sunsetters" enjoy watching television, as well as making long distance calls to their loved ones.
G04 Mid-Life Matriarchs Mid-Life Matriarchs are middle-aged, single women who still have children living with them in their modest, single family suburban homes. These high school graduates and Associate's degree holders work hard at their jobs in the fields of social services, administration and healthcare. Their less than average incomes allow them to tackle healthcare and transportation expenses, utility bills and tobacco purchases. In addition, "Mid-Life Matriarchs" have probably recently purchased a new outfit for themselves or some low-ticket home furnishings to spruce up their digs. Downtime is spent eating out at fast food restaurants, attending sporting events or simply taking a little me-time to snuggle with the cat.
G05 Handy Homeowners Single, without any children at home, "Handy Homeowners" live in modest single family homes located in the suburbs. These healthcare technicians, administrators and social servants pull down a less than average income, but it's still enough to pay for basics like auto insurance, utilities, healthcare, tobacco products and other miscellaneous expenses. They also have enough remaining to cover the improvements they made to their homes recently. They like to relax by listening to the game on the radio or perhaps surfing the net to see what's going on in the world. "Handy Homeowners" also enjoy riding their motorcycles to the joint down the road to enjoy a beer or two with their buddies.
G06 Family-Friendly Family-Friendly are young married couples, with children of all ages, leading active lifestyles in the suburbs. With a tight budget resulting from their less than average household incomes, "Family-Friendly" tend to focus their spending on transportation, healthcare, utilities and $150+ per week on groceries. But occasionally there's a little extra to get new toys for the kids, the latest chart-topper by their favorite artist or that new kitchen gadget mom's had her eye on. Weekends are devoted to family pursuits such as playing fetch with Fido or perhaps taking their standard car to the local theme park for a day of family fun.
G07 Home Alone Home Alone are predominantly mature single women living out their golden years in modest suburban homes. These retirees enjoy watching television, reading the newspaper and making long distance calls to friends and family who don't live nearby. Although they don't make too many frivolous purchases, their limited fixed income is enough to cover basics such as utilities, transportation, medical insurance and other miscellaneous expenses. "Home Alone" have probably also taken a prescription remedy recently for an ailment, as well as a vitamin or supplement to support their overall health.
G08 Rest and Relaxation Rest and Relaxation are empty nesters enjoying their retirement years in mid-size suburban settings. Free from both career and parenting responsibilities, these couples like to go gambling, work in their gardens and keep abreast of current affairs by reading the newspaper. They spend their limited household income on transportation, utilities, tobacco products and insurance--both medical and life. "Rest and Relaxation" are also likely taking a prescription or two for various ailments, as well as a vitamin or supplement to protect their overall health.
G09 Sublime Suburbia Sublime Suburbia are married couples who do not have any children in the household. They live in suburban homes built before 1990 and enjoy careers in the fields of social services, healthcare and administration. Their above average household income is focused on transportation, healthcare, utilities and tobacco products. They have probably also purchased some men's clothing or a piece of fine jewelry recently. "Sublime Suburbia" also have an eye on the future and probably own some type of investment/retirement real estate. These folks enjoy playing the lottery and the radio in their compact cars is probably tuned into the sporting event du jour.
G10 Parenthood the Sequel Parenthood the Sequel are mature couples whose children have never left, or have recently returned to, the nest. These suburban homeowners enjoy gambling, gardening and doting on the family cat. As hard-working healthcare technicians, social servants, administrators and home-based business owners, "Parenthood the Sequel" pull down a less than average household income, but it's enough to cover transportation expenses, healthcare costs, utilities and other miscellaneous purchases. Plus, there's occasionally a little extra to buy some new duds for the men of the house and perhaps even a piece of fine jewelry for mom.
G11 Family First Family First are married couples who have their hands full caring for a household of children of all ages. These families tend to live in average homes in mid-size suburban settings. Mom works as a healthcare technician or in social services, while dad is an ambitious entrepreneur with a thriving home-based business. Their above average incomes easily accommodate their utility bills, transportation costs and healthcare expenses, while leaving enough left over for sports or recreation equipment, toys, men's clothing and small kitchen appliances. For fun, "Family First" enjoy cheering on their home team at local sporting events and you can bet the radio in their compact car is tuned into the local sports channel.
G12 Suburban Satisfaction Suburban Satisfaction are middle-aged married couples and their children enjoying a comfortable lifestyle in mid-size suburban settings. Their above average incomes cover the household bills with enough left over to splurge on extras like men's clothing, fine jewelry and sports/recreation equipment for the kids. And with college looming in the not so distant future, you can bet these parents also make regular deposits into the college savings plan they set-up for their children. For fun, "Suburban Satisfaction" enjoy attending sporting events, tooling around on their ATVs or tuning in the local game on the radio in their mid-size SUV.
H01 Overalls and Workboots Overalls and Workboots are a middle-aged audience that is not likely to be married or have children at home. Rather, these folks are focused on making a living in the rural township they call home. As high school graduates, this segment holds down jobs in installation, production, transportation and construction. Their below average income supports a basic lifestyle that includes rent for their humble abodes, transportation, healthcare and food & beverages. They have probably also purchased tires or a household appliance recently. "Overalls and Workboots" enjoy listening to the radio, a night out dancing and meeting up with their friends to knock back a couple beers, which they enjoy with their preferred tobacco product.
H02 Making Ends Meet Making Ends Meet are young, single and caring for children of all ages in America's rural regions. These folks work hard at their day jobs in installation, transportation, production and construction and even harder after the work whistle blows as single parents. With incomes that are below the national average, this group's expenses center around transportation, healthcare, tobacco products and food & beverages. They have probably also managed some new tires for their standard cars, new toys for their kids and perhaps a rawhide treat for the family dog. When "Making Ends Meet" do get a spare moment, they like to listen to the radio and read outdoor media.
H03 Rural Roots Rural Roots are largely single retirees with no children left at home, living in the rural town they've probably lived in most of their lives. This mature, largely female audience exists on an extremely tight fixed income, which they use to maintain their standard cars, pay for medial insurance, purchase tobacco products and buy food & beverages. It's likely they also own some type of retirement real estate. "Rural Roots" like to relax by reading about current events in their local newspaper and watching their favorite shows on television.
H04 Small Town Struggles For the most part, "Small Town Struggles" are married and still have children living at home. These families typically live in modest homes in rural America. Many folks in this segment have already retired, but those who haven't can be seen driving their compact pick-ups to their jobs in installation, production, transportation and construction--some even have home-based businesses they're trying to get off the ground. Their less than average household incomes cover basic requirements including food & beverages, transportation, healthcare and tobacco products. Little extras may include new tires for the motorcycle, women's clothing, a new chew toy for the family dog or perhaps something special they spotted in a mail order catalog. "Small Town Struggles" enjoy a good cigar and hitting the open road on their ATV.
H05 Rustic Reality Rustic Reality are installation contractors, production workers, construction laborers and healthcare technicians who tend to be single and most likely don't have any children in the household. These folks are rural homeowners who don’t have a lot of income at their disposal and what they do take home is earmarked for maintaining their vans, pick-ups and motorcycles, paying healthcare expenses, buying food & beverages and supporting their tobacco habit. "Rustic Reality" enjoy working on their homes and cars and own a variety of tools to help them get the job done. They also like tuning in their favorite programs on the radio.
H06 Small Town Sensibility Married, with children still living at home, "Small Town Sensibility" are an upper middle-aged segment living low-key lives in rural America. These high school graduates work hard at their production, transportation and construction jobs and some have even launched a home-based business venture. Their average incomes pay for vehicle maintenance and upkeep, healthcare expenses and food & beverages. "Small Town Sensibility" enjoy taking in a sporting event on the radio, eating at fast food restaurants and doting on their multiple pets. They also spend a fair amount of time volunteering for the charitable organization near and dear to them.
H07 Carefree in the Country Carefree in the Country are middle-aged singles living a peaceful existence in rural locales. These installation specialists, production workers, construction laborers and healthcare technicians pull down average incomes that easily cover their transportation expenses, healthcare costs, food & beverages and insurance premiums--both home and auto. They probably also own some real estate where they plan to retire one day. For fun, "Carefree in the Country" enjoy gardening and off-roading on their ATV.
H08 Kids Country Kids Country are married couples raising children of all ages in a country setting where the pace is slower and life is a little more simple. Mom and Dad are high school graduates with jobs in installation and production, in addition to managing a home-based business on the side. They spend their average incomes on maintenance and upkeep for their multiple vehicles, healthcare, toys for the kids and chewing tobacco for themselves. For fun, "Kids Country" enjoy exploring the countryside on their ATVs, listening to their favorite programs on the radio and reading outdoor media.
H09 Rural Retirees Rural Retirees are married couples who no longer have kids living under their roof. As retired installation workers, production specialists, transportation experts and construction workers, these folks now enjoy more peaceful pursuits such as gardening, ATV off-roading and catching up with friends and family who are just a long distance phone call away. While "Rural Retirees" probably won't be taking a five-star cruise anytime soon, their average household incomes are more than adequate to handle their transportation, healthcare and food & beverage expenses.
H10 Small Town USA Small Town USA are families enjoying the simple pleasures small town living has to offer. Mom and Dad enjoy solid jobs in the fields of production, transportation and installation. Some of the more enterprising folks even run a successful home-based business. Their above average incomes allow them to maintain their motorcycles, full-size pick-ups and other domestic autos, as well as cover healthcare costs, food & beverage expenses and care for their four-legged family members. "Small Town USA" spend quality family time cruising the countryside on their ATVs, listening to the game on the radio and reading outdoor media.
J01 Rural Rigors Rural Rigors are single without any children in the household living in humble rentals in rural farm settings. These high school graduates work long days farming their fields or in the fields of transportation, production, installation and law enforcement. Many of these folks may not even be in the labor force currently. Their below average household incomes are spent on basics such as healthcare, retail purchases, food & beverages, utilities and tobacco products. It's also probable that they have recently purchased a household appliance. "Rural Rigors" spend their downtime watching television, reading outdoor media and off-roading on their ATV.
J02 Heartland Hardships Single with children at home, these young mothers are struggling to eke out a living in rural America. As farmers, transportation experts, production workers, law enforcement officers and construction workers, "Heartland Hardships" pull down just enough to cover healthcare expenses, food & beverage purchases, utilities and to indulge their tobacco habit. Occasionally, there's enough remaining to put new tires on their standard cars, surprise the kids with a new toy, buy a new household appliance or score a new outfit for mom. For fun, "Heartland Hardships" enjoy eating out at fast food restaurants and playing catch with the family dog.
J03 Twilight Time Twilight Time are a predominantly single segment living out their golden years in humble homes in rural locales. These rustic retirees enjoy watching their favorite programs on television, making long distance calls to loved ones and indulging in their love of chewing tobacco. "Twilight Time" have basic needs, making their limited fixed income sufficient for the prescription remedy they take for an ailment, maintenance and upkeep of their compact pick-ups, minor retail purchases, food & beverages and utilities.
J04 Farmhouse Families Farmhouse Families are married couples raising children of all ages in rural America. Mom and Dad are farmers, transportation experts, production workers and home-based business owners. Although the income associated with these jobs doesn't accommodate too many luxuries, there is enough to cover new tires for their domestic cars, food & beverages, chewing tobacco, utilities, retail expenses and healthcare costs. These folks have probably also bought a large kitchen appliance or other household appliance recently. Downtime for "Farmhouse Families" includes off-roading adventures on their ATVs, spending time with their four-legged fur babies and reading outdoor media.
J05 Heartland Homes Heartland Homes are mature married couples who may or may not have children living with them in their modest homes in rural America. Recently retired, or on the verge of retiring, from their jobs in farming, production, law enforcement and construction, this set has managed to squirrel away a modest net worth for themselves, which probably includes some real estate in the mix. Their less than average household incomes allow them to manage healthcare expenses, retail expenditures, utilities and food & beverage purchases, as well as indulge their tobacco cravings. A good time for "Heartland Homes" includes hitting the open road on their ATVs and catching up with friends and family who are just a long distance phone call away.
J06 Peace and Plenty Peace and Plenty are married with children, enjoying all the comforts a peaceful life in the country has to offer. These families enjoy reading outdoor media, ATV off-roading and playing fetch with Fido. Mom and Dad work hard at their jobs in farming, transportation, production and installation--some are even thriving entrepreneurs running successful home-based businesses. Their above average incomes are used for healthcare expenses, retail purchases, food & beverages, utilities and tobacco products. "Peace and Plenty" also mange to invest a little each month and probably own some stocks and real estate.
K01 Single Serenity Single Serenity are young, single and living a simple life in the country. Although these country folks live in rural areas, a nearby correctional facility or mental institution could account for the denser population per square mile. These folks drive their standard cars or motorcycles to their jobs in social services and healthcare. Their below average incomes are allocated for retail purchases, healthcare, reading materials, tobacco products, utilities and other miscellaneous expenses. When they're not on the job, "Single Serenity" enjoy following their hometown teams, browsing the internet and listening to the radio. They also like getting together with friends after work to share a beer or two.
K02 Single Moms Club Single Moms Club are a segment comprised largely of single women caring for children 15 years and younger. These working moms have jobs in the fields of social services and healthcare, where they make less than average household incomes. Their typical expenditures include retail purchases, reading materials, utilities and tobacco products. They have probably also recently purchased some new clothes for mom, new toys for the kids and some low-ticket home furnishings to spruce up their modest rentals. Although "Single Moms Club" is located in a more rural area, close proximity to a correctional facility, nursing home or other similar institution makes the population per square mile denser than it would be otherwise.
K03 Rustic Retired Renters Rustic Retired Renters are mature singles living out their golden years in the peace and quiet of the country. Due to a nearby correctional facility, mental hospital or other such institution, the population density in this segment is higher than it would be in a similar rural area. "Rustic Retired Renters" enjoy watching television, reading the newspaper and making long distance calls to friends and family. Their limited fixed income is allocated for healthcare, reading materials, utilities, tobacco products and other miscellaneous expenses. It's also likely that they've bought a small kitchen appliance recently. You can bet most "Rustic Retired Renters" have also taken a prescription or two for minor ailments, as well as a vitamin or supplement for their overall health.
K04 Cozy in the Country Cozy in the Country couples and their children enjoy an idyllic existence in rural America. Mom and Dad have rewarding careers in sales or as successful home-based business owners. Their average household incomes stretch further in their small town, providing more than enough to pay for retail purchases, that new household appliance Mom's had her eye on, healthcare bills, utilities and reading materials for everyone in the family. For fun, these families like to go dancing, throw dinner parties where they can try out new recipes on friends and family and hitting nearby country roads on their motorcycles and ATVs. "Cozy in the Country" have probably also spent a fair amount of time volunteering for a charitable organization near to their hearts.
K05 Small Town Seniors As mature singles without children at home, "Small Town Seniors" are enjoying the perks of retired life in small town America. As a result of a nearby correctional facility or nursing home, this segment exhibits a higher population density than similar rural settings. This group of seniors lives on a limited fixed income, which they use for reading materials, healthcare, retail purchases and other miscellaneous expenses. It's highly likely "Small Town Seniors" also own some retirement real estate. These homeowners enjoy watching sporting events on television, reading about current events in their hometown newspaper and being active participants in collector's clubs.
K06 Aging Xers Aging Xers are comprised of middle-aged singles without any children in the household. Rather, these folks are focused on their Sales careers, where they pull down an average income. They have managed to save a tidy net worth for themselves thus far and have diverse portfolios that include stocks and mutual funds, as well as retirement real estate. What they're not investing or putting into a retirement plan is used for healthcare expenses, retail purchases and reading materials. They also like to indulge their love of travel and have probably taken a cruise recently, as well as multiple trips abroad. When they're not traveling, "Aging Xers" enjoy playing the lottery and relaxing with a glass or two of wine.
K07 Country Comfort Country Comfort are married with children of all ages. Although they live in a semirural locale, the population density for this segment tends to be higher than normal for such areas due to the nearby correctional facility, nursing home or other similar institution. As sales reps and home-based business owners, "Country Comfort" pull down average incomes, which they spend on household appliances, sports/recreation equipment, new toys for the kids and low-ticket home furnishings. Family fun time usually means a trip to the local theme park for a day of roller coasters, ring toss and cotton candy.
K08 Relaxed to the Max As its name suggests, "Relaxed to the Max" are married couples enjoying a peaceful retirement in nonurban settings. These retirees live on average household incomes, which they use for retail therapy, healthcare expenses, reading materials and other miscellaneous expenses. They also have a healthy net worth, which probably includes investment or retirement real estate. "Relaxed to the Max" enjoy gambling, watching sporting events on TV, reading the newspaper and driving their luxury cars to their local family restaurant for dinner. It's also quite likely that these couples recently returned tanned and rested from their cruise on the high seas.
L01 Senior Struggles in the City Senior Struggles in the City are mature singles who are getting by in the big city. Retired from jobs in personal care & service, social services and healthcare support, this group now lives on limited fixed incomes which, in the pricey urban core in which they live, cover basics such as retail purchases, personal care, utilities and food & beverages. This group of renters likely lives in multi-family units, on which they carry renter insurance to protect their valuables. They enjoy watching television and indulging the smoking habit they picked up in their younger years. It's likely "Senior Struggles in the City" take a prescription or two for various ailments, as well as a vitamin or supplement for specific health benefits.
L02 Unassuming Urbanites Unassuming Urbanites are single without children, living a modest existence in the inner city. These folks probably did not graduate from high school and are holding down jobs in the fields of fire prevention, personal care & service, social services and healthcare support. They tend to spend their less than average household income on retail purchases, personal care, utilities, food & beverages, healthcare, apparel, tobacco and reading materials. It's quite possible they have also purchased a piece of fine jewelry recently. For fun, "Unassuming Urbanites" enjoy dancing, cooking for friends and family and surfing the net, where they've recently downloaded the new album by their favorite artist.
L03 Paycheck-to-Paycheck Paycheck-to-Paycheck skews heavily towards single mothers who are raising their children in the urban core in townhome/condo rentals. This group of personal care associates, fire fighters, social servants and healthcare support employees pull down a less than average income, but it's enough to cover their retail purchases, utilities, tobacco products, food & beverages and personal care. Anything extra is allocated for women's clothing, big-ticket home furnishings and perhaps even a piece of fine jewelry. "Paycheck-to-Paycheck" enjoy a night on the town dancing, sharing a glass of wine or two with friends and treating the kids to a day of thrills and chills at the local theme park.
L04 City Standards City Standards are married couples and their children enjoying a moderate lifestyle in the urban core. Mom and Dad work in the fields of fire prevention, social services and healthcare support where they earn an average income that they use for retail purchases, reading materials, food & beverages, apparel and healthcare expenses. These families like to travel and have probably recently returned from a cruise or perhaps from a vacation abroad. When "City Standards" are not vacationing, these folks enjoy reading magazines, surfing the net and trying their luck at the local casino.
M01 Singular Focus Singular Focus are single professionals who probably don't have any children in the household. Rather, this ambitious set is focused on their careers in computers, architecture, sales and management. These savvy singles live in high-end homes and rental properties located on the fringes of urban centers. They spend their above average incomes on maintaining and managing their homes, education, personal insurance, gifts and contributions. When they're not working, "Singular Focus" can be found rooting for the hometown team at a local sporting event, texting with friends on their smartphones and downloading that hot new single by their favorite artist. For some serious R&R, this group jets off to foreign locales for a well deserved vacation.
M02 Raring for Retirement Raring for Retirement may or may not be married and are unlikely to have children still living at home with them. Instead, this group of nearly, or newly, retired professionals is living a carefree lifestyle on the urban fringe. Their careers in computers, engineering, management and sales earn them above average incomes, which they spend on their homes, personal insurance, apparel, gifts and contributions. They've accumulated a healthy net worth for themselves, which probably includes some stocks, as well as some retirement real estate. "Raring for Retirement" enjoy driving their luxury cars to their favorite family restaurant for dinner or relaxing with a glass or two of wine. These folks are also looking forward to the cruise vacation they plan on taking in a couple of months.
M03 Fortuitous Families Fortuitous Families are middle-aged married couples with children living high-end lives along the urban fringe. These computer experts, engineers and corporate managers pull down well above average incomes, which allow them to provide their families with the finer things in life including well appointed homes, luxury cars, fine jewelry, vacations abroad and top-of-the-line sports/recreation equipment for the kids. "Fortuitous Families" are also quite philanthropic and volunteer their time and talent to a charitable organization near and dear to them.
M04 Life in the Fam Lane Life in the Fam Lane are married couples raising young children in large-scale suburban settings located just outside of the city limit. These fortunate families enjoy comfortable lives thanks to Mom's and Dad's successful careers in computers, engineering, management and sales. Their well above average household incomes afford them all of life's necessities, plus extras such as high-end homes, imported cars, new toys for the kids and the latest in sports & recreation equipment. For quality family time, "Life in the Fam Lane" enjoy cheering on the home team at a local sporting event and a day of fast rides and sweet treats at the nearby theme park. These families are also focused on helping those who are less fortunate by volunteering at a local charitable organization.
N01 Suburban Challenges Suburban Challenges are material movers, healthcare support specialists, production workers and food preparation & service employees who are young, single and do not have children living with them in their modest rentals located outside of city centers. Their less than average incomes are focused on basics such as retail purchases, utilities, food & beverages, healthcare and tobacco products. When they're not working, "Suburban Challenges" enjoy watching television, listening to the radio, reading magazines and surfing the net. They also like to unwind with their favorite distilled liquor, perhaps while listening to the music they recently downloaded.
N02 Foundering Families Foundering Families are married with children, living a pinched existence in large-scale suburban settings. Mom and Dad work hard at their jobs in healthcare support, production and food preparation & service--some may even be unemployed currently. Their less than average household incomes support their family's basic needs including food & beverages, utilities, healthcare, personal care and tobacco products. Occasionally there's some left over for that new outfit for mom, new toys for the kids or a new household appliance for their modest rental. "Foundering Families" enjoy getting together for dinner at their favorite fast food restaurant.
N03 Surviving in Suburbia Surviving in Suburbia are predominantly single mothers and their children under the age of 10, living an indigent existence in large suburban settings. They hold down jobs in food preparation & service, production and healthcare support and many may also be currently unemployed. Their considerably less than average household income helps them pay for food & beverages, utilities, healthcare and other miscellaneous expenses. What remains helps buy women's clothing, household appliances and toys for the kids. When they get a moment to relax, "Surviving in Suburbia" enjoy listening to the radio and reading their favorite magazines.
N04 Cash-Strapped Seniors Cash-Strapped Seniors are single retirees without any children at home, living hand-to-mouth in large-scale suburban areas. With their extremely limited fixed incomes, these seniors focus their spending on basic necessities including utilities, food & beverages, healthcare, personal care and tobacco products. It's likely this audience uses a prescription or two to combat various ailments, as well as a vitamin or supplement for their overall health. "Cash-Strapped Seniors" keep up with current events compliments of their local newspaper and enjoy tuning in their favorite programs on television and the radio.
N05 Middle-Aged Matrons This audience of single, middle-aged moms and their children are living indigent lives in large-scale suburban settings. "Middle-Aged Matrons" struggle to make ends meet with their jobs in material moving, food preparation & service, healthcare support and production, however many of them are also currently unemployed. Although they don't have excess income at their disposal, they do have enough to pay for utilities, healthcare, personal care and food & beverages. With what's left, these folks have probably also purchased new tires for their standard cars, women's clothing and cigarettes or cigars. When they get some time to relax, "Middle-Aged Matrons" enjoy listening to the radio or tuning in their favorite shows on television.
N06 True Blue True Blue are middle-aged couples and their kids living your typical middle class lifestyle in suburban areas where the crime index tends to be on the high side. Mom and Dad work blue collar jobs in the fields of healthcare support, social services, fire prevention and material moving. Those with an entrepreneurial bent are home-based business owners. These families do tend to have some consumer debt, with their average household incomes earmarked for utilities, food & beverages, healthcare, personal care and retail purchases. They have probably also purchased some men's clothing recently or a new toy for the family cat. "True Blue" enjoy eating out at family restaurants, watching the game on television and relaxing with a glass or two of their preferred distilled beverage.
N07 Retired Repose Retired Repose are mature, married couples who no longer have children living at home. They're retired from their jobs in material moving, healthcare support and production and are enjoying their golden years in their modest homes located in larger suburban settings. Their below average household incomes are allocated for retail purchases, utilities, food & beverages, healthcare and other miscellaneous expenses. They have probably also purchased some new tires recently for their domestic auto. "Retired Repose" are members of collector's clubs and also enjoy watching television and reading the newspaper.
N08 Middle-Aged Mavericks Middle-Aged Mavericks are single without any children in the household. They hold down jobs in social services, fire prevention, healthcare support or they may also be currently unemployed. Their less than average household incomes pay for the utilities, food & beverages, chewing tobacco, life insurance and other miscellaneous expenses. They have also probably purchased some new tires recently. "Middle-Aged Mavericks" enjoy a night on the town gambling, as well as picking up lottery tickets on their way home from work. They like to relax by reading magazines, listening to their favorite tunes on the radio and treating themselves to some comfort food at their favorite family restaurant.
N09 Punch Card Parents Punch Card Parents are married couples and their children living an active family life in large-scale suburban areas. After dropping off the kids at school, Mom and Dad drive their compact cars to their nine-to-five in healthcare support. Some punch the time clock at home as home-based business entrepreneurs. Still others may be currently unemployed. Their average household incomes help pay for utilities, healthcare expenses, personal care, retail purchases and tobacco products. They have also recently replaced the tires on the family van and bought that must-have new toy for their kids. For fun, "Punch Card Parents" enjoy listening to the radio, perhaps while browsing through the latest issue of their favorite magazine.
N10 Working Class Warriors Working Class Warriors are single parents who still have children in the household. These social servants, fire fighters, healthcare techs, administrators and material movers live in single family homes in larger suburban settings where the crime index is above average. When they're not on the job, this group enjoys reading magazines, listening to the radio and surfing the net. "Working Class Warriors" pull down average household incomes that pay for the lease on their luxury car, women's clothing, the refrigerator they recently purchased, utilities, food & beverages and tobacco products.
P01 Rooms for Improvement Rooms for Improvement are an audience of young singles living a modest existence in the urban sprawl they call home. Their jobs in the armed forces and food preparation & service earn them less than average wages, which they spend on retail purchases, utilities, personal care, food & beverages and their cigarette habit. For fun, these renters enjoy going dancing, surfing the net and getting together with friends to relax with a beer or two, while everyone enjoys that new recipe "Rooms for Improvement" discovered in their favorite magazine.
P02 Workin' for a Livin' Workin' for a Livin' are young, single moms caring for children 10 years and younger. These moms work hard at their jobs in the armed forces and food preparation & service. After work, they head home to the condo they rent to help the kids with their homework before taking them to their favorite fast food restaurant for dinner. "Workin' for a Livin' " take home less than average paychecks, which they spend on food & beverages, utilities, tobacco products and healthcare. They have also recently purchased some new clothing for themselves, toys for the kids and that new toaster oven that's been on their wish list. For fun, this group enjoys going dancing, surfing the net and texting with friends on their smartphones.
P03 Final Frontier Final Frontier are mature singles getting by in America's urban centers. This audience is nearly, or newly, retired from their jobs in the armed forces, food preparation & service and administration and is looking forward to a little rest and relaxation as they begin the next chapter of their lives. Although this group doesn't have a lot of income at their disposal, there is enough to handle the utility bills, healthcare expenses, retail purchases and food & beverages. With what remains, "Final Frontier" have probably also purchased a piece of fine jewelry recently, along with an item from their favorite catalog. This group enjoys watching television, trying their luck at the local casino and they're looking forward to the cruise they're going to be taking over the holidays.
P04 Kiddies in the City Kiddies in the City are married couples and their children enjoying active family lives in the city. Mom and Dad have careers in the armed forces, food preparation & service and administrative/clerical where they earn average incomes that adequately support their family's lifestyle. These folks spend their money on personal care, healthcare, utilities, food & beverages and retail purchases and the kids have probably gotten some new toys recently. For fun, "Kiddies in the City" enjoy a night out dancing, listening to the game on the radio, a day of fun in the sun at the local theme park and taking a trip to a foreign locale. These families are also philanthropic and can be found volunteering at a local charitable organization close to their hearts.
P05 Everyday Earners Everyday Earners are middle-aged singles enjoying a comfortable city existence. These armed forces enlistees, food preparation workers and administrators earn average salaries, which are more than adequate for handling their household bills including utilities, healthcare expenses, food & beverages and personal care, as well as their internet and catalog purchases. "Everyday Earners" also have an eye on the future with investments in both stocks and mutual funds. When this group wants to relax they enjoy traveling and it's likely they've taken a cruise or a trip to an exotic foreign locale recently.
Q01 Suburban Surplus Suburban Surplus are married couples with children living a privileged lifestyle in the suburbs. Mom and Dad enjoy careers as lawyers, corporate managers, doctors and financial experts. Their well above average household incomes are used to maintain and manage their well appointed homes, as well as for personal insurance, gifts, contributions, apparel and education. "Suburban Surplus" enjoy relaxing with a glass of wine while reading the NYT bestseller they recently purchased. These families also enjoy spending quality time together, whether that means a day of thrills and chills at the local theme park or an extended family vacation to a foreign locale.
Q02 Regal Retirees Regal Retirees are mature empty nesters making the most of their golden years. Both singles and couples belong to this segment that's enjoying the good life, with generous fixed incomes that allow them to maintain and manage their posh homes, gas up their luxury cars, purchase catalog and internet must-haves, make contributions to causes they support and buy gifts for family and friends. In addition, this group also has an extremely healthy net worth with diverse portfolios that include stocks and mutual funds. "Regal Retirees" like to relax with a glass of wine or perhaps catch up on current events compliments of their local newspaper. This set also enjoys traveling and is probably either returning from, or planning, a luxurious cruise vacation or trip abroad.
Q03 Posh Professionals Posh Professionals are lawyers, doctors, corporate managers and financial advisors living the good life in mid-size suburban areas. This group is more likely to be single and may or may not have children living with them in their luxury rentals. Their substantial household incomes allow them to effortlessly manage and maintain their stylish homes, contribute to worthy causes, lavish loved ones with gifts, purchase the latest fashion trends and make payments on lingering student loans. "Posh Professionals" enjoy cheering on their hometown sports teams, surfing the net on their smartphones, relaxing to the new album they recently downloaded and enjoying a day out with the kids at the local theme park.
Q04 Family Fortune Family Fortune are middle-aged married couples with children living a life of luxury in mid-size suburban settings. With their enviable incomes, these doctors, lawyers and financial consultants are able to afford the very best for themselves and their families including luxury cars, beautifully appointed high-end homes, designer apparel, gifts for friends & family and personal insurance. These families have also accumulated a substantial net worth with investments in stocks and mutual funds. For fun, "Family Fortune" enjoy reading magazines and taking lavish vacations to foreign locales. These families are also quite philanthropic and volunteer for charitable organizations near to their hearts.
Q05 Singular Sensations Singular Sensations are middle-aged singles living privileged lives in mid-size suburban areas. These lawyers, corporate managers, doctors and financial consultants pull down sizable incomes that support lavish homes, luxury cars, high-end apparel, personal insurance, gifts and contributions. This set also has a substantial net worth with investments in various stocks. When they're not working, "Singular Sensations" enjoy gambling, relaxing with a glass or two of wine and traveling abroad or cruising the high seas on a well deserved vacation.
R01 City Survivors City Survivors are single without children, living day-to-day in urban areas. These folks work hard at their jobs in fire prevention, healthcare support, personal care & service and maintenance--many of them may also be currently unemployed. Their meager incomes are focused on basics such as retail purchases, personal care, food & beverages, utilities, tobacco products and healthcare. For fun, "City Survivors" enjoy cheering on their hometown teams, listening to the radio, reading magazines and surfing the net.
R02 Urban Underdogs Urban Underdogs are mature seniors maintaining modest homes in urban areas where the crime index tends to be high. Although they don't have a lot of income at their disposal, there is enough to pay for food & beverages, utilities, tobacco products, healthcare and other miscellaneous expenses. When they're not at their jobs in the fields of fire prevention, healthcare support, maintenance and social services, "Urban Underdogs" enjoy tuning in their favorite programs on television and the radio.
R03 Underprivileged Urbanites Comprised heavily of single women and their children, "Underprivileged Urbanites" are living an indigent existence in the city. This audience's substantially less than average incomes are allocated for basics such as food & beverages, utilities, tobacco products, toys for the kids, women's clothing and other miscellaneous expenses. When they're not on the job as fire fighters, healthcare support personnel, personal care experts and social services professionals, "Underprivileged Urbanites" enjoy going dancing, reading magazines, listening to the radio and watching television.
R04 One Day at a Time One Day at a Time are middle-aged married couples and their children eking out a modest existence in our country's urban centers. Mom and Dad work long hours at their jobs in fire prevention, healthcare support, maintenance and social services--some may also be unemployed currently. Their less than average household incomes go toward the utility bills, food & beverages, tobacco products, healthcare expenses and personal care. This group has also probably bought some new tires recently, along with one or two catalog or internet purchases. When they're not on the job, "One Day at a Time" enjoy listening to the radio, playing the lottery and spending quality time with the kids at their favorite family restaurant.
R05 Livin' Large Livin' Large are married couples with children, living a prosperous lifestyle in the city. In addition to their sizable household incomes, this audience also has a substantial net worth that probably includes some investment real estate. For fun, "Livin' Large" enjoy listening to the radio, surfing the net, throwing dinner parties where they can serve up their latest gourmet triumphs and treating themselves to fabulous vacations including trips to foreign countries and luxurious cruises.

Connex Neighborhood Cluster

Cluster Code Cluster Name Cluster Description
1 No Place Like Home No Place Like Home are middle-aged married couples and their children living a casual lifestyle in the country. These Associate's degree holders manage careers in the armed forces and in the fields of installation/repair, law enforcement and administration. Those with an entrepreneurial mindset manage home-based businesses. "No Place Like Home" earn slightly below average incomes, which they tend to spend on transportation, food & beverages, tobacco and other miscellaneous expenses. Weekends are reserved for family, which may include a little ATV off-roading, dinner at their favorite fast food joint or enjoying the latest movie release on their Blu-ray player.
2 Full House Full House are married with children of all ages, living comfortable lives in smaller suburban settings. They spend their above average incomes on entertainment, transportation and the maintenance and management of their spacious homes. Some of their more recent purchases may have also included sports and recreation equipment for the kids, as well as some much anticipated home improvements. Although "Full House" do tend to have consumer debt, they still find the money for frequent dinners at family restaurants, new clothes for dad and tickets to a local sports event.
3 Blissful in the Burbs Blissful in the Burbs are middle-aged married couples and their older children living an idyllic suburban existence in small town America. Mom and dad enjoy careers as doctors, engineers and corporate managers. Their above average incomes allow them to expertly manage their upscale homes, pay for personal insurance, put some money away for the kids' education, buy gifts for loved ones and make the occasional contribution. These folks also have an eye on the future with a comfortable net worth that probably includes stocks, mutual funds and some investment real estate to mix things up. For fun, "Blissful in the Burbs" enjoy cheering on their home team at local sporting events. They are also looking forward to the cruise vacation they plan on taking in a couple of months.
4 Up and Comers Up and Comers are young singles free from the responsibilities of children, enjoying a carefree lifestyle in the big city setting they call home. By day, these success-oriented singles are making a name for themselves in the arts, social science and computers, where they earn incomes that, although slightly below average, are more than enough to handle their rent and renter insurance, personal care expenses, retail purchases, utilities, healthcare and food & beverages. When they're not working, "Up and Comers" enjoy a night out dancing, impressing friends with their culinary skills at intimate dinner parties and relaxing with a beer while reading the latest NYT bestseller.
5 Modest Middle-Agers Predominantly single without children in the household, "Modest Middle-Agers" are a middle-aged segment living a modest lifestyle in mid-size suburban areas. These food preparation & service professionals, social servants and administrators pull down less than average incomes, which they use for utilities, personal care, healthcare, tobacco, food & beverages and other miscellaneous expenses. They have probably downloaded the latest chart topper or audio book recently. A good time for "Modest Middle-Agers" may include a night out dancing, trying out new recipes on family and friends or relaxing with their favorite magazine.
6 Suburban Serenity Living comfortable lives in larger suburban settings located just outside city centers, "Suburban Serenity" are just as likely to be married with children as they are to be single and child-free. As computer experts, social scientists, engineers, financial executives and educators, this group takes home above average incomes, which they tend to use for education, reading materials, gifts, personal insurance, contributions and for furnishing and managing their upscale homes. They have probably downloaded the latest chart topper recently, as well as made a deposit into their children's college fund or their own retirement fund. For fun, "Suburban Serenity" enjoy getting together with family and friends to share their latest culinary triumph paired with a glass of their favorite varietal.
7 Main Street Middles Main Street Middles are living a comfortable lifestyle in small town America with their spouse and children. During the week, Mom takes the family van to drop the kids off at school before heading to her job as a nurse practitioner, while Dad stays home to run the family's home-based business. They tend to spend their average household incomes on home furnishings, entertainment and maintaining their multiple vehicles, which include full-size and compact pick-ups, as well as motorcycles. When they get some free time, "Main Street Middles" enjoy gardening, making long distance calls to faraway friends and family and relaxing on the couch with the family cat.
8 Melting Pot Melting Pot are a diverse suburban audience that is just as likely to be married as they are to be single, but either way they definitely have children at home. As personal care professionals and maintenance workers, these folks pull down incomes that are slightly below average, but still enough to pay for apparel, transportation expenses, $150+ per week on groceries and a new chew toy for the family dog. In their downtime, "Melting Pot" enjoy a night on the town dancing or treating the kids to a day at the theme park, followed by dinner at their favorite fast food restaurant.
9 Middle Class Mainstream Whether married or single, with or without children, "Middle Class Mainstream" are a middle-aged group living an average lifestyle in small town suburbia. As armed forces enlistees, administrators, social servants and healthcare technicians these folks take home average incomes, which support their transportation costs, personal care expenses, healthcare bills and tobacco habit. This group also has enough remaining to cover their rental insurance premiums, as well as the big-ticket home furnishings and small kitchen appliance they recently purchased. For fun, "Middle Class Mainstream" enjoy a night out dancing, watching their favorite programs on television and grabbing a burger and fries at their favorite fast food restaurant.
10 Middle-Aged Moderates Single without children in the household, "Middle-Aged Moderates" are living an everyday life in mid-size suburban settings. As educators and social scientists, these folks earn average incomes that they tend to spend on reading materials, retail purchases, personal care expenses, healthcare bills, utilities and tobacco. It's also likely that they have recently purchased a small kitchen appliance or a must-have item they spotted in a catalog. When they get some free time, "Middle-Aged Moderates" enjoy relaxing with friends over a beer, glass of wine or distilled liquor of choice. They also enjoy trying their luck at the lottery.
11 Blue Bayou Blue Bayou are married couples and their children living low-key lives in the country. Mom and dad work hard at their jobs in installation/repair, construction, transportation, production, law enforcement and as healthcare technicians. Some of them even manage home-based businesses. Although their household incomes are below average, they still have enough to pay for transportation, healthcare, tobacco and food & beverages. They have probably even purchased a household appliance recently. When they're not working, "Blue Bayou" enjoy reading outdoor media and off-roading in their full-size pick-ups or on their ATVs.
12 Suburban Setbacks Suburban Setbacks are single without any children at home, living a modest lifestyle in larger suburban areas. The work week is spent at their maintenance, personal care and food preparation jobs where they earn below average incomes. They tend to spend their money on basics such as transportation, food & beverages, personal care, utilities and tobacco products. These folks enjoy listening to the radio and reading their favorite magazines and when they really want to kick up their heels, "Suburban Setbacks" hit the town for a night of dancing or gambling at the local casino.
13 Southern Sensibility These folks may or may not be married, but they more than likely have young children living with them in homes that were built in the last 25 years. When not on the job as administrators, transportation experts and installation professionals, "Southern Sensibility" enjoy family pursuits including a day at the local theme park, lunch at their favorite fast food joint and a game of fetch with Fido. Their average household incomes are more than enough to cover their transportation expenses, food & beverages, tobacco products, utilities and personal care bills with enough left over to buy the occasional lottery ticket. "Southern Sensibility" like to relax by listening to music they recently downloaded to their smartphone. For more serious relaxation, these folks like to hit the high seas on a cruise vacation.
14 Coupon Clippers Coupon Clippers are budget-conscious married couples who may or may not have children living with them in their suburban homes. As healthcare technicians, social servants and administrators, this group brings home slightly less than average incomes, which they allocate for transportation expenses, healthcare costs, tobacco expenditures and food & beverages. With the money they save over time, these folks have probably bought that new fridge the missus has had her eye on, along with some new tools for the man of the house. In their downtime, "Coupon Clippers" enjoy listening to the home town team on the radio, keeping their eye out for bargains in their local newspaper and playing the lottery.
15 Clock Watchers Clock Watchers are mature singles without children at home anxiously awaiting the day when they can finally retire. With careers in the fields of healthcare and social services, this group's household incomes are below the national average, but still enough to cover basics such as retail purchases, healthcare expenses, utilities, food & beverages and tobacco products. For fun, "Clock Watchers" enjoy a night out dancing, treating friends to a new recipe they've discovered and keeping up with loved ones who are just a long distance phone call away.
16 Community Cogwheels Single without any children at home, "Community Cogwheels" are living a modest existence in large city centers. These folks are on the verge of retirement, or newly retired, from jobs in fields that keep their communities running smoothly including fire prevention, food preparation & service, social services and personal care. Their well below average fixed incomes are enough to handle basics such as retail purchases, personal care, healthcare expenses, utilities, food & beverages, reading materials and tobacco products. At their age, they have probably taken a prescription remedy for an ailment, as well as a vitamin or supplement for their overall well being. "Community Cogwheels" enjoy watching their favorite shows on television, as well as cheering on their home team at the sporting event du jour.
17 Carpools and Little League Married with children, "Carpools and Little League" are living active family lives in large suburban settings. As computer experts, engineers and sales reps, these moms and dads earn above average incomes that they use to manage and maintain their upscale homes and educate their children, as well as for entertainment and personal insurance. Although "Carpools and Little League" have some consumer debt, it hasn't stopped them from purchasing some big-ticket home furnishings recently, in addition to a brand-new fridge to safeguard the $150+ per week they spend on groceries. Family fun time includes a day at the local theme park, followed by dinner at their favorite family restaurant.
18 Single-Minded As its name suggests, "Single-Minded" are unmarried, free from the responsibilities of parenthood and focused on career success in the city. As burgeoning artists, social scientists and computer professionals, these savvy singles earn enviable incomes that allow them to manage and furnish their hip city rentals, buy the latest fashion trends, pay off lingering student loans, make payments on their luxury cars, shower loved ones with gifts and contribute to their favorite causes. When they get some downtime, this group enjoys sharing a glass or two of wine with friends, while impressing them with their latest culinary masterpiece. "Single-Minded" also like traveling and have probably recently returned from one of the many foreign trips they enjoy indulging in.
19 Career Couples Career Couples are married, but probably don't have any children in the household. Rather, these couples are focused on their careers in the legal sector, healthcare, education, sales and management. As above average earners, this group focuses their spending on their upscale suburban homes, luxury cars, reading materials, personal insurance, education, gifts and contributions. These folks also have an eye on their imminent retirement with investments in stocks, mutual funds and real estate. When it's time to relax, "Career Couples" enjoy experimenting in the kitchen, reading the newspaper and vacationing to foreign locales.
20 Made in the USA Made in the USA are a suburban working class audience that is single and may or may not have children in the household. With jobs in the armed forces, administration, food preparation and healthcare, these folks earn below average incomes, which they typically spend on basics such as utilities, food & beverages, personal care and their tobacco habit. They have probably also purchased some women's clothing or some low-ticket home furnishings recently. When they get some downtime, "Made in the USA" enjoy listening to the radio, while catching up on the latest issue of their favorite magazines.
21 Nine-to-Fivers Whether they're married or single, parents or child-free, "Nine-to-Fivers" work hard at making ends meet in the mid-size suburbs they call home. On weekdays you will find this group driving their domestic cars and full-size pick-ups to their jobs as production workers, material movers and healthcare specialists. Despite their below average incomes, this audience manages to cover their healthcare expenses, utility bills and food & beverages. After the bills are paid, there's usually enough remaining to splurge on lottery tickets and to indulge their cigarette habit. For fun, "Nine-to-Fivers" enjoy tuning in the game on the radio and curling up on the couch with the family cat.
22 Southern Comfort Southern Comfort are married couples and their children enjoying the creature comforts of the southern suburb they call home. Mom and dad have successful sales careers where they earn above average incomes that they spend on their homes, entertainment, personal insurance and gifts. Recent purchases include a new dishwasher and new throw pillows for the sectional in the family room. This group also has an eye on the future, as evidenced by their stock and real estate investments. For fun, "Southern Comfort" enjoy spending a day at the local theme park, followed by dinner at their favorite family restaurant. They're also looking forward to the cruise they're going on in the next couple months.
23 Salt of the Earth Salt of the Earth are married and more than likely still have children living with them in their modest country homes. Their jobs in production, transportation and installation may not make them the big bucks, but they do earn enough to handle their healthcare expenses, food & beverages and their preferred tobacco products. There's also enough to cover the maintenance and upkeep of their full-size and compact pick-ups, as well as their domestic cars. Living in the country has made these folks quite handy and their extensive set of tools helps them tackle all sorts of projects around the house. When they have some spare time on their hands, "Salt of the Earth" enjoy exploring the countryside on their ATVs.
24 Country Kin Country Kin are married couples and their teenage children enjoying a laid-back lifestyle in small town America. Mom and dad hold down jobs as installation professionals, production workers and home-based business owners. Their average household incomes allow them to cover their healthcare bills and transportation expenses, including the maintenance and upkeep of their full-size pick-ups, vans, standard cars and motorcycles. For fun, "Country Kin" enjoy reading outdoor media, playing fetch with Fido and off-roading on their ATVs.
25 Almost Free Almost Free are middle-aged couples with older children who are on the verge of leaving the nest. As career educators, these moms and dads make above average household incomes, which they use to furnish and manage their homes, as well as for entertainment and transportation. These folks are avid sport fans who enjoy catching the game on TV or the radio. They like tending to their gardens and they've probably also made some home improvements recently. "Almost Free" like to unwind with their favorite adult beverage and when they really want to cut loose, they hit the local casino for a night of gambling fun.
26 Median Middles Median Middles are a middle-aged audience living middle class lives in mid-size suburban settings. They are just as likely to be married with children as they are to be single and child free. These personal care & service professionals and administrators take home average salaries, which they tend to use for household furnishings and entertainment. For fun, "Median Middles" enjoy reading their favorite magazines, getting together with friends for a beer or two, trying their luck at the local casino and surfing the net on their smartphones. When they want some serious R & R, this group hops a plane to an exotic foreign locale.
27 Growing Pains Growing Pains are young singles who are focused on establishing themselves in the urban center they call home. As food preparation professionals and armed forces enlistees, their household incomes are below average but still enough to pay for the rent and rental insurance on their townhomes and condos, in addition to utilities, personal care, food & beverages and other miscellaneous expenses. It's also likely they have purchased some big-ticket home furnishings and other household appliances recently. For fun, "Growing Pains" enjoy getting social on their smartphones, surfing the net and reading their favorite magazines.
28 Serve and Protect Serve and Protect are middle-aged singles who may or may not have children living with them in their average homes, which are located in urban areas where the crime index tends to be high. These civic-minded folks tend to have careers in fields focused on the protection and welfare of their community including social services, fire prevention, law enforcement, transportation and healthcare. Although this group earns below average incomes, they typically have enough to cover their transportation expenses, food & beverages, personal care expenditures and their cigarette, cigar or chewing tobacco habit. It's also likely they've treated themselves to some fine jewelry recently. When they're not on the job, "Serve and Protect" enjoy reading magazines and watching their favorite shows on television.
29 Gracious Homes Gracious Homes are married couples and their children living a life of privilege along the urban fringe. These moms and dads have highly successful careers as computer experts, corporate managers and engineers. They use their above average household incomes to maintain and manage their luxurious homes, educate their children, pay for personal insurance, purchase fashion-forward apparel, buy gifts for loved ones and make contributions to those causes they deem as worthy. On weekends, these families hop in their mid-size SUVs and head to their local theme park or perhaps to a sports event where they can cheer on their home town heroes. "Gracious Homes" also like to give back to those who are less fortunate by volunteering for charitable organizations they support.
30 Working Class Woes Working Class Woes are middle-aged law enforcement officials, transportation workers, production professionals, installation experts, construction workers and healthcare technicians who work hard to make ends meet in the small town they call home. These folks are just as likely to be married with children as they are to be single and child-free. Their very limited household incomes are focused on basics such as healthcare, retail purchases, food & beverages, utilities and their cigarette or chewing tobacco habit. When they're not working, "Working Class Woes" enjoy watching their favorite programs on television, playing fetch with Fido and off-roading on their ATVs.
31 Farmland Frugals Farmland Frugals are married couples who work the land in rural locales. As farmers, managers and home-based business owners these couples put in a hard day's work to earn their limited household incomes, which they carefully budget to cover their healthcare expenses, transportation, food & beverages, retail purchases and tobacco products. They have probably also recently purchased a large kitchen appliance or an item that caught their eye in a catalog. When they get some downtime, "Farmland Frugals" enjoy reading outdoor media or relaxing outdoors, perhaps exploring the countryside on their ATVs.
32 Urban Challenges Single without any children in the household, "Urban Challenges" are eking out a meager existence in the city. As food preparation professionals, material movers, healthcare support staffers and production workers, this group struggles to make ends meet with household incomes that are well below average. In fact, some of these folks may even be unemployed currently. They tend to spend on the basics including retail purchases, utilities, personal care, healthcare, tobacco, food & beverages and other miscellaneous expenses. When they have some free time, "Urban Challenges" enjoy listening to the radio, watching television and surfing the net.
33 Golden Age Golden Age are married retirees without any children in the household, living out their golden years in the comfort of the country locale they call home. These folks have accumulated a sizable nest egg with investments in stocks, mutual funds and real estate. They use their well above average household incomes to furnish and manage their upscale condos and townhomes, as well as to buy reading materials, cover personal insurance expenses, buy gifts for loved ones and make contributions to causes they support. "Golden Age" enjoy catching up on current events compliments of their local newspaper, having dinner out at their favorite family restaurant and making long distance calls to faraway family and friends. These couples are also looking forward to the cruise they'll be taking in the next couple of months.
34 Small Town Travails Small Town Travails are a middle-aged group that tends to be single and may or may not have children living with them in their humble country homes. These folks didn't graduate from high school and with low-paying jobs in construction and maintenance, they struggle to make ends meet. Their limited household incomes cover basic expenses such as food & beverages, utilities, healthcare and their cigar habit. It's quite possible they may also have purchased a large kitchen appliance recently. For fun, "Small Town Travails" enjoy watching television and playing catch with the family dog. They are also actively involved in collector's clubs.
35 Struggling Suburban Singles Struggling Suburban Singles are unmarried without any children in the household, struggling to stay afloat in their large-scale suburban communities. Lacking a high school degree, their jobs in maintenance, personal care & service and material moving barely earn them enough to cover the most basic of expenses including personal care, food & beverages, apparel, utilities, retail purchases and their tobacco habit. When they're not on the job, "Struggling Suburban Singles" enjoy tuning in their favorite programs on the television or radio, as well as reading their favorite magazines.
36 Dressed in Success Dressed in Success are established married couples without any children at home, enjoying lucrative careers in the suburbs. These lawyers, doctors and corporate managers pull down healthy salaries, which they use to furnish and manage their upscale homes, as well as for personal insurance, education, gifts and contributions. They are also savvy investors and their already sizable net worth includes both stocks and mutual funds. When they're not on the job, "Dressed in Success" enjoy relaxing with a glass of wine while reading the latest NYT bestseller. When they need some serious R & R, these couples set sail on a luxury cruise or cross the pond for an international vacation.
37 At the Starting Gate At the Starting Gate are young singles fresh out of college and raring to make a name for themselves in the big city. As recent recipients of Bachelor's and Post-Graduate degrees, these educators and culinary professionals earn less than average incomes, but they still manage to cover their rent, rental insurance, utilities, reading materials, personal care, retail purchases, food & beverages and their cigar habit. Free from the responsibility of children, this group enjoys getting together with friends for a night on the town dancing or sharing a beer or two at the local watering hole. "At the Starting Gate" also like to cook and stay connected to friends and family with their smartphones.
38 Under Paid Urbanites Under Paid Urbanites are single, middle-aged wage earners living hand-to-mouth in large urban centers. With jobs in the armed forces, maintenance and food preparation & service, these singles put in a long day's work for minimal wages, which they tend to spend on utilities, personal care, their tobacco habit and the $150+ per week they spend on groceries. They have probably also purchased new tires for their standard cars recently. When they're able to work in some relaxation, "Under Paid Urbanites" enjoy tuning into their favorite television programs.
39 Mid-Life Metros Mid-Life Metros are singles without any children in the household living an average life in the city. With their Associate's, Bachelor's and Post-Graduate degrees, this group pulls down average household incomes, which they typically spend on reading materials, transportation and other miscellaneous expenses. They have probably also purchased some low-ticket home furnishings for their townhomes recently, as well as a small kitchen appliance. For fun, "Mid-Life Metros" enjoy playing the lottery and dishing with friends over their latest culinary creation accompanied by a specialty cocktail they concocted using their favorite distilled liquor.
40 High Rise Hipsters High Rise Hipsters are single professionals without any children in the household living low-key lives in large urban centers where the crime index is high. As social servants, artists, court reporters and educators, this set pulls down average incomes that they use to pay for reading materials, personal care, retail expenses, healthcare premiums and utilities. They have probably also purchased some home furnishings or perhaps a piece of fine jewelry recently. When they get some downtime, "High Rise Hipsters" enjoy trying out new recipes or meeting up with friends at the street corner bar where they can catch up over a beer or two.
41 Lap of Luxury Lap of Luxury are married couples and their children living privileged lives in mid-size suburban areas. As lawyers, doctors, corporate managers and financial consultants, these moms and dads earn household incomes that are well above average. It's these lucrative incomes that allow them to enjoy the finer things in life such as upscale homes, private school for the kids, high-fashion apparel, personal insurance, lavish gifts for loved ones and contributions to worthy causes. They also tend to indulge in luxury cars, fine wines and vacations to exotic foreign locales. "Lap of Luxury" are also quite philanthropic and often volunteer at charitable organizations they support.
42 Backwoods Blues Backwoods Blues are rural singles holding down blue collar jobs in small town America. As armed forces enlistees, law enforcement officials, installation experts, transportation professionals and construction workers, this group puts in a hard day's work for their below average incomes. Some in this segment may not even be in the labor force currently. Their typical expenditures include healthcare bills, tobacco products, retail purchases, utilities and food & beverages. They have probably also recently purchased new tires for the car, a household appliance and that must-have item they saw on the internet a few days ago. When they get some downtime, "Backwoods Blues" like to tune in their favorite shows on television, as well as grab some comfort food at their local family restaurant.
43 City Limited Comprised largely of unmarried women, "City Limited" are living hand-to-mouth lives in city centers where the crime index tends to be high. As healthcare support professionals, fire fighters, social servants and personal care experts, this group pulls down incomes that are well below average. In fact, some of these women may even be currently unemployed. The money they do take home handles basics such as personal care, food & beverages, utilities, tobacco, retail expenses and healthcare bills. It's also probable that they have purchased a piece of fine jewelry recently. When they get some time to themselves, "City Limited" enjoy tuning into their favorite programs on television and the radio, as well as reading magazines. They also enjoy a night on the town dancing followed by a late night bite at a nearby fast food restaurant.
44 Down and Out Downtown Down and Out Downtown are an urban audience living an indigent lifestyle in our country's city centers. For the most part, this group is made up of middle-aged single women who are less likely to have children living at home. Their nine-to-five is spent in the fields of healthcare support, fire prevention, personal care, maintenance and food preparation & service. However, many of them are also currently unemployed. They spend their meager take home on retail expenses, personal care, food & beverages, apparel, utilities, healthcare and their cigarette/cigar habit. Anything remaining has likely been used to buy a much needed household appliance, a piece of fine jewelry or perhaps a new toy for those in this audience who do have children. For fun, "Down and Out Downtown" are active participants in collector's clubs. They also enjoy watching television, listening to the radio and reading magazines.
45 Solo Suburbanites Solo Suburbanites are single without any children at home, living an average existence in mid-size suburban settings. As armed forces enlistees, personal care professionals, educators, food preparation specialists, social servants and administrators, these folks take home slightly below average incomes, which they spend on reading materials, retail purchases, personal care, healthcare, utilities, tobacco and food & beverages. Other items this group has probably purchased lately include a household appliance, that must-have item they saw in a catalog or new tires for their compact cars. They also have an eye on the future with a decent net worth, as well as some investment real estate. For fun, "Solo Suburbanites" enjoy listening to the music they recently downloaded and participating in local sports leagues.
46 Between Sunset and Dusk Between Sunset and Dusk are elderly singles living low-key retirements in the city. As former social servants and healthcare professionals, this group has managed to accumulate an adequate net worth that includes some investment real estate. They tend to spend their slightly below average household incomes on their homes, reading materials, retail purchases, healthcare and their lifelong tobacco habit. It's also likely that these folks have recently purchased some big-ticket home furnishings, women's clothing and a household appliance. For fun, "Between Sunset and Dusk" enjoy digging into the latest NYT bestseller, accompanied by a glass of wine or their preferred label of distilled liquor.
47 Small Town Toilers Small Town Toilers are just as likely to be married as they are to be single and they may or may not have children living with them in their country homes. As production personnel, transportation professionals, installation experts, material movers and construction workers, these folks work hard to earn their below average household incomes, which are budgeted for healthcare bills, utilities, food & beverages, retail purchases and tobacco. They have probably also purchased new tires for their domestic cars or a household appliance recently. When they get some time to relax, "Small Town Toilers" enjoy tuning in their favorite shows on television.
48 Suburban Security Suburban Security tend to be single and may or may not have children living with them in their comfy suburban homes. Their jobs in the armed forces, sales and architecture provide them with average household incomes, which they use for managing their homes, entertainment, household furnishings, apparel and education. There's also enough left over for that new blender they've had their eye on, the must-have item they just saw on the internet and perhaps a piece of fine jewelry for themselves or that special someone. For fun, "Suburban Security" enjoy going dancing, catching the game on TV and for those who have kids, a day at the local theme park is always a crowd pleaser.
49 Provincial Paupers Singles who may or may not have children at home comprise this small town set. With jobs in maintenance, material moving, production and construction "Provincial Paupers" work hard to earn their limited household incomes. With minimal funds at their discretion, this group spends on basics such as apparel, utilities, transportation, tobacco and food & beverages--including the $150+ per week they spend on groceries, as well as their frequent meals at fast food restaurants. When they get some downtime, "Provincial Paupers" enjoy spending a day with the kids at a local theme park or getting social on their smartphones.
50 Plugged-In Players Plugged-In Players are young, urban singles on the success super highway. With their top-of-the-line smartphones and internet acumen, this set always stays one step ahead of what's hot and hip. As burgeoning artists, financial gurus and social scientists, this set earns household incomes that allow them to maintain and manage upscale urban digs, as well as pay for reading materials, lingering student loans, high-fashion apparel and personal insurance. They also like to splurge on gifts for loved ones and make contributions to causes they find worthwhile. When they get some time away from the office, these successful singles enjoy getting together with friends to share a glass of wine or their favorite distilled liquor. For some real R & R they hop a plane bound for an exotic foreign locale. "Plugged-In Players" are also keen on giving back and volunteer for charitable organizations they support.
51 IntenseCities IntenseCities are middle-aged singles working hard to carve out a place for themselves in the urban core of large city centers. With careers in personal care, the arts and social services, this group puts in long hours for their below average incomes, which they tend to spend on retail purchases, personal care, reading materials, apparel, utilities, food & beverages and healthcare. This group likes to unwind with a glass of wine or their favorite distilled liquor--perhaps while listening to the new album they recently downloaded or while watching their favorite show on television. For fun, "IntenseCities" enjoy going dancing, a day of thrills at the local theme park and when they really want to get away, they hop a plane headed for an international destination.
52 Country Money Crunch Country Money Crunch are law enforcement officers, healthcare support professionals, production personnel and material movers who are single and may or may not have children living with them in their country homes. Although this middle-aged set earns well below average household incomes, they still find the funds to pay for their retail purchases, food & beverages, healthcare bills, utilities, personal care and their preferred tobacco products. They have also likely purchased new tires or a piece of fine jewelry recently. For fun, "Country Money Crunch" enjoy off-roading on their ATVs, tuning in their favorite programs on television and the radio and staying informed by reading their local newspaper and favorite magazines.
53 Downtown Digs Downtown Digs are single without any children in the household, living ordinary average lives in the city. As armed forces enlistees and computer professionals, this group pulls down average incomes, which are allocated for the rent on their condos and townhomes, renter insurance, transportation, personal care, reading materials and utilities. It's also likely that they've recently feathered their nests with some big-ticket home furnishings. On the weekends, "Downtown Digs" like to hop in their imported cars and hit the town for a night of dancing or, if they're craving an outing that is more low-key, they may meet up with friends for dinner at their favorite family restaurant.
54 Textbook Townies Textbook Townies are enjoying the simple pleasures of small town suburbia with their spouse and young children. During the week, these moms and dads hop in their compact cars and head off to their jobs in law enforcement. Weekends are for family time, which may include dinner out at their favorite family restaurant or dinner in where they can enjoy mom's latest culinary creation. "Textbook Townies" have average household incomes, which they tend to spend on transportation, low-ticket home furnishings, toys for the kids and items they saw on the internet for themselves.
55 Country Classics Country Classics are mature married couples who no longer have children at home enjoying a casual lifestyle in the country. Although many of these folks have already retired, there are those who continue to work with jobs in construction or perhaps they're running home-based businesses. Their tight fixed incomes are used for healthcare expenses, retail purchases, chewing tobacco, transportation and food & beverages. They have also managed to accumulate a sufficient net worth, which probably includes some real estate. For fun, "Country Classics" like to work with their tools on small DIY projects, as well as explore the surrounding countryside on their ATVs.
56 Middle-Aged Misfortune Middle-Aged Misfortune are singles who are living impoverished lives in the city. With jobs in fire prevention, healthcare support, maintenance, social services and personal care, they earn just enough to get by. For the many who are currently unemployed, times are even tougher. Their spending tends to center around the basics including retail purchases, food & beverages, healthcare, tobacco, utilities and personal care. On those rare occasions when there's a little left over, they may treat themselves to that special item they saw in a catalog or perhaps to a piece of fine jewelry. After a hard day's work, "Middle-Aged Misfortune" enjoy dinner out at their favorite family restaurant followed by a night in watching their favorite television shows.
57 Small Town Blues Small Town Blues are single and may or may not have children living with them in their small town suburban rentals, which are located in areas where the crime index tends to be high. During the week, these folks clock-in at their blue collar jobs in production, material moving and food preparation. For those who are currently unemployed, job hunting is on the agenda. Although their incomes are below average, this group is able to handle the basics including utilities, food & beverages, healthcare and their preferred tobacco product. They have also likely purchased a household appliance, women's clothing and a new chew toy for the dog recently. After hours, "Small Town Blues" like to tune in their favorite programs on the radio for a relaxing night in.
58 Labored Force Labored Force are middle-aged singles eking out a skimpy living in the small town suburbs they call home. These maintenance professionals, food preparation & service employees and construction workers put in long hours to earn their considerably less than average incomes. With discretionary spending at a minimum, these folks focus on the basics such as retail purchases, utilities, food & beverages, personal care, healthcare and tobacco products. They have probably also purchased a small kitchen appliance recently, along with some new tires and perhaps a piece of fine jewelry. When they're not on the job, "Labored Force" enjoy a night out dancing or a night in watching television. They are also avid members of collector's clubs.
59 Old Guard Old Guard are retirees living out their golden years in urban areas where they reside in a maintenance-free condo or townhome. As former sales reps, fire fighters, administrators and personal care & service professionals, these folks have managed to accumulate a respectable net worth that likely includes some retirement real estate. Despite their below average household incomes, this group has more than enough to cover their must-haves including reading materials, retail purchases, healthcare expenses, utilities and tobacco products. At their age, you can bet "Old Guard" probably take a prescription or two for specific ailments, as well as a vitamin or supplement for their overall health. For fun, this group enjoys watching their favorite shows on television, catching up on current events compliments of their local newspaper and a night of gambling excitement at the local casino. They are also looking forward to the cruise they plan on taking in the next couple months.
60 Hard Row to Hoe Hard Row to Hoe is an indigent audience comprised predominantly of singles who may or may not have children living with them in their rural rentals. As farmers and material movers, these folks put in a long day's work for below average incomes. Their expenditures center around basic needs including food & beverages, utilities, personal care and tobacco products. If they do manage a bit of downtime, "Hard Row to Hoe" enjoy a night on the town dancing.
61 Family Portrait Family Portrait are married couples and their children, living a comfortable lifestyle in large suburban settings. Mom and dad enjoy careers in engineering, where they earn above average incomes that they spend on managing and maintaining their upscale homes, educating their children, personal insurance, gifts for friends and loved ones and contributions to worthy causes. There is also enough for extras including luxury cars, cruise trips and vacations abroad. For some domestic fun, "Family Portrait" enjoy sharing a glass or two of wine with their friends, a night of gambling at the local casino and treating the kids to a day of fast rides and sweet treats at the local theme park.
62 Urban Utopia Urban Utopia are married couples and their children living lives of privilege in the city. These moms and dads enjoy rewarding careers, not to mention substantial incomes, as lawyers, executive managers, doctors and social scientists. Their impressive net worth boasts diverse investments including stocks and mutual funds. They can also afford to live a lavish lifestyle including upscale homes, luxury cars, high-fashion apparel, top-notch schools for the kids, gifts for loved ones and contributions to causes close to their hearts. Downtime is spent relaxing in front of the fireplace with a glass or two of wine. When they need some serious R & R, "Urban Utopia" hop a plane headed to an international destination.
63 Simply Suburbia Simply Suburbia are married couples and their children enjoying all the pleasures of a mid-size suburban lifestyle. Mom and dad have careers in the armed forces and law enforcement, which allow them to provide their family with transportation, entertainment, household furnishings for their comfy homes, sports and recreation equipment for the kids, dinners out at their fave fast food restaurants and dinners in courtesy of the $150+ per week they drop on groceries. Although "Simply Suburbia" do tend to have consumer debt, there's still usually enough to treat the family to a day at the local theme park, as well as new toys for children who manage to get their chores done on time.
64 Dinner's at Five Dinner's at Five are mature retirees enjoying their golden years in small town America. As retired sales reps, these folks now enjoy more relaxing pursuits including watching their favorite programs on television, actively participating in collector's clubs, making long distance phone calls to faraway friends and family and of course enjoying dinners at their favorite family restaurants, which they generally hit early to avoid the rush. Although "Dinner's at Five" live on fixed incomes that are below average, there's still enough to pay for their basic expenses including healthcare, retail purchases, reading materials, utilities and tobacco products. They also have a decent net worth, which includes some retirement real estate.
65 Day by Day Day by Day are a middle-aged audience that's single without any children in the household, living an indigent lifestyle in our nation's city centers in areas where the crime index is high. Many in this group are currently unemployed, but those that have jobs tend to work in the fields of fire prevention, healthcare, maintenance and personal care & service. Their very limited discretionary funds are focused on basics including rent, renter insurance, retail purchases, personal care, food & beverages, utilities, healthcare and tobacco products. When they get some time to relax, "Day by Day" enjoy watching television, listening to the radio and surfing the net.
66 Utterly Urban Utterly Urban are singles without any children at home living a modest lifestyle in the urban core. With jobs in personal care & service, fire prevention and healthcare support, this group's household incomes tend to run below the national average. However, they do make enough to pay for personal care, apparel, food & beverages, utilities, retail expenses and tobacco products. They have probably also treated themselves to a piece of fine jewelry recently, as well as that must-have item they spotted on the internet. "Utterly Urban" like to relax by listening to their favorite tunes on the radio, while surfing the net. It's also likely that they have recently returned from a cruise or from an international vacation.
67 Teenage Transitions Teenage Transitions are burgeoning young adults enjoying their first taste of autonomy in the big city. With fledgling careers in food preparation & service, education, social science and personal care & service, this group earns below average incomes, which they tend to spend on personal care, food & beverages, retail purchases, tobacco products, apparel and healthcare. It's also likely that they've purchased a large kitchen appliance or some fine jewelry recently. "Teenage Transitions" like getting together with friends and hitting the dance floor at a local club and when they want to kick back, they enjoy listening to the radio and surfing the net.
68 Careers in the City Careers in the City are young singles paving a successful path for themselves in the urban core. These young adults enjoy flourishing careers in the arts, the legal sector and in finance where they pull down handsome household incomes. They tend to spend their well above average paychecks on reading materials, high-fashion apparel, lingering student loans, personal insurance, household operations, gifts and contributions. A good time for this group may include participation in a collector's club, meeting up with friends at the neighborhood bar for a glass or two of their preferred distilled liquor or just about anything involving sports. When they want to get away, "Careers in the City" love exploring the culture and history of foreign countries. They are also quite philanthropic and volunteer for charitable organizations near and dear to them.

Connex Family Cluster

Cluster Code Cluster Name Cluster Description
A Only Just Begun The eleven Household Clusters that comprise Ruf's "Only Just Begun" Family Cluster include people who are just getting started on the road of life. They're married with small children ages 5 years and younger. They live in single family homes in smaller suburban settings where they drive their compact cars and full-size pick-up trucks to their jobs in the armed forces, law enforcement and administration. They enjoy reading outdoor media and frequently use the internet. They eat often at fast food restaurants and have probably purchased toys or attended a theme park recently. Their household spending is geared towards transportation, food & beverages and personal care.
B Small Town Satisfaction The people who fall into the thirteen Household Clusters that comprise Ruf's "Small Town Satisfaction" Family Cluster are living comfortable lives in small town suburbs. These established married couples have older children between the ages of 16 - 18. When they're not on-the-job as engineers and home-based business owners, "Small Town Satisfaction" enjoy watching sports events on television and eating in family restaurants. Although they have some consumer debt, "Small Town Satisfaction" still find the money to make home improvements and feather their nests with new furnishings. They also tend to spend on entertainment, transportation and household operations.
C Success in the Suburbs The people who fall into the fifteen Household Clusters that make up the "Success in the Suburbs" Family Cluster are living the quintessential suburban dream. They're married with children, living in mid-size suburban areas in single family homes. These stock and mutual fund owners enjoy careers as educators, corporate managers and engineers. Their income also affords them little luxuries such as vacations to foreign lands and fine wines. They spend their income on their homes & household operations, household furnishings, education, personal insurance, gifts and the occasional contribution.
D Road to Success The "Road to Success" Family Cluster is comprised of five Household Clusters featuring people who tend to be younger, single, highly educated and rapidly making a place for themselves in the world. These up-and-comers live in condos and townhouses in the city where they enjoy careers in the arts and social sciences. Outside of work, they lead active lives that include dancing, traveling or cooking for fun. You can also find this group surfing the net, reading magazines or drinking distilled liquor. They use their better than average incomes for their homes & household operations, reading materials, education, apparel, personal insurance, gifts and contributions.
E Average Joes The folks who fall into the eight Households Clusters that comprise Ruf's "Average Joes" Family Cluster tend to live in apartments or other rental properties located in small-size suburban areas. This audience is less likely to be married with children and tends to make their living in the armed forces or in the fields of computers and social services. These frequent internet users enjoy distilled liquor, are members of collector's clubs and have recently bought a household or kitchen appliance. They use their somewhat less than average income for reading materials, personal care, utilities, healthcare, transportation and other miscellaneous expenses.
F Laborer Pains The people who make up the nine Household Clusters that comprise Ruf's "Laborer Pains" Family Cluster are farmers, maintenance workers and construction laborers who did not graduate from high school. They live paycheck-to-paycheck in the suburbs where they're less likely than the national average to be homeowners. The bulk of their income goes towards food & beverages, utilities, personal care, tobacco and apparel.
G Keeping It Simple Ruf's "Keeping It Simple" Family Cluster is made up of twelve Household Clusters that contain people who are married with children, living in houses built before 1990 in mid-size suburban areas. They drive their standard and subcompact cars to their jobs as healthcare technicians, social servants and clerical administrators and enjoy listening to sports events on the radio, watching TV and going dancing in their downtime. This segment's household spending is earmarked for transportation, healthcare, tobacco, utilities and other miscellaneous expenses.
H Modest Homemakers The people who fall into the ten Household Clusters that make up Ruf's "Modest Homemakers" Family Cluster are married with children and living in rural, non-farm areas. These high school graduates have jobs in installation & repair, production, transportation and construction--some even have a home-based business. They enjoy "going mobile" and drive anything from vans and full-size pick-ups to motorcycles, standard cars and ATVs/UTVs. These real estate owners also enjoy reading outdoor media. "Modest Homemakers" spend their household income on healthcare, tobacco, food & beverages, and of course, transportation.
J Farmland Values Ruf's "Farmland Values" Family Cluster features six Household Clusters that contain people who work the land in rural areas. These high school graduates are more than likely married with children in the household. If they're not working the land, "Farmland Values" probably have jobs in law enforcement, transportation or production--many may not even be in the labor force at all. These folks enjoy watching television and reading outdoor media. Their insubstantial household incomes typically go toward healthcare, retail purchases, tobacco, food & beverages and utilities.
K Comfy Country Livin' The people who fall into the eight Household Clusters that comprise Ruf's "Comfy Country Livin' " Family Cluster tend to be older folks who are spending their golden years in the country. They enjoy reading the newspaper and watching sports events on television. They also own retirement real estate and have probably taken a cruise recently. Their limited household funds are allocated for retail purchases, reading materials, healthcare, tobacco and utilities, along with other miscellaneous expenses.
L Big City Burdens The four Household Clusters that comprise Ruf's "Big City Burdens" Family Cluster contain people who tend to be single without children, living in multi-family units in the urban core. Females tend to dominate the households in this strapped Family Cluster. Their careers in Fire Prevention and Personal Care & Service don't afford them a lot of extras, but they do enjoy watching television and surfing the net. They use their limited funds for retail purchases, personal care, utilities, food & beverages, apparel, healthcare and other miscellaneous expenses.
M Fast-Lane Families The people who belong to the four Household Clusters that comprise Ruf's "Fast-Lane Families" Family Cluster tend to be married with children between the ages of 3-18. As its name suggests, this audience leads busy, family-focused lives in large suburban areas on the urban fringe. Engineers by day, this group typically spends $150+ per week on groceries, drives mid-size SUVs or luxury cars and has likely attended a theme park recently. They have probably also invested in a large kitchen appliance and/or low-ticket home furnishings. With a fair amount of income at their disposal, "Fast-Lane Families" tend to focus their spending on their homes & household operations, education, apparel, personal insurance, gifts and contributions.
N Blue Collar Blues The folks who fall into the ten Households Clusters that make up Ruf's "Blue Collar Blues" Family Cluster live in suburban areas and are less likely than the national average to be married and have children. This audience is making ends meet with jobs in healthcare support, material moving and food preparation & service. Many may also be currently unemployed. "Blue Collar Blues" enjoy listening to the radio and watching television, as well as reading magazines. With limited discretionary funds, their expenses include items such as utilities, tobacco, food & beverages, retail purchases, healthcare, personal care and other miscellaneous expenses.
P Low-Rent Singles Ruf's "Low-Rent Singles" Family Cluster is comprised of five Household Clusters containing people who tend to be young, single and less likely than the national average to have children. This urban-based audience is comprised of renters who live in condos or townhouses. "Low-Rent Singles" are plugged-in with their frequent internet usage and smartphones, from which they have probably purchased downloadable music recently. With limited funds at their disposal, this group's expenditures are directed toward personal care, utilities, retail purchases, healthcare, tobacco and food & beverages.
Q Lux and Leisure The five Household Clusters that make up Ruf's "Lux and Leisure" Family Cluster are comprised of people who enjoy the finer things in life. This group is married with children, living in high-end homes in large-scale suburban areas. They drive luxury cars, own stocks & mutual funds and have taken multiple trips to foreign countries. With excess income at their disposal, these doctors, lawyers, executive managers and financial representatives spend their money on their homes and household operations, apparel, contributions, personal insurance, gifts and education.
R Urban Struggles Ruf's "Urban Struggles" Family Cluster is comprised of five Household Clusters containing people who live day-to-day trying to make ends meet. This group is less likely to be married and have children compared to the national average. They live in urban areas where they work in healthcare support, personal care & service, maintenance and social services. Many are unemployed. "Urban Struggles" smoke cigars, are members of collector's clubs and have probably purchased a household appliance recently. They enjoy watching TV, listening to the radio and reading magazines. With extremely limited discretionary funds, their spending leans towards retail purchases, personal care, food & beverages, utilities, tobacco, healthcare and other miscellaneous expenses.

Connex Messaging Cluster

Cluster Code Cluster Name Cluster Description
1 Young and Free Young and Free are happy-go-lucky singles free from the responsibilities of children. These renters tend to live in nicely appointed condos or multi-family units in our nation's urban centers. With careers in the arts and the legal sector that are beginning to take off, this segment earns average incomes that they use for personal care, utilities, food & beverages and other miscellaneous expenses. "Young and Free" spend their spare time surfing the internet on their smartphone, sharing a beer with friends or hitting a local hot spot for a night of dancing.
2 Mature Empty Nesters Mature Empty Nesters are retirees living a modest lifestyle in urban areas. With an average nest egg and a strict fixed income, these single empty nesters focus their spending on retail purchases, healthcare, utilities, tobacco, food & beverages, personal care and other miscellaneous expenses. It is also likely that they own some retirement real estate. For fun, "Mature Empty Nesters" are active members of collector's clubs. They also enjoy watching their favorite shows on television and catching up on current events compliments of their local newspaper.
3 Me and My Kids As single parents with full-time jobs, "Me and My Kids" are leading busy lives in suburban America. This active segment of firefighters, healthcare support personnel, maintenance workers and material movers earn average incomes, which are focused on food & beverages, utilities, personal care and tobacco products. With children of all ages at home, you can bet these parents have also recently purchased toys, tickets to the local theme park and dinner at a nearby fast food restaurant. When "Me and My Kids" manage some time to themselves you can find them playing on their smartphones, cutting loose with a night of dancing or listening to their favorite tunes on the radio.
4 Up and Coming Families Up and Coming Families are middle-class families living life to the fullest in large-scale suburban areas. As administrators, transportation workers, healthcare technicians and home-based business owners, these moms and dads bring home above average incomes, which they spend on transportation expenses, healthcare, utilities, their preferred tobacco product and the $150+ they spend on groceries every week. With kids ranging from infants to teenagers, these folks have also recently purchased toys or sports & recreation equipment. On weekends, "Up and Coming Families" jump in their mid-size SUVs or mini vans and head to the local theme park for some quality family time.
5 Affluent Emerging Retirees Affluent Emerging Retirees are married couples who probably still have children living in their suburban-based households. With successful careers in engineering, finance, education, medicine and home-based ventures, these folks have managed to acquire an above average nest egg, which has become increasingly important as they get ever closer to retirement. Their above average incomes have also allowed them to purchase some real estate, regularly invest in the kids' college funds and lease that luxury car they've always wanted. "Affluent Emerging Retirees" are also focused on giving back by volunteering for worthy charitable organizations.

Connex Digital Cluster

Cluster Code Cluster Name Cluster Description
1 Ape for Apps Young, single and enjoying unencumbered lives in large-scale suburbs, "Ape for Apps" are avid advocates of all things digital. Whether they're on the clock at their jobs in the armed forces or off the clock enjoying a beer or two with friends, "Ape for Apps" are glued to their cell phones, which are an extension of their personality and key source of entertainment. Armed with a robust library of iPhone and Android apps these millennials can tweet, like, post and blog anytime, anywhere. But wait--there's more! Apps like YouTube, Spotify and IMDb put their fave videos, music and celebrity news in the palm of their hands. Aside from their smartphones, these singletons use their video game consoles or even a library computer to connect to the internet. From chatting with friends to posting blogs to meeting new people on Instagram and Facebook, going online is a favorite pastime for "Ape for Apps".
2 Downtown Digitals "Downtown Digitals" are hip young urbanites making a name for themselves in the big city. Dedicated to the pursuit of digital happiness, these single lawyers, educators and artists would feel disconnected without the internet, which is at the core of almost everything they do. From chatting with friends on Google Hangouts to accessing the day's news on to networking with professional peers on LinkedIn, the internet drives their daily routine. Likewise, these millennial men and women are avid online shoppers who love scoring deals on sites like LivingSocial and Groupon. As active social media users, these young adults use Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook and Tumblr to post blog entries, review products and meet people who share similar interests in things such as sports and cooking. With hectic careers and active social lives, "Downtown Digitals" like the convenience of using one mobile device for everything from making calls and texting to accessing the internet.
3 Game On! Young, single and free from the responsibilities of children, "Game On!" are die hard fans of almost any kind of game. Good thing the internet offers these plugged-in players endless ways to feed their need. From accessing the latest sports news, videos, analysis and scores on websites like, and to honing their skills with live gaming action on YouTube to downloading video games from Facebook, the internet is ground control for these adrenaline junkies. In addition to playing games, these millennials use social media sites like Twitter and Instagram to meet new friends and people who share similar interests. Like most of their peers, these men and women are rarely apart from their cell phones, which they see as an extension of their personality. In addition to its communication functionality, "Game On!" also want to use their phones to stream live TV and other video content. In fact, many of these singles indicated that they'd be willing to pay a monthly subscription fee for streaming services.
4 Me, Myselfie and I "Me, Myselfie and I" are city-based thirtysomethings devoted to all things digital. Like most of their contemporaries, these singletons spend much of their lives online doing everything from streaming their fave TV shows to posting sassy selfies to Instagram to gambling and dating (which occasionally collide). When they want to sound off they tweet the Twitterverse and when they want to learn something new, say like a new recipe to wow their friends, Pinterest never lets them down. With busy work schedules and active social lives, these men and women depend on their smartphones to stay connected. As their go-to entertainment and communication device, "Me, Myselfie and I" consider their smartphones to be an extension of their personalities, which they enjoy customizing to reflect their personal tastes and unique style.
5 Upwardly Mobiles "Upwardly Mobiles" are established professionals enjoying the spoils of thriving careers in posh suburban surroundings. With extensive LinkedIn networks and numerous Twitter and Instagram followers, these doctors, computer developers and sales managers are always on top of the latest trends. Their generous salaries allow these digital devotees to invest in high-end gadgets and electronics, including the very latest smartphone, which they carry wherever they go to manage every aspect of their busy lives. These men and women are avid online shoppers with and Groupon being among their top online shopping destinations. They also frequently purchase new tracks for their iPods and MP3 players, which already house a playlist for every occasion. When they want to get away, "Upwardly Mobiles" book luxury vacations to exotic locales using Expedia, TripAdvisor and Travelocity.
6 Buffering in the Backwoods Single without children at home, "Buffering in the Backwoods" enjoy a carefree country lifestyle, largely free from the digital trappings enjoyed by most of their contemporaries. With physically demanding jobs in construction, material moving and installation, this group likes to relax when they knock off for the day. For them, this is far more likely to involve tuning in the game on the radio and relaxing with a couple of cold ones versus hopping online to surf the net. In fact, many of these men and women are still using an antiquated dial-up modem to connect to the internet. When they do venture online, these folks typically frequent entertainment sites like and or resource sites like Bing Maps and As for social media, they tend to favor YouTube and Facebook where they can play games, find people who share similar interests and review products and services. You definitely won't catch this group tweeting or posting to Instagram though. "Buffering in the Backwoods" tend to be more open to new experiences when it comes to their cell phones. For instance, they would use text messaging more often if they knew how to do it. They'd also be open to using the internet on their phones more often if it were just a tad less expensive!
7 Websession "Websession" are middle-aged single suburbanites who live life online. With jobs in healthcare support and material moving, this group's below average incomes are just enough to cover necessities such as food & beverages, healthcare expenses and utilities. As such, many of these folks don't have the luxury of a home PC and instead must access the internet at their local library. This however doesn't stop them from clocking hours of time online each and every week though. Some of that time is devoted to online job boards like CareerBuilder and Monster. Meeting new people and updating their profile pages are also popular activities for this group. Instagram and YouTube tend to be their preferred social media destinations, which they use to play games, find people who share similar interests and update their profiles. When they're on the go, these singletons rely on their smartphones to stay connected. In addition to surfing the net, "Websession" are interested in streaming live TV to their phones, a privilege for which they'd be willing to pay a monthly subscription fee.
8 Mobile Mamas As single working moms, "Mobile Mamas" live life in the fast lane swiftly maneuvering the demands of work and home with few pit stops in between. Thank goodness for their mobile phones! Not only do these digital wonders keep them connected to their schedule and their kids' schedules, they're also their go-to entertainment source. In addition to enjoying sites such as and, these moms are huge fans, which happily occupies the kids while they get dinner on the table and tackle other household chores. Despite their hectic schedules, "Mobile Mamas" are very socially active--on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube that is--where they play games, post videos and meet new people who share similar interests.
9 Social Butterflies Whether they're reconnecting with old friends, inviting people to an event or just keeping in touch with family, "Social Butterflies" reign supreme on the social networking scene. As single parents raising toddlers, tweens and teens, these men and women count on Instagram for photodocumenting the fam's wacky escapades, Pinterest for recipe and decorating ideas, LinkedIn to give them an edge at work and Facebook for sharing adorable anecdotes about the kids. Thanks to their trusty smartphones, which they carry everywhere they go, these moms and dads never miss an opportunity to post, pin, tweet or like--even on the run! Aside from social networking, "Social Butterflies" are also savvy cybershoppers. These 'passionate deal seekers' think the internet is a great way to buy everything from clothes to toys to downloadable music. They're particularly fond of the good deals they've scored on sites like and Groupon.
10 Swipers Who Diaper Social servants by day, world's greatest mommies by night, "Swipers Who Diaper" tackle hectic schedules with a right-to-left swipe. As single suburban moms raising children under the age of five, these women stay connected thanks to their smartphones, which they enjoy customizing to reflect their unique style. In addition to keeping them organized and connected to their peeps, these moms use their phones access the internet, watch video clips and save money. Yep, these mommies enjoy receiving coupons on their cell phones based on their location! When they manage to carve out some me time, "Swipers Who Diaper" enjoy spending time on Instagram and Pinterest where they post family pictures & videos, find information about products and services and IM their friends.
11 Real-Time Rigors "Real-Time Rigors" are middle-aged single moms struggling to make ends meet in the nation's urban centers. These moms work round the clock with day shifts devoted to their jobs in healthcare support and maintenance and night shifts devoted to caring for young children. When they manage some free time, one of their favorite activities is going online where they enjoy meeting new people, hunting for online bargains and visiting entertainment sites such as and To ensure friends and family are in the know on their comings and goings, these moms keep their Instagram and Facebook profiles updated with sentimental photos, funny videos and personal anecdotes. With their chaotic schedules, "Real-Time Rigors" rely on their cell phones to stay in touch--especially where the kids are concerned. And with super tight budgets, these moms would be willing to receive advertisements on their phones in exchange for lower monthly bills or additional services.
12 Facebook Families "Facebook Families" don't just like Facebook--they love it! From instant messaging to playing games, Facebook serves as the central command center where these suburban families communicate with family and friends, invite people to events and publish blogs. Between active careers in the armed forces and the non-stop activities of their tweens and teens, these moms and dads are constantly on the go. Thanks to the trusty Facebook app on their smartphones though, these couples can connect, comment, "like" and post anytime, anywhere. These 'active quality seekers' also give a great big thumbs up to the coupons and other valuable offers they find on the popular social media site. In addition, "Facebook Families" count on their favorite social platform to find out more about the products they're interested in purchasing, like the sports equipment they recently bought online.
13 Social Chimers Whether they're posting, reviewing, chatting or debuting, you can find "Social Chimers" online almost all of the time. These highly social families live life to the fullest in their little slice of suburbia and revel in sharing the details of their charmed existence with their faithful followers on Pinterest, Twitter and YouTube. When it comes to their careers, Mom and Dad swear by LinkedIn where they can network with fellow healthcare, engineering and managerial professionals, as well as stay abreast of industry trends and advancements. Since these folks would feel disconnected without the internet, they arm themselves with an assortment of web-enabled devices including MP3 players, iPads and of course their smartphones to ensure uninterrupted online access at all times. As you probably guessed, "Social Chimers" carry their phones wherever they go so they never miss an opportunity to chime in on their fave social platform!
14 Parental Controls With toddlers, teens and tweens in between, "Parental Controls" are married couples trying to navigate the twists and turns of child rearing in the digital age. Like most of their peers, these middle-aged couples think the internet is a good thing, but worry about too much technology--especially when it comes to protecting their kids. As far as they're concerned, people put too much private information about their lives on the internet and they don't want to see their children do the same. As a result, these parents closely monitor their children's online activity and restrict access to inappropriate websites. When it comes to social media, mom and dad love the wide range of craft and DIY projects their kids can access on Pinterest. However, they keep a closer eye on the games their kids play on YouTube to ensure they contain age appropriate content. "Parental Controls" insist their kids unplug a couple hours each day to enjoy the great outdoors, whether that involves playing with the dog out back or taking an off-road adventure on the ATV.
15 American Streamers Married with 2.5 kids and a dog, "American Streamers" are living ordinary average lives in small town suburbia. As is typical for most modern families, these folks wholeheartedly embrace a digital lifestyle. Going online is one of their favorite pastimes where they do everything from bargain hunting on EBay to posting selfies on Instagram to streaming music and video content from sites like Pandora, DisneyXD and Univision. These plugged-in peeps are so keen to stream in fact that they'd be willing to pay a monthly subscription to stream live TV to their cell phones! In addition to their favorite programs, "American Streamers" use YouTube to stream video games so they can test their skills against a world of gamers.
16 Passive About Pixels If asked for the one word that best describes their digital attitude, "Passive About Pixels" would enthusiastically reply 'meh'. As blasphemous as it may sound to millennials, these middle-aged singletons can live quite happily outside the digital bubble. With marginal interest in the internet, many of these men and women still use outdated dial-up modems for their infrequent visits to sites like, MapQuest or Don't expect to find them on Facebook or Instagram either, since unlike the misguided masses they have no intention of publicizing the private details of their lives alongside an out-of-focus selfie. When it comes to their cells, the majority of "Passive About Pixels" subscribe to a 'mobile if I must' approach. While they agree that cell phones make sense for safety, they prefer the simplicity of their landline phones which don't require an advanced degree to operate unlike most cell phones these days!
17 Shopping Cart Savvy Single without any children at home, "Shopping Cart Savvy" enjoy the laid back lifestyle of their southern suburban homes. For the most part, the internet has little impact on the daily lives of these men and women and think people entrust it with too much of their private information. These singles do have one guilty pleasure though. Online shopping! Yep, these folks think the internet is awesome not only for gathering information about products and services, but for buying them as well. Spending in excess of $800 annually, these 'active quality seekers' purchase everything from household necessities to big ticket splurges on sites like Amazon, Overstock and EBay. Oh and that cruise they're taking this Spring? "Shopping Cart Savvy" booked their dream voyage on Travelocity and then visited to purchase affordable airline tickets to their port of departure.
18 Suburban Surfers Despite their landlocked locales, "Suburban Surfers" know they need only to access their online oasis to enjoy epic waves night or day. Single and free from the responsibilities of children, these middle-agers consider the internet their go-to source for meeting new people, finding local information, researching products and services and of course, entertainment. When they get a moment or two, these suburbanites may paddle out to to find out what time the race starts Saturday, or to catch up on the day's headlines. When they aren't tied to a schedule, "Suburban Surfers" enjoy reading about industry trends on LinkedIn, checking out trailers for new movies and TV shows on YouTube or catching up with friends on Facebook.
19 Offline Realities "Offline Realities" are single suburban parents struggling to make ends meet. By day these sole providers work hard for the money as construction workers, maintenance professionals and material movers. By night these single parents work hard for their honeys getting dinner on the table, helping with homework and doing a load or two of laundry. With so much on their plate, these moms and dads have little time for digital distractions. On the rare occasion they get a moment to themselves, these singles enjoy spending time online where they can lose themselves in a steamy novella on, look for brand savings on or even browse new job opportunities on "Offline Realities" are also big fans of, which keeps the kids occupied long enough for them to get some housework done.
20 E-Comm Couples From groceries and housewares to clothes and cosmetics, "E-Comm Couples" ditched the mall and now favor the internet for purchases large and small. Despite their close proximity to a variety of brick & mortar retailers, these urban professionals prefer to browse the cyber aisles of Amazon, Overstock and where they're always first in line and parking is never a problem. With annual purchases easily exceeding $800, these middle-aged couples pride themselves in being 'active quality seekers' who read reviews and compare prices across multiple website before making a purchase. They also use the internet to gather information about products and services they want to learn more about. As recent empty nesters, "E-Comm Couples" have been bitten by the travel bug, which resulted in several foreign trips over the last year. Not surprisingly, Travelocity, Orbitz and are some of their favorite online shopping destinations!
21 Off The Grid More likely to go off-road than online, "Off The Grid" are middle-aged married couples enjoying the slow pace of life in the country. With ATVs to ride and gardens to tend, the internet has little impact on the daily lives of these farmers, production specialists and construction workers. These couples think people put way too much private information about their lives online and they aren't interested in joining that particular club . When they do visit the world wide web, these folks typically stick to entertainment websites like NASCAR or resource sites like These men and women are also less than social when it comes to social media, which they use very infrequently to play games, find local information or to catch up on news and other current events. When it comes to cell phones, "Off The Grid" bought one primarily for safety purposes, but otherwise think they're way too complicated. As far as these country couples are concerned, their landline phone has always served them well and they see no reason to replace it.
22 Plugged-In Parents "Plugged-In Parents" are middle-aged married couples challenged with raising children in a 24/7 digital world. With kids who log hours of internet activity each week, these busy healthcare techs and fire fighters closely monitor their online activities. Although they think the internet is a good thing, in a world where trolling and cyber bullying are on the rise, these parents worry about too much technology. Not to mention that they don't want to see their kids posting excessive private information about their lives online, which they think too many people do nowadays. However, these moms and dads are all in when it comes to getting homework help using search engines like or watching last night's game highlights on or even playing games on social media. When some offline family time's in order, "Plugged-In Parents" unplug with a day of coasters and funnel cakes at the local theme park.
23 Bundled in the Burbs Like most of the families living in the newly constructed neighborhoods that are the hallmark of upper middle class suburbia, "Bundled in the Burbs" are diehard devotees of the digital services and devices that help them through their busy day. Look into the windows of these homes and you'll find mom watching the Food Network on her tablet as she prepares dinner, while dad catches the game on ESPN and the kids post selfies to Instagram and tweet funny memes. To ensure everyone can simultaneously enjoy their favorite digital pastime, these families rely on bundled packages from Verizon FiOS and AT&T U-verse to provide them with high-speed internet, premium cable television complete with DVR and digital home phone service. "Bundled in the Burbs" also enjoy bundled smartphone services courtesy of a family wireless plan that lets them call, text, stream and socialize near or far from their bundled retreats.
24 Digitally Remastered With their enviable incomes, "Digitally Remastered" families enjoy a lavish suburban lifestyle complete with luxury cars, exotic foreign travel and of course, the latest digital accoutrements. PCs and laptops are so yesterday for the children of these doctors, lawyers and financial analysts, who instead use their iPads to post, tweet and stream YouTube videos. When mom and dad want to access their beloved or invite a colleague to join their LinkedIn network, they use their E-readers. Mom and dad also enjoy the most recent release of their smartphone, despite not knowing how to use all its features--they can always ask their kids for help, since they too got upgrades. In addition to their devices, "Digitally Remastered" upgraded their shopping experience by taking it online where they can buy whatever their hearts desire and have it delivered straight to their door. Spending in excess of $800 annually, these 'active quality seekers' buy everything from housewares and apparel to plane tickets for their next trip abroad.
25 Small Town Satellites "Small Town Satellites" love the easy going pace life in the country offers, but living in rural America isn't without its complications--especially when it comes to their digital connections. Thanks to their sweet satellite dish though, these families can connect to all their favorite cyber destinations including NASCAR, NBCNews and Yahoo! Movies regardless of their rural surroundings. Since these home-based business owners and installation repair specialists have some debt, they also enjoy searching for deals on sites like and In fact, as 'active quality seekers,' these folks read reviews and compare prices across multiple websites before making an online purchase. In addition to shopping and surfing, "Small Town Satellites" are social gamers who visit social networking sites such as YouTube when they're in the mood for a little friendly competition.
26 High Speed Homes With a teen who's a gamer and another who blogs, a mom who cybershops till she drops and an app-happy dad, "High Speed Homes" have almost as much traffic as the city streets outside their urban homes. Like many contemporary families, going online is a favorite pastime for these urbanites, who use E-readers, iPads and even their television to connect to their favorite medium. Night and day, these homes hum with an endless stream of digital activity that includes everything from networking with colleagues on LinkedIn to researching homework assignments on to posting videos to Instagram. Not ones for being tied down, "High Speed Homes" like the convenience of using one mobile device for everything. And since streaming is among their favorite activities, these families expect the quality of video on their phones to equal that on their TVs.
27 Digital Dinosaurs Downloads and hashtags and texts oh my! "Digital Dinosaurs" are single suburban seniors who refuse to succumb to the charms of digital technology. The internet has little impact on the lives of these retirees who'd much rather spend their time puttering in the garden and participating in collector's clubs. When they do venture online (courtesy of a dial-up modem) it's typically to play a game on social media or to check their email on AOL Mail. These folks have even less love for cell phones, which they think are way too complicated. In fact, 14 percent of "Digital Dinosaurs" threw in the towel and don't even own a cell phone. Those that do own one have it only for emergencies, since they use their landline phones almost exclusively to make and receive calls.
28 Cell Conscious Single without any children at home, "Cell Conscious" are urban seniors struggling to navigate the wonderful world of wireless. Retired from careers in social science and the arts, this largely female set thinks cell phones are just too complicated these days. Although there are some features on their phones they would like to use, they don't know how and are reluctant to learn. In fact, more than half of these women can be characterized as either 'mobile minimalists' or 'mobile if I must'. While 'mobile minimalists' consider their cell phones to be an efficient replacement for their landline phones, they have no interest in using them for anything other than making and receiving calls. 'Mobile if I must' meanwhile prefer the simplicity of their landline phones and have cell phones primarily for safety. Then there's the 18 percent of "Cell Conscious" who don't even own a cell phone and *gasp* really don't want one.
29 Social Lites Single without any children at home, "Social Lites" are suburban retirees living largely offline lives. If asked, these seniors would tell you the internet has little impact on their lives. As far as they're concerned, newspapers keep them informed, TV entertains them and radio relaxes them. Why in heaven's name would they want to go online? Certainly not to join the throngs of people putting too much private information about their lives on sites like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Despite their distaste for pinning, blogging and posting however, "Social Lites" do enjoy getting social, especially if it involves watching the game on TV with some friends or comparing notes with fellow connoisseurs at collector's club gatherings.
30 Unplugged Single with no children left at home, "Unplugged" enjoy a peaceful existence free from the digital distractions that seem to dominate the lives of almost everyone else. For decades, these folks worked at jobs in production, installation and farming. Now retired, and largely widowed, these seniors enjoy more relaxing pursuits like watching their favorite TV shows or leisurely perusing the newspaper with their morning coffee. The internet however has little impact on their lives, since few of them consider going online to be relaxing or enjoyable. Why do they need Facebook friends or Twitter followers? They've been social for years thanks to their trusty landlines, which lets them chat with friends close to home, as well as those faraway courtesy of their domestic long distance calling plan. From where they're sitting, people already put too much private information about their lives on the internet without them adding to it. Furthermore, nearly a quarter of "Unplugged" also find cell phones unnecessary. Those that do own one got it primarily for safety purposes and don't intend on using it otherwise, since cell phones are just too complicated these days.
31 Retirement Reboot Free from the responsibilities of hectic careers and full-time parenting, "Retirement Reboot" couples are enjoying every minute of their 2.0 lifestyle. In V1.0 these lawyers, doctors and financial analysts used the internet as a tool for marketing, research or interoffice communication. Nowadays though, it's their all-access pass to shopping and entertainment excitement. Using their high-speed fiber optic connections, these carefree couples look up show times on sites like, manage their enviable investment portfolios or make travel plans--most recently for the European vacation they're taking in the fall. Preferring to spend time socializing as opposed to social networking, these twosomes have little interest in Facebook friends or a Pinterest posse. On the rare occasion they use social networking it's probably to find local information or catch up on the day's headlines. "Retirement Reboot" have the same nonchalant attitude about their cell phones. Although most of them own one, they much prefer their landline, which remains blessedly free from the confusing array of features that riddle their cell phones.
32 Dreaming of Analog "Dreaming of Analog" are married couples living out their golden years in suburban comfort thanks to the retirement real estate they invested in a few years back. For the most part, the internet has little impact on these retirees with the possible exception of managing their financial portfolios. Although they enjoy a healthy fixed income, these couples tend to be 'active quality seekers' who read product reviews and compare prices across multiple websites prior to making purchases, which in their case often exceed $800 annually. As for social networking, these couples think people put too much private information about their lives online and have little interest in doing the same by creating their own Facebook or Instagram profile. "Dreaming of Analog" do own cell phones, but much prefer their landline phones for making and receiving calls. Not to mention they find cell phones to be a bit annoying, especially in the hands of people who carry on loud conversations in public places!
33 Timed Out Retired from jobs in production and social services, "Timed Out" now enjoy quiet lives in modest suburban neighborhoods. The internet has little impact on the lives of these couples who'd much rather spend their free time watching TV or reading the newspaper. Not surprisingly, these folks never got around to replacing their dial-up modem, since it's fine as paint for visiting AOL, and playing the occasional game on social media. With family living not so close to home any longer, "Timed Out" frequently make domestic long distance calls to stay in touch. Despite having cell phones, these couples overwhelming prefer the simplicity of their landline phones, which don't require a degree in rocket science to operate!
34 Digital Detours "Digital Detours" are senior couples whose children have recently returned to the nest. To help support their larger households, these nearly or newly retired men and women have recently launch home-based businesses. The internet has helped them grow their business, in addition to providing them with a main source of entertainment. Dad enjoys seeing how his fave drivers are faring on, while mom enjoys looking for deals on she's also been known to review on social media once she's had a chance to try them. Their son begins each day checking the latest job postings on and the grandkids just love watching videos and gaming. "Digital Detours" have similarly varying behaviors when it comes to their cell phones. The grandkids are obsessed with them and are constantly texting their friends. Conversely, their grandparents prefer the simplicity of their landlines for making and receiving calls and avoid texting altogether since typing messages is real hassle.
35 Digital Distractions Located in the sleepy suburbs that dot the outskirts of mid-size cities, "Digital Distractions" are blue collar families living a modest, no frills lifestyle. These folks work hard as installation technicians, production specialists and construction workers, so when they're off the clock they want to relax. The internet is a main source of entertainment for these families who frequent sites such as CBS, eHow and Fandango where they watch full episodes of their favorite TV programs, view trailers of upcoming movie and access DIY home & garden projects. They're also fond of the home & garden hacks they find on Pinterest. More than anything though, "Digital Distractions" love playing games. Whether they're downloading video games or participating in live gaming events, these folks are always up for some friendly competition.

Connex Generation Cluster

Cluster Code Cluster Name Cluster Description
M1 Modern Millennials Idealistic, patriotic, team-oriented. These are just some of the characteristics that define the generation that came of age in post-9/11 America. Like many of their peers, "Modern Millennials" understood at a very young age that they live in an unsafe world. Not surprisingly, many of them sought to make a difference by pursuing careers in law enforcement and the armed forces. Below average incomes haven't deterred these singles from purchasing new furnishings for their starter homes, leasing a 'like new' compact car or hitting the hot new club for a night of dancing with friends. Having never lived without computers, "Modern Millennials" are most comfortable in a digital environment and get all of their information and most of their socialization from the internet. So when this group wants to unwind, they're likely whipping up that chili recipe they just saw on Pinterest or updating their Instagram feed while listening to the new album they recently downloaded from iTunes.
M2 Mature Millennials As the seniors of their generation, "Mature Millennials" have conquered college, landed a job and found a place to call home. Hit hard by the Great Recession of the late 2000s, this group delayed marriage and children in favor of establishing themselves. They still aren't earning as much as they'd like, but it's enough to pay for utilities, food & beverages, personal care and rental insurance. Having grown up in a digital environment, "Mature Millennials" view the world as 24/7 place where fast and immediate processing reigns supreme. As such, these men and women live online. Simply put, if it isn't discussed in a blog, debated in a forum, endorsed with a like, memorialized with a selfie or posted on their feed, it probably isn't worth their time.
X1 X in the City Representing the younger side of Generation X, "X in the City" are independent singletons living life on their own terms in the big city. Like most of their Gen X peers, this group's loyalty to themselves far outweighs their loyalty to any one organization. As such, you can bet this group of healthcare support professionals have probably had two to three different employers at this stage of their career--and they'll probably have three to four more before they retire. Their below average incomes limit their spending to basic expenses including utilities, food & beverages, rental insurance, healthcare, retail purchases and personal care. Unlike their Boomer parents, "X in the City" relish their time outside the office, which may involve grabbing a beer or two with friends or updating their Facebook page while relaxing to the new album they just bought.
X2 maXed Mommies Like many of their Gen X peers, "maXed Mommies" were late to marry and quick to divorce. Now single parents, these moms are working double time as full-time moms with full-time jobs. As healthcare support professionals, material movers and maintenance workers, this group works hard for their below average incomes. The bulk of their spending centers around necessities such as utilities, food & beverages, personal care and healthcare. They've likely also bought new toys for the kids and a new outfit for themselves recently. Unlike their Baby Boomer parents, "maXed Mommies" embrace their time away from work when they can relax with a favorite magazine, catch up with their kids over lunch at a nearby fast food restaurant or get together with girlfriends for a night of dancing.
X3 X-Y-Z Families "X-Y-Z Families" are married Gen X couples enjoying an active suburban lifestyle with their Y and Z children. Growing up with Baby Boomer parents whose excessive work schedules often left them on their own, these Gen X parents strive for a healthy balance between work and family. As such, these successful lawyers, doctors, sales professionals and engineers are also successful homework advisors, amateur coaches and part-time chauffeurs. As above average earners, these parents shower their kids with top-of-the-line sports/recreation equipment, fashion-forward apparel, new toys and season passes to the local theme park. Like most 21st century families, "X-Y-Z Families" are rarely off the grid. These Gen X moms and dads are clueless when it comes to the latest social media phenomenon (Facebook continues to rock their world), but are totally engaged when it comes to their smartphones.
X4 Gen X Execs Representing the senior side of Gen X, "Gen X Execs" are success-oriented singles living life on their own terms. As is typical for their generation, this group is highly educated which they parlayed into lucrative careers as doctors, lawyers and business executives. Unlike their Boomer parents, these fiercely independent professionals lack organizational loyalty and will readily jump ship if a better opportunity comes their way. Outside the office, these fun loving singles enjoy gambling, cooking and catching up with friends over a beer or two. Like most of their peers, "Gen X Execs" rely on the internet to pay their bills, shop for bargains, access the latest news, meet new people and pretty much everything in between.
X5 Great Xpectations Trending on the older side of Gen X, "Great Xpectations" are single parents striving to create a comfortable life for themselves and their kids in sunny suburbia. As dedicated administrative professionals, this group pulls down average salaries, which they spend on transportation, groceries, toys for the kids and clothes for themselves. They've also probably treated the kids to a day at the theme park followed by burgers and fries at their fave fast food restaurant. Like most of their Gen X peers, "Great Xpectations" can remember life before the digital revolution. What they can't remember is how they managed to get through the day without their smartphone, the internet and their Facebook feed!
X6 X's and O's "X's and O's" are married Gen X couples living the suburban dream complete with 2 kids and the family dog. Raised by Baby Boomer parents whose work schedules often cut into family time, these parents are determined to do a better job of balancing work with family. Not surprisingly, many of these mom and dads started home-based businesses, which offered them the flexibility to work around their kid's schedules. Financially, these families can afford to splurge on brand name sports/recreation equipment, trendy toys and household appliances that cut chore time in half (at least that's what the infomercial claimed). "X's and O's" also recently treated themselves to a top-of-the-line refrigerator, which quickly became the envy of all their neighbors. Although they occasionally turn to their kids for help, these Gen X parents are digi-capable...especially when it comes to the internet.
B1 Junior Boomers For the most part, "Junior Boomers" trend younger along the Baby Boomer spectrum. They are unlikely to be married and even less likely to have kids. Rather, as is typical for their generation, these workaholics are devoted to their careers in law enforcement, sales, administration and the armed forces. As average earners, their spending is fairly mundane, except when it comes transportation where fiscal responsibility takes a backseat to conspicuous consumption. This group lives in small town suburban settings where the climate doesn't always behave, in average homes built sometime between 1990-2005. Although they aren't planning to retire anytime soon, "Junior Boomers" are preparing now by investing in stocks, mutual funds and retirement savings plans.
B2 Boomers Without Babies "Boomers Without Babies" are middle-aged married couples who opted for career over kids. With advanced degrees and equally matched ambitions, these power couples have carved out successful careers in dynamic fields including the arts, social services, social sciences and the law. Like many of their Boomer peers, these couples are materialistic, but with above average salaries they can afford to indulge on upscale townhomes, visits to high-end salons and frequent retail therapy sessions. These former yuppies have also managed to accumulate a tidy net worth with investments in stocks, mutual funds and real estate. As is typical for their generation, "Boomers Without Babies" are hesitant to take too much time off work. When they do manage to tear themselves away, it probably entails a luxury getaway to an exotic foreign locale.
B3 Fringe Boomers Teetering on the edge of Gen X, "Fringe Boomers" are living the American Dream in the large suburbs that comprise our nation's urban fringe. As typical members of the first generation to raise their children in dual-income homes, these Boomer parents both enjoy successful careers in finance, sales, healthcare and management. As above average earners, these couples can afford the latest apparel, upscale homes, high-end educations for their kids and personal insurance. They've also been known to splurge on fine jewelry and foreign travel. And with teens on the verge of college, regular deposits into college savings plans are a must. As with most Baby Boomers, "Fringe Boomers" desire to make a difference, which for them means volunteering for a local charity and contributing to worthwhile causes.
B4 Blue Collar Boomers Single without children at home, "Blue Collar Boomers" are closing in on retirement from their jobs in material moving, healthcare support, maintenance and fire prevention. With below average salaries, this group's household spending focuses on basics such as utilities, food & beverages, personal care and their preferred tobacco product. Being the senior statesmen of their generation, "Blue Collar Boomers" have likely taken a prescription remedy for an ailment or a vitamin to support their overall health. As members of the first TV generation, these folks continue to enjoy watching their favorite shows when they get some downtime.
B5 Transitional Boomers Representing the senior side of the Baby Boom generation, "Transitional Boomers" are gradually moving into the next phase of their lives. Take retirement for instance. Although they've reached an appropriate age, this group isn't quite ready for full-time retirement. They are after all, members of the generation that defined their worth through work. Not surprisingly, many of these men and women chose a more flexible path to retirement through home-based business ownership. In addition to providing an outlet for their highly developed work ethic, the extra income helps offset unexpected household expenses. With teens still at home, "Transitional Boomers" are still footing the bill for new clothes, books, weekly grocery bills in excess of $150 and frequent dinners at family restaurants.
B6 Red, White and Boom "Red, White and Boom" are married Baby Boomers living ordinary average lives in America's heartland. As teens they marched for peace, fought for Civil Rights and said Y-E-S to the E-R-A. As adults they settled down, raised families, bought homes and worked long hours as farmers, production specialists and construction workers. With the kids out of the house and retirement knocking at the door, these couples are using their newfound free-time to try new things like planting that vegetable garden they've always wanted or exploring the countryside on the ATVs they recently purchased. While "Red, White and Boom" may never live in the lap of luxury, their average household income supports their modest expenses including healthcare deductibles, food & beverages, tobacco and payments on their full-size pick-ups and standard cars.
B7 Bucolic Boomers Married with children, "Bucolic Boomers" love the slow and easy pace of their small town life. As part of the first generation to raise their children in dual-income homes, both dad and mom hold down jobs outside the home in the fields of healthcare, law enforcement and installation. As you would expect with kids at home, a fair share of their income is devoted to groceries, which often exceed $150 per week. They also spend quite a bit on their multiple vehicles, including his and hers motorcycles, the family van and the compact pick-up the kids share. For fun, "Bucolic Boomers" make the most of their country surroundings with a day of off-roading on their ATVs.
S1 Sole Silents Single without children at home, "Sole Silents" are enjoying a quiet retirement in sunny southern suburbs. As part of a generation that valued saving over spending, these former lawyers, law clerks and legal secretaries accumulated a respectable net worth over the years, including the retirement real estate they now call home. Yes, their income is limited, but so is their spending with medical insurance premiums, retail purchases and renter's insurance topping their list of expenses. Like many other Silents, these retirees are avid readers and take great pleasure in reading their local newspaper cover-to-cover. They're also fond of puttering in their gardens and tuning into their favorite shows on TV. Unlike their children and grandchildren (possibly even great grandchildren), "Sole Silents" aren't prone to cell phone separation anxiety. In fact, they're still rather attached to their landlines, which they use to make local and domestic long distance calls.
S2 Silent Sets "Silent Sets" are married empty nesters representing the younger side of the Silent generation. Like many of their contemporaries, these Silents retired in style with a healthy net worth and a household income most non-retirees would envy. Free from restrictive budgets, these twosomes enjoy indulging in cruise vacations, gambling at their local casino and spending long weekends at the lake cabin they bought to celebrate their retirement. As is the case for most Silents, these men and women are avid readers and relaxing with their local newspaper is a favorite pastime. And while they may own a cell phone, "Silent Sets" favor their landlines, especially when making long distance calls to the grandkids.
S3 Sunsetting Silents Representing the senior side of the Silent generation, "Sunsetting Silents" are living out their golden years in the peaceful surroundings of small-town suburbia. Once married, these longtime empty nesters are flying solo nowadays since losing their spouse of many years. Like most women from their generation, this predominantly female segment formerly spent their days caring for the children and taking care of the home while their husbands pursued careers in healthcare, sales and administration. Now retired, this group enjoys more leisurely pursuits such as participating in collector's clubs and watching their favorite shows on television. They also enjoy reading their local newspaper, which is typical for most Silents. And now that the kids have scattered, you can bet these retirees make frequent long distance calls to catch up with their loved ones. Like most people their age, "Sunsetting Silents" devote much of their fixed income to healthcare expenses, including medical insurance premiums and prescription medications.

Connex Generation Groups

Generation Group Code Generation Group Name Generation Group Description
M Millennial A group of Generation Clusters that includes M1 and M2, grouped based on the generation of the head of household and containing Millennial households.
X Generation X A group of Generation Clusters that includes X1, X2, X3, X4, X5 and X6, grouped based on the generation of the head of household and containing Generation X households.
B Baby Boomer A group of Generation Clusters that includes B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6 and B7, grouped based on the generation of the head of household and containing Baby Boomer households.
S Silent Generation A group of Generation Clusters that includes S1, S2 and M3, grouped based on the generation of the head of household and containing Silent Generation households

Connex Life Stage Cluster

Cluster Code Cluster Name Cluster Description
YG1 Newly Minted Young, single and just getting started on life's journey, "Newly Minted" are enjoying their recently earned adult status in the bright lights of the big city. With fledgling careers in the culinary arts, social services and computers, many of these ambitious millennials plan to change jobs in the next year in order to maximize their earning and growth potential. After hours are spent with friends dancing at the local club, sharing a beer or two at a favorite joint or relaxing with their significant other over a new recipe they discovered on Pinterest. Their Ramen noodle budget limits their spending to basics such as food & beverages, utilities, rent and renters insurance, with the occasional retail splurge and audio download...and with many "Newly Minted" expecting to get engaged in the new future, it's time to start saving for the big day.
MY1 Me to We Although "Me To We" have left their twenties behind, these city dwellers still have plenty of firsts to look forward to as they gradually transition into middle age. For one, after crushing it at their first few healthcare jobs, these goal seekers plan to parlay their hard won experience to land their dream job in the next year. They're also taking their relationship to the next level with plans to get engaged in the not too distant future. When they're not planning their future, these men and women are on their smartphones documenting their present, uploading selfies of their latest escapades to Facebook and Instagram. You can also find them surfing their fave cooking sites for new recipes they can surprise their significant other with. When they get some downtime, "Me To We" enjoy relaxing to the Classic Rock hits they downloaded to their smartphone or tune in on the radio.
MY2 Mama Mia Despite their already hectic schedules as single moms with demanding full-time jobs, "Mama Mia" have no plans to slow down as they cruise into mid-life at full speed. For one, many of these women plan to get engaged in the near future, so when they're off the clock from their day jobs in healthcare support and social services, they'll be flipping through their favorite magazines for chic wedding ideas and new outfits for the showers their friends are sure to throw them. Those not planning a wedding are planning to become a parent again in the next year. Although this isn't their first rodeo, decorating the nursery and baby proofing takes a fair amount of planning, for which they spend a fair amount of time online searching for style ideas and baby bargains. Whether they're getting married or having a baby, "Mama Mia" can all agree that buying their first house is definitely in their future plans and they have probably purchased a household appliance recently in preparation for their new digs.
MY3 School Daze From soccer games and science fairs to SATs and prom, "School Daze" are married couples whose schedules revolve around the comings and going of their toddlers, tweens and teens. Representing the younger end of this segment are the new parents who are looking forward to buying their first home in the next year that will accommodate their growing family. One or both of these moms and dads are also planning to make a job change for a position requiring less travel and late hours. On the older side of this segment are the parents with teens. In fact, many of these folks have children headed to college come fall. These folks are looking into buying a second home in the next year where the family can reconnect on holidays and summer break. With their above average income, "School Daze" lives a comfortable suburban lifestyle including new toys for the kids, high-end sports equipment for their star athletes and most recently a brand new dishwasher for mom.
MO1 Approaching the Finish Line With their youngest getting ready to graduate college and their oldest planning a June wedding, "Approaching the Finish Line" are looking forward to starting the next chapter of their lives. After years spent in law enforcement, these singles plan to retire in the next year and enjoy some well deserved R&R including that cross country motorcycle trip they've been dreaming about. They're also planning to spend more time with friends be it a night of gambling at the local casino or for a glass of wine at their favorite watering hole. "Approaching the Finish Line" have managed to accumulate a comfortable net worth with investments in stocks and mutual funds, which they plan to collect once they officially retire in the next several months.
MO2 Middle-Aged Blues Single with children still at home, "Middle-Aged Blues" work longs hours to make ends meet in the mid-size suburbs they call home. With jobs in maintenance, construction and material moving, this largely female segment earns just enough to cover their basic household expenses including the $150+ per week they spend on groceries, their monthly utility bills and personal care expenses. For months they've also been saving what they could to help offset come of the expenses their child will incur when they get married later in the year. Many of these women plan to collect a lump sum IRA sometime in the next year, part of which they will use as the down payment on their very first house-something they've been dreaming of their whole lives. Although "Middle-Aged Blues" doesn't get a lot of free time, when they do manage some they enjoy relaxing to some tunes on heir favorite radio station or, if their feeling daring, a night of dancing at the local club.
MO3 Second Honeymooners Now that the kids have moved out and started families of their own, "Second Honeymooners" are rediscovering life as a twosome. Weekends once devoted to teams sports and dance recitals are now spent working in the garden and exploring the countryside on their ATVs. These couples have also been making some home improvements, converting what was once Johnny's bedroom into a media room, complete with two new recliners and flat screen TV. With jobs in farming and construction, these couples have accumulated a comfortable net worth, which includes some real estate where they plan to build a weekend getaway to enjoy in their retirement. As much as "Second Honeymooners" enjoy having the house all to themselves again, they are longing to hear the pitter patter of little feet once more...with the arrival of their first grandchild in the next few months!
MO4 Tweens and Teens Now playing in a suburban neighborhood near you, "Tweens and Teens" stars middle-aged married couples fearlessly braving the roller coaster ride otherwise know as…the teenage years. With children ranging between the ages of 11 and 18, these parents practically live in their vans and mid-size SUVs driving kids to and from school, soccer, swimming...the grocery store, where they drop at least $150 every week. Thankfully, being home-based business owners has provided these moms and dads with fairly flexible schedules. The money's not bad either. In fact, dad just bought mom those diamond earrings she's had her eye on. Although "Tweens and Teens" have some debt, they still can afford to rent a car for a weekend getaway to a nearby resort for some quality family time...something that won't be as easy to come when their oldest heads off to college in the fall.
SR1 Me Time With plans to retire in the next year, "Me Time" is looking forward to some well deserved R&R and having the time to explore new interests and activities. Having spent the better part of their lives focused on careers in healthcare support and social services, this largely female segment intends to spend their days cultivating a garden that will make them the envy of their suburban neighborhood. These women also plan on taking a more active roles in their collector's club, a hobby they've always enjoyed but didn't always have time to pursue. "Me Time" will also begin collecting from their 401k in the next year, which will considerably reduce their household income. However, with limited household expenses including healthcare, utilities, food & beverages and personal care, they will mange just fine. They will however splurge on retail purchases for their first grandchild, who's scheduled to arrive any day now.
SR2 Swingin' Silvers Forget the rocker! "Swingin' Silvers" are making the most of their retirement years. Once successful salespeople, healthcare professionals and social servants, these married couples now enjoy more leisurely pursuits like casual dinners at their favorite family restaurant, followed by a night of gambling at one of the local casinos. Having accumulated a comfortable net worth that includes some stocks, mutual funds and real estate holdings, these couples have been able to maintain a decent retirement income, which easily supports their retail purchases, healthcare expenses, reading materials and other miscellaneous purchases. At their age, these men and women count on vitamins and supplements to help support their active lifestyle, as well as the occasional prescription remedy as needed. Lacking any desire to visit their local mall, "Swingin' Silvers" are enthusiastic mail order buyers. Their latest purchases include new clothes for the cruise they're taking in the fall and of course baby gifts for the grandchild they're expecting next month.
SR3 College Crunch Time With their youngest headed to college in the fall and their oldest graduating from college in the spring, "College Crunch Time" families are earning an advanced degree in the joys of higher education. Although many of these moms and dads officially retired, the home-based business they launched to help augment their income until they can begin collecting on their 401k later in the year keeps them quite busy. It also provides them with the necessary fund to accommodate a household of four, including the $150 per week they spend on groceries and the new tires they just put on mom's domestic car and their youngest's compact pick-up. Although "College Crunch Time" is always on the go, when they are able to get together as a family they enjoy off-roading excitement on their ATVs or a backyard barbecue where the family dog can usually count on more than a few tasty table scraps.

Connex Life Stage Groups

Life Stage Group Code Life Stage Group Name Life Stage Group Description
YG Young A group of Life Stage Clusters that includes YG1, grouped based on the age of the head of household and containing younger households
MY Younger Middle-Age A group of Life Stage Clusters that includes MY1, MY2 and MY3, grouped based on the age of the head of household and containing younger, middle-age households
MO Older Middle-Age A group of Life Stage Clusters made up of MO1, MO2, MO3 and MO4, group based on the age of the head of household and containing older, middle-age households
SR Mature A group of Life Stage Clusters made up of SR1, SR2, and SR3, grouped based on the age of the head of household and containing mature households

TCI Append Auto


Use TCI Auto Append's extensive set of automative attributes to enhance existing profiles of your customers and prospects as well as personalize your communications. It leverages Infutor’s industry leading consumer identity graph to return up to 4 vehicles per consumer record. Results will also include vehicle attribute information (e.g. make, model) as well as auto intelligence models for in-market and vehicle affinity

Input Message Body

The TCI Auto Append accepts identity data elements including name, address, phone, and email as input.


Field Name Parameter Name Required Description
First Name fname Optional First name, 15 characters max.
Last Name lname Optional Last name, 20 characters max.
Address1 addr1 Required Address line 1, 64 characters max.
City city Required City name, 28 characters max. Either City/State or Zip5 is required.
State state Required 2 character state abbreviation. Either City/State or Zip5 is required.
Zip5 zip Required 5 digit numeric USPS zip code. Either City/State or Zip5 is required.
Phone phone Required 10 digit numeric phone number (without spaces, dashes, or parentheses)
Email email Required Email address, 100 characters max
pid persistentId Optional Synthetic PID, Unique individual. Encrypted value
hhid householdId Optional Synthetic Household ID, Unique address + Last Name. Encrypted value
At a minimum, one of the following input combinations is required for processing:
  • Phone
  • Email
  • Address1 + Zip
  • Address1 + City + State
For enhanced Identity resolution is highly recommended to include name in the input.


Auto Attributes

Output Field Description Returned Values
VIN1 Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) 17 characters
MAKE1 Vehicle Make 30 characters
MODEL1 Vehicle Model 30 characters
YEAR1 Vehicle Year 4 characters: YYYY
VEH_CLASS1 Vehicle Class:
15 characters
FUELTYPECD1 Vehicle Fuel Code:
  • B - Biodiesel
  • D - Diesel
  • F - Flex - Fuel
  • G - Gasoline
  • H - Fuel Cell
  • I - Plug-in-Electric
  • L - Electric/Gas
  • N - CNG (Compressed Natural Gas)
  • P - Propane
  • Y - Hybrid
1 character: B, D, F, G, H, I, L, N, P, Y
MFGCD1 Auto Manufacturer Code:
  • A - Antique
  • C - Chrysler Products
  • F - Ford Products
  • G - GM Products
  • H - High End Imports
  • L - Low End Imports
  • O - Other
1 character: A, C, F, G, H, L, O
STYLECD1 Vehicle Style Code:
  • CONV
  • CPE2DR
  • CUV
  • UTIL
  • VAN
10 characters
MILEAGECD1 Mileage Code: A - Z in increments of 10,000 0- 10,000-A and 260,000+-Z 1 character: A - Z
INFERREDDATE1 Inferred Purchase Date Code:
  • A 0-6 months
  • B 7-12 months
  • C 13-18 months
  • D 19-24 months
  • E 25-36 months
  • F 37-48 months
  • G 49+ months
1 Character: A, B, C, D, E, F, G
VIN2 Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) 17 characters
MAKE2 Vehicle Make 30 characters
MODEL2 Vehicle Model 30 characters
YEAR2 Vehicle Year 4 characters: YYYY
VEH_CLASS2 Vehicle Class:
15 characters
FUELTYPECD2 Vehicle Fuel Code:
  • B - Biodiesel
  • D - Diesel
  • F - Flex - Fuel
  • G - Gasoline
  • H - Fuel Cell
  • I - Plug-in-Electric
  • L - Electric/Gas
  • N - CNG (Compressed Natural Gas)
  • P - Propane
  • Y - Hybrid
1 character: B, D, F, G, H, I, L, N, P, Y
MFGCD2 Auto Manufacturer Code:
  • A - Antique
  • C - Chrysler Products
  • F - Ford Products
  • G - GM Products
  • H - High End Imports
  • L - Low End Imports
  • O - Other
1 character: A, C, F, G, H, L, O
STYLECD2 Vehicle Style Code:
  • CONV
  • CPE2DR
  • CUV
  • UTIL
  • VAN
10 characters
MILEAGECD2 Mileage Code: A - Z in increments of 10,000 0- 10,000-A and 260,000+-Z 1 character: A - Z
INFERREDDATE2 Inferred Purchase Date Code:
  • A 0-6 months
  • B 7-12 months
  • C 13-18 months
  • D 19-24 months
  • E 25-36 months
  • F 37-48 months
  • G 49+ months
1 Character: A, B, C, D, E, F, G
VIN3 Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) 17 characters
MAKE3 Vehicle Make 30 characters
MODEL3 Vehicle Model 30 characters
YEAR3 Vehicle Year 4 characters: YYYY
VEH_CLASS3 Vehicle Class:
15 characters
FUELTYPECD3 Vehicle Fuel Code:
  • B - Biodiesel
  • D - Diesel
  • F - Flex - Fuel
  • G - Gasoline
  • H - Fuel Cell
  • I - Plug-in-Electric
  • L - Electric/Gas
  • N - CNG (Compressed Natural Gas)
  • P - Propane
  • Y - Hybrid
1 character: B, D, F, G, H, I, L, N, P, Y
MFGCD3 Auto Manufacturer Code:
  • A - Antique
  • C - Chrysler Products
  • F - Ford Products
  • G - GM Products
  • H - High End Imports
  • L - Low End Imports
  • O - Other
1 character: A, C, F, G, H, L, O
STYLECD3 Vehicle Style Code:
  • CONV
  • CPE2DR
  • CUV
  • UTIL
  • VAN
10 characters
MILEAGECD3 Mileage Code: A - Z in increments of 10,000 0- 10,000-A and 260,000+-Z 1 character: A - Z
INFERREDDATE3 Inferred Purchase Date Code:
  • A 0-6 months
  • B 7-12 months
  • C 13-18 months
  • D 19-24 months
  • E 25-36 months
  • F 37-48 months
  • G 49+ months
1 Character: A, B, C, D, E, F, G
VIN4 Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) 17 characters
MAKE4 Vehicle Make 30 characters
MODEL4 Vehicle Model 30 characters
YEAR4 Vehicle Year 4 characters: YYYY
VEH_CLASS4 Vehicle Class:
15 characters
FUELTYPECD4 Vehicle Fuel Code:
  • B - Biodiesel
  • D - Diesel
  • F - Flex - Fuel
  • G - Gasoline
  • H - Fuel Cell
  • I - Plug-in-Electric
  • L - Electric/Gas
  • N - CNG (Compressed Natural Gas)
  • P - Propane
  • Y - Hybrid
1 character: B, D, F, G, H, I, L, N, P, Y
MFGCD4 Auto Manufacturer Code:
  • A - Antique
  • C - Chrysler Products
  • F - Ford Products
  • G - GM Products
  • H - High End Imports
  • L - Low End Imports
  • O - Other
1 character: A, C, F, G, H, L, O
STYLECD4 Vehicle Style Code:
  • CONV
  • CPE2DR
  • CUV
  • UTIL
  • VAN
10 characters
MILEAGECD4 Mileage Code: A - Z in increments of 10,000 0- 10,000-A and 260,000+-Z 1 character: A - Z
INFERREDDATE4 Inferred Purchase Date Code:
  • A 0-6 months
  • B 7-12 months
  • C 13-18 months
  • D 19-24 months
  • E 25-36 months
  • F 37-48 months
  • G 49+ months
1 Character: A, B, C, D, E, F, G

Auto Intelligence Models - In-Market and Affinities

Output Field Description Returned Values
IN_MARKET_NEW_SEGMENTS Predicts the likelihood that a consumer is likely to purchase a new vehicle, segment-based.
  • 1 - Very Low
  • 2 - Low
  • 3 - Medium
  • 4 - High
  • 5 - Very High (5x)
1 character: 1 - 5
IN_MARKET_NEW_SCORE Score that predicts the likelihood that a consumer is likely to purchase a new vehicle (for machine learning algorithms), Numeric values 1-100. 1 = lowest propensity, 100 = highest propensity. 3 characters from 1 - 100
IN_MARKET_USED_SEGMENTS Predicts the likelihood that a consumer is likely to purchase a used vehicle, segment-based.
  • 1 - Very Low
  • 2 - Low
  • 3 - Medium
  • 4 - High
  • 5 - Very High (5x)
1 character: 1 - 5
IN_MARKET_USED_SCORE Score that predicts the likelihood that a consumer is likely to purchase a used vehicle. Numeric values 1-100 (for machine learning algorithms). 1 = lowest propensity, 100 = highest propensity. 3 characters from 1 - 100
CHEVROLET_AFFINITY Score that predicts the affinity or loyalty towards the Chevrolet Brand and a consumer's dedication to purchase Chevrolet vehicles. Numeric values 1 - 5.
  • 1 - Very Low Affinity
  • 2 - Low Affinity
  • 3 - Medium Affinity
  • 4 - High Affinity
  • 5 - Very High Affinity
1 character: 1 - 5
DODGE_AFFINITY Score that predicts the affinity or loyalty towards the Dodge Brand and a consumer's dedication to purchase Dodge vehicles. Numeric values 1 - 5.
  • 1 - Very Low Affinity
  • 2 - Low Affinity
  • 3 - Medium Affinity
  • 4 - High Affinity
  • 5 - Very High Affinity
1 character: 1 - 5
FORD_AFFINITY Score that predicts the affinity or loyalty towards the Ford Brand and a consumer's dedication to purchase Ford vehicles. Numeric values 1 - 5.
  • 1 - Very Low Affinity
  • 2 - Low Affinity
  • 3 - Medium Affinity
  • 4 - High Affinity
  • 5 - Very High Affinity
1 character: 1 - 5
GMC_AFFINITY Score that predicts the affinity or loyalty towards the GMC Brand and a consumer's dedication to purchase GMC vehicles. Numeric values 1 - 5.
  • 1 - Very Low Affinity
  • 2 - Low Affinity
  • 3 - Medium Affinity
  • 4 - High Affinity
  • 5 - Very High Affinity
1 character: 1 - 5
HONDA_AFFINITY Score that predicts the affinity or loyalty towards the Honda Brand and a consumer's dedication to purchase Honda vehicles. Numeric values 1 - 5.
  • 1 - Very Low Affinity
  • 2 - Low Affinity
  • 3 - Medium Affinity
  • 4 - High Affinity
  • 5 - Very High Affinity
1 character: 1 - 5
HYUNDAI_AFFINITY Score that predicts the affinity or loyalty towards the Hyundai Brand and a consumer's dedication to purchase Hyundai vehicles. Numeric values 1 - 5.
  • 1 - Very Low Affinity
  • 2 - Low Affinity
  • 3 - Medium Affinity
  • 4 - High Affinity
  • 5 - Very High Affinity
1 character: 1 - 5
TOYOTA_AFFINITY Score that predicts the affinity or loyalty towards the Toyota Brand and a consumer's dedication to purchase Toyota vehicles. Numeric values 1 - 5.
  • 1 - Very Low Affinity
  • 2 - Low Affinity
  • 3 - Medium Affinity
  • 4 - High Affinity
  • 5 - Very High Affinity
1 character: 1 - 5
NISSAN_AFFINITY Score that predicts the affinity or loyalty towards the Nissan Brand and a consumer's dedication to purchase Nissan vehicles. Numeric values 1 - 5.
  • 1 - Very Low Affinity
  • 2 - Low Affinity
  • 3 - Medium Affinity
  • 4 - High Affinity
  • 5 - Very High Affinity
1 character: 1 - 5
JEEP_AFFINITY Score that predicts the affinity or loyalty towards the Jeep Brand and a consumer's dedication to purchase Jeep vehicles. Numeric values 1 - 5.
  • 1 - Very Low Affinity
  • 2 - Low Affinity
  • 3 - Medium Affinity
  • 4 - High Affinity
  • 5 - Very High Affinity
1 character: 1 - 5
CHRYSLER_AFFINITY Score that predicts the affinity or loyalty towards the Chrysler Brand and a consumer's dedication to purchase Chrysler vehicles. Numeric values 1 - 5.
  • 1 - Very Low Affinity
  • 2 - Low Affinity
  • 3 - Medium Affinity
  • 4 - High Affinity
  • 5 - Very High Affinity
1 character: 1 - 5
LEXUS_AFFINITY Score that predicts the affinity or loyalty towards the Lexus Brand and a consumer's dedication to purchase Lexus vehicles. Numeric values 1 - 5.
  • 1 - Very Low Affinity
  • 2 - Low Affinity
  • 3 - Medium Affinity
  • 4 - High Affinity
  • 5 - Very High Affinity
1 character: 1 - 5
CADILLAC_AFFINITY Score that predicts the affinity or loyalty towards the Cadillac Brand and a consumer's dedication to purchase Cadillac vehicles. Numeric values 1 - 5.
  • 1 - Very Low Affinity
  • 2 - Low Affinity
  • 3 - Medium Affinity
  • 4 - High Affinity
  • 5 - Very High Affinity
1 character: 1 - 5
BMW_AFFINITY Score that predicts the affinity or loyalty towards the BMW Brand and a consumer's dedication to purchase BMW vehicles. Numeric values 1 - 5.
  • 1 - Very Low Affinity
  • 2 - Low Affinity
  • 3 - Medium Affinity
  • 4 - High Affinity
  • 5 - Very High Affinity
1 character: 1 - 5
MERCEDESBENZ_AFFINITY Score that predicts the affinity or loyalty towards the Mercedes Benz Brand and a consumer's dedication to purchase Mercedes Benz vehicles. Numeric values 1 - 5.
  • 1 - Very Low Affinity
  • 2 - Low Affinity
  • 3 - Medium Affinity
  • 4 - High Affinity
  • 5 - Very High Affinity
1 character: 1 - 5
VOLVO_AFFINITY Score that predicts the affinity or loyalty towards the Volvo Brand and a consumer's dedication to purchase Volvo vehicles. Numeric values 1 - 5.
  • 1 - Very Low Affinity
  • 2 - Low Affinity
  • 3 - Medium Affinity
  • 4 - High Affinity
  • 5 - Very High Affinity
1 character: 1 - 5
INFINITI_AFFINITY Score that predicts the affinity or loyalty towards the Infiniti Brand and a consumer's dedication to purchase Infiniti vehicles. Numeric values 1 - 5.
  • 1 - Very Low Affinity
  • 2 - Low Affinity
  • 3 - Medium Affinity
  • 4 - High Affinity
  • 5 - Very High Affinity
1 character: 1 - 5
AUDI_AFFINITY Score that predicts the affinity or loyalty towards the Audi Brand and a consumer's dedication to purchase Audi vehicles. Numeric values 1 - 5.
  • 1 - Very Low Affinity
  • 2 - Low Affinity
  • 3 - Medium Affinity
  • 4 - High Affinity
  • 5 - Very High Affinity
1 character: 1 - 5
LINCOLN_AFFINITY Score that predicts the affinity or loyalty towards the Lincoln Brand and a consumer's dedication to purchase Lincoln vehicles. Numeric values 1 - 5.
  • 1 - Very Low Affinity
  • 2 - Low Affinity
  • 3 - Medium Affinity
  • 4 - High Affinity
  • 5 - Very High Affinity
1 character: 1 - 5
LANDROVER_AFFINITY Score that predicts the affinity or loyalty towards the Land Rover Brand and a consumer's dedication to purchase Land Rover vehicles. Numeric values 1 - 5.
  • 1 - Very Low Affinity
  • 2 - Low Affinity
  • 3 - Medium Affinity
  • 4 - High Affinity
  • 5 - Very High Affinity
1 character: 1 - 5
TRUCK_AFFINITY Score that predicts the affinity or loyalty towards the Truck auto style and a consumer's dedication to purchase Trucks. Numeric values 1 - 5.
  • 1 - Very Low Affinity
  • 2 - Low Affinity
  • 3 - Medium Affinity
  • 4 - High Affinity
  • 5 - Very High Affinity
1 character: 1 - 5
SUV_AFFINITY Score that predicts the affinity or loyalty towards the SUV auto style and a consumer's dedication to purchase SUV Vehicles. Numeric values 1 - 5.
  • 1 - Very Low Affinity
  • 2 - Low Affinity
  • 3 - Medium Affinity
  • 4 - High Affinity
  • 5 - Very High Affinity
1 character: 1 - 5
COUPE_AFFINITY Score that predicts the affinity or loyalty towards the 2 door Coupe auto style and a consumer's dedication to purchase Coupe Vehicles. Numeric values 1 - 5.
  • 1 - Very Low Affinity
  • 2 - Low Affinity
  • 3 - Medium Affinity
  • 4 - High Affinity
  • 5 - Very High Affinity
1 character: 1 - 5
SEDAN_AFFINITY Score that predicts the affinity or loyalty towards the Sedan auto style and a consumer's dedication to purchase Sedan Vehicles. Numeric values 1 - 5.
  • 1 - Very Low Affinity
  • 2 - Low Affinity
  • 3 - Medium Affinity
  • 4 - High Affinity
  • 5 - Very High Affinity
1 character: 1 - 5
VAN_AFFINITY Score that predicts the affinity or loyalty towards the Van auto style and a consumer's dedication to purchase Van Vehicles. Numeric values 1 - 5.
  • 1 - Very Low Affinity
  • 2 - Low Affinity
  • 3 - Medium Affinity
  • 4 - High Affinity
  • 5 - Very High Affinity
1 character: 1 - 5
HYBRID_AFFINITY Score that predicts the affinity or loyalty towards the Hybrid auto style and a consumer's dedication to purchase Hybrid Vehicles. Numeric values 1 - 5.
  • 1 - Very Low Affinity
  • 2 - Low Affinity
  • 3 - Medium Affinity
  • 4 - High Affinity
  • 5 - Very High Affinity
1 character: 1 - 5

TCI Append Property


Use TCI Property Append's extensive set of property attributes to enhance existing profiles of your customers and prospects as well as personalize your communications. It leverages Infutor’s industry leading consumer identity graph to return insights on the characteristics of the property that an individual occupies. Results will also include general property info, attributes about the property, mortgage information and property intelligence models.

Input Message Body

The TCI Property Append accepts identity data elements including name, address, phone, and email as input.


Field Name Parameter Name Required Description
First Name fname Optional First name, 15 characters max.
Last Name lname Optional Last name, 20 characters max.
Address1 addr1 Required Address line 1, 64 characters max.
City city Required City name, 28 characters max. Either City/State or Zip5 is required.
State state Required 2 character state abbreviation. Either City/State or Zip5 is required.
Zip5 zip Required 5 digit numeric USPS zip code. Either City/State or Zip5 is required.
Phone phone Required 10 digit numeric phone number (without spaces, dashes, or parentheses)
Email email Required Email address, 100 characters max
pid persistentId Optional Synthetic PID, Unique individual. Encrypted value
hhid householdId Optional Synthetic Household ID, Unique address + Last Name. Encrypted value
At a minimum, one of the following input combinations is required for processing:
  • Phone
  • Email
  • Address1 + Zip
  • Address1 + City + State
For enhanced Identity resolution is highly recommended to include name in the input.


General Property Information

Output Field Description Returned Values
PROP_OWNEROCC Y - Property is Owner Occupied 1 character: Y
PROP_IND A general code used to easily recognize specific property types (e.g, Residential, Condominium, Commercial).
  • 10 - Single Family Residence / Townhouse
  • 11 - Condominium (residential)
  • 20 - Commercial
  • 21 - Duplex, Triplex, Quadplex
  • 22 - Apartment
  • 23 - Hotel, Motel
  • 24 - Commercial (Condominium)
  • 25 - Retail
  • 26 - Service (general public)
  • 27 - Office Building
  • 28 - Warehouse
  • 29 - Financial Institution
  • 30 - Hospital (medical complex, clinic)
  • 31 - Parking
  • 32 - Amusement - Recreation
  • 50 - Industrial
  • 51 - Industrial Light
  • 52 - Industrial Heavy
  • 53 - Transport
  • 54 - Utilities
  • 70 - Agricultural
  • 80 - Vacant
  • 90 - Exempt
3 characters
PROP_MOBHOME Y - Mobile Home present on the Parcel 1 character: Y
PROP_STYLE A general code used to easily recognize specific property types:
  • 999 - BYPASS
  • DOM - DOME
  • LOG - LOG
  • OLD - OLD
3 characters
PROP_STORIESCD Type / number of stories (eg, Colonial, Cape Code, Bungalow). 3 characters
PROP_QLTY Type of construction quality of building:
  • QAV - Average
  • QBA - Below Average
  • QVV - Above Average
  • QPO - Poor
  • QEX - Excellent
  • QLU - Luxury
  • 999 - Bypass
  • QGO - Good
  • QLO - Low
  • QFA - Fair
  • QEC - Economical
3 characters
PROP_COND This represents the physical condition of the building (e.g., Good, Fair, Under Construction).
  • 0 - None
  • 999 - BYPASS
  • FAI - FAIR
  • GOO - GOOD
  • POO - POOR
3 characters
PROP_CNSTRTYPE The primary method of construction (e.g., Steel / Glass, Concrete Block, Log).
  • DOM - DOME
  • LOG - LOG
  • WOO - WOOD
  • 999 - BYPASS
3 characters
PROP_EXTNW The type and/or finish of the exterior walls (e.g., Vinyl Siding, Brick Veneer, Frame/Stone). 3 characters
PROP_VALCALC The total (e.g., Land + Improvement) Value closest to current market value used for assessment by county or local taxing authorities. 11 characters
PROP_VAL_CALCIND Type of Values used to seed the toal value calculated field:
  • A - Assessed
  • M - Market
  • P - Appraised
  • T - Transitional
1 character: A, M, P, T
PROP_IMP_VALCALC The "IMPROVEMENT" Value closest to current market value used for assessment by county or local taxing authorities. 11 caracters
PROP_IMP_VALCALC_IND Type "IMPROVEMENT" value closest to current market value used for assessment by county or local taxing authorities:
  • A - Assessed
  • M - Market
  • P - Appraised
  • T - Transitional
1 character: A, M, P, T
PROP_ASSED_VAL The Total Assessed Value of the Parcel's Land & Improvement values as provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority. 11 characters
PROP_ASSED_IMPVAL The Assessed Improvement Values as provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority. 11 characters
PROP_MRKTVAL Total Market Value of the Parcel's Land & Improvement values as provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority. 11 characters
PROP_MRKT_IMPVAL Market Improvement Values as provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority. 11 characters
PROP_APPRAISED_VAL The Total Appraised Value of the Parcel's Land & Improvement values as provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority. 11 characters
PROP_APPRAISED_IMPVAL The Appraised Improvement Values as provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority. 11 characters

Property Attributes

Output Field Description Returned Values
PROP_YRBLD Original Year Building Construction 4 characters: YYYY
PROP_EFFYRBLD This is the first year the building was assessed with its current components (e.g., YYYY, a building is originally constructed in 1960 and a bedroom and bath was added to the building in 1974. The Year Built would be 1960 and the Effective Year Built would be 1974) 4 characters: YYYY
PROP_VIEW View from building (e.g., Gulf, Mountains, pool):
  • 0 - NONE
  • 999 - BYPASS
  • VBA - BAY
  • VBE - BEST
  • VCI - CITY
  • VFA - FAIR
  • VGO - GOOD
  • VGU - GULF
  • VLA - LAKE
  • VPA - PARK
  • VPD - POND
  • VPL - POOL
  • VPR - POOR
  • VRD - ROAD
3 characters
PROP_LCTN_INFL Positive or negative aspects associated with the location of the parcel (e.g., waterfront, flood plane, airport). 3 characters
PROP_ACRES Total land mass in Acres. (4 decimal points) Example: 13000 = 1. Acres. 13 characters
PROP_LANDSQFT Total land mass in Square feet. 9 characters
PROP_UNVBLDSQFT The Building Square Footage that can most accurately be used for assessments or comparable (e.g., Living, Adjusted, Gross) 9 characters
PROP_BLDSQFTIND The codes appearing in this field indicate the source used to populate the UNIVERSAL BUILDING SQUARE FEED field:
  • R - Ground Floor Level
  • H - Heated Area
  • M - Main or Base Area
  • B - Building
  • A - Adjusted
  • L - Living
  • G - Gross
1 character: R, H, M, B, A, L, G
PROP_BLDSQFT The size of the building in Square Feet. This field is most commonly populated as a cumulative total when a county does not differentiate between Living and Non-living areas. 9 characters
PROP_LIVINGSQFT Area of a building that is used for general living. This is typically the area of a building that is heated or air conditioned and does not include Garage, Porch or Basement square footage. 7 characters
PROP_GROSSSQFT Square footage for the entire building. Typically this represents all square feet under the roof. 7 characters
PROP_ADJGROSSSQFT Square footage used by the county or local taxing / assessment authority to determine Improvement Value. This figure is typically 100% of the living area, plus lower percentage of non-living area. 7 characters
PROP_RMS Total number of rooms contained in the primary building. 5 characters
PROP_BEDRMS Total number of bedrooms contained in the primary building. 5 characters
PROP_BATHSCALC Total number of Bathrooms in whole numbers (e.g., a home containing 2 1/2 baths would have the number 3 stored in this field as, three actual rooms have been designated for this purpose). (e.g., 200, 300, 400). 5 characters
PROP_BATHS Total number of Bathrooms as provided by our data sources (e.g., 4.00, 2.50, 1.75). 5 characters
PROP_FULLBATHS Total number of Full Baths (typically comprised of a sink, toilet, and bathtub / shower stall). A home containing 2 1/2 baths would have the number 2 stored in this field. 5 characters
PROP_AC The type of air conditioning method used to cool the building (e.g., Central, Wall, Unit, Evaporative).
  • 0 - AC.NONE
3 characters
PROP_FRPL Y - Fireplace is located within the building. 1 character: Y
PROP_FND The type of foundation (e.g., Continuous footing, pier, mud sill).
  • 0 - NONE
  • 999 - BYPASS
  • PIR - PIER
  • SLB - SLAB
  • WOO - WOOD
3 characters
PROP_FLR The type of floor construction (e.g., Concrete, Plywood).
  • 999 - BYPASS
  • B - WOOD
  • E - BRICK
  • H - GRAVEL
  • I - SLATE
  • J - DIRT
3 characters
PROP_GAR Type of garage or carport present (e.g., Attached Finished, Enclosed Carport, Basement Garage). 3 characters
PROP_HEAT Type of garage or carport present (e.g., Attached Finished, Enclosed Carport, Basement Garage). 3 characters
PROP_POOL Y - Pool Present in Parcel. 1 character: Y
PROP_ROOFCOVER Type of roof covering (e.g., Clay Tile, Aluminum, Shake). 3 characters
PROP_ROOFTYPE Type of roof covering (e.g., Gambrel, Gable, Flat, Mansard).
  • 999 - BYPASS
  • 9B0 - LEAN TO
  • A - A-FRAME
  • B - BARN
  • C - CANOPY
  • D - DORMER
  • E - FRAME
  • F - FLAT
  • G - GABLE
  • I - HIP
  • L - BARREL
  • O - SHED
  • R - ARCHED
  • U - BUBBLE
3 characters
PROP_ENERGY Type of electricity or energy use within the building (e.g., Average Wiring, Underground Wired, Private Source).
  • 0 - NONE
  • 999 - BYPASS
3 characters
PROP_FUEL Type of fuel used for heating of water and building (e.g., Solar, Gas, Oil).
  • 0 - NONE
  • 999 - BYPASS
  • 00C - HEAT.COAL
  • 00E - ELECTRIC
  • 00G - HEAT.GAS
  • 00O - HEAT.OIL
  • 00S - HEAT.SOLAR
  • 00W - HEAT.WOOD
  • FCO - COAL
  • FGA - GAS
  • FOI - OIL
  • FWD - WOOD
3 characters
PROP_SEWER Type of Sewer System on the Parcerl.
  • 0 - None
  • 999 - Bypass
  • SPU - Public
  • SCE - Cesspool
  • SPR - Private
  • STR - Storm
  • SCO - Commercial
3 characters
PROP_WATER Type of Water Service on the parcel.
  • 0 - None
  • 999 - Bypass
  • WPU - Public
  • WSC - Spring/Creek
  • WWE - Well
  • WPR - Private
  • WCO - Commercial
  • WPW - Public Well
  • WCI - Cistern
3 characters

Assessor/Deed Information

Output Field Description Returned Values
PROP_HOMESTEAD Y - Owner qualified for a Homeowner/Homestead exemption 1 character: Y
PROP_XMTVET If State has such an exemption and it has been granted then a flag:
  • Combat Vet
  • Veteran
10 characters
PROP_XMT_DISABLED If State has such an exemption and it has been granted then a flag:
  • Disabled
  • Blind
10 characters
PROP_TAXAMT The Total Tax amount provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority. 11 characters
PROP_TAXYR The tax or assessment year for which the taxes were billed. 4 characters: YYYY
PROP_SALESDEEDCD The type of deed used to record the sales transaction:
  • U - Foreclouse
  • Q - Quit Claim
  • X - Multi CNTY/ST or Open-End-MTG
  • T - Deed of Trust
  • G - Deed
  • D - Release of Deed of Trust/MTG
  • F - Final Judgement
  • J - Mechanic Liens
  • L - Lis Pendens
  • N - Notice of Defaults
  • R - Release/Recision
  • S - Loan Assignment
2 characters
PROP_SALEDATE Date the sales transaction was legally completed 8 characters: YYYYMMDD
PROP_SALEAMT Price of the sale as depicted on the recorded sales transaction. 11 characters
PROP_SALECD Financial Consideration Code:
  • V - Verified
  • R- Lease
  • P - Sale Price (Partial)
  • C - Confirmed
  • N - Stamps on Back/Non-Disclosed
  • F - Sale Price (Full)
  • E - Estimated
  • L - Commited
1 character: V, R, P, C, N, F, E, L
PROP_SALESTRANSCD This identifies situations associated with the sale:
  • 1 - Resale
  • 2- Refinance
  • 3 - Subdivision/New Construction
  • 4 - Timeshare
  • 6 - Construction Loan
  • 7 - Seller Carryback
  • 9 - Nominal
  • D - Release of Deed
  • S - Assignment of Deed of Trust
2 characters

Mortgage Information

Output Field Description Returned Values
PROP_OWNERCD The type of ownership in terms of: owners in common; joint.
  • CO - CARE OF
  • SM - MINOR
3 characters
PROP_LOANTOVAL If provided on the note and recorded, loan to value ratio (e.g., 47,118,61,185). 3 characters
PROP_MTGAMT Amount of Loan. 11 characters
PROP_MTGDATE Date Mortgage was initiated. 8 characters: YYYYMMDD
PROP_MTGLOANCD Associated with the Mortgage type:
  • WRP-Wrap-Around Mortgage
  • VA - Veterans Affairs
  • FHA - Federal Housing Administration
  • CNV - Conventional
  • SBA - Small Business Administration
  • PP - Private Party Lender
  • CDA - Community Development Authority
  • CNS - Construction
  • LH - Lease Hold Mortgage
  • PMM - Purchase Money Mortgage
5 characters
PROP_MTGTERM The length of time per the mortgage (e.g., 15 years, 30 years, etc). 5 characters
PROP_MTGDUEDATE Date Mortgage becomes due. 8 characters: YYYYMMDD
PROP_LENDERNAME Name of Lender. 60 characters
PROP_MTGREFICD Was it a refinenace of existing / prior mortgage:
  • Y - Yes
  • T - Trust
1 character: Y, T
PROP_RMSEQUITYCD Y - If equity in property was acknowledged. 1 character: Y
PROP_MTGINTRATE Rate Associated with Mortgage (4 decimal) , Example: 47300 - 4.73% 6 characters
  • FIX - Fixed
  • ADJ - Adjustable
  • VAR - Variable
  • BAL - Balloon
3 characters
PROP_MTGAMT2 Amount of 2nd mortgage. 11 characters
PROP_MTGDATE2 Date 2nd Mortgage was initiated. 8 characters: YYYYMMDD
PROP_MTGLOANCD2 Associated with the 2nd Mortgage type:
  • WRP-Wrap-Around Mortgage
  • VA - Veterans Affairs
  • FHA - Federal Housing Administration
  • CNV - Conventional
  • SBA - Small Business Administration
  • PP - Private Party Lender
  • CDA - Community Development Authority
  • CNS - Construction
  • LH - Lease Hold Mortgage
  • PMM - Purchase Money Mortgage
5 characters
PROP_MTGDEEDCD2 2nd Deed used for recording. 6 characters
PROP_MTGTERM2 The length of time per the 2nd mortgage (e.g., 15 years, 30 years, etc). 5 characters
PROP_MTGDUEDATE2 Date 2nd Mortgage becomes due. 8 characters
PROP_MTGASSUMPTIONAMT2 Amount of 2nd mortgage was assumed and rolled. (e.g., 65750, 130000, 162500, 50000). 9 characters
PROP_LENDERNAME2 Name of Lender 2. 60 characters
PROP_MTGREFICD2 Was it a refinance of existing / prior 2nd mortgage:
  • Y - Yes
  • T - Trust
1 character: Y, T
PROP_RMSEQUITYCD2 Y - If 2nd equity in property was acknowledged. 1 character: Y
PROP_MTGINTRATE2 2nd Rate Associated with Mortgage (4 decimal) , Example: 47300 - 4.73% 6 characters
PROP_MTGINTRATETYPE2 Mortgage Rate Type 2:
  • FIX - Fixed
  • ADJ - Adjustable
  • VAR - Variable
  • BAL - Balloon
3 characters
PROP_MTGAMT3 Amount of 3rd mortgage. 11 characters
PROP_MTGDATE3 Date 3rd Mortgage was initiated. 8 characters: YYYYMMDD
PROP_MTGLOANCD3 Associated with the 3rd Mortgage type:
  • WRP-Wrap-Around Mortgage
  • VA - Veterans Affairs
  • FHA - Federal Housing Administration
  • CNV - Conventional
  • SBA - Small Business Administration
  • PP - Private Party Lender
  • CDA - Community Development Authority
  • CNS - Construction
  • LH - Lease Hold Mortgage
  • PMM - Purchase Money Mortgage
5 characters
PROP_MTGDEEDCD3 3rd Deed used for recording. 6 characters
PROP_MTGTERM3 The length of time per the 3rd mortgage (e.g., 15 years, 30 years, etc). 5 characters
PROP_MTGDUEDATE3 Date 3rd Mortgage becomes due. 8 characters: YYYYMMDD
PROP_MTGASSUMPTIONAMT3 Amount of 3rd mortgage was assumed and rolled. (e.g., 65750, 130000, 162500, 50000). 9 characters
PROP_LENDERNAME3 Name of Lender 3. 60 characters
PROP_MTGREFICD3 Was it a refinance of existing / prior 3rd mortgage:
  • Y - Yes
  • T - Trust
1 character: Y, T
PROP_RMSEQUITYCD3 Y - If 3rd equity in property was acknowledged. 1 character: Y
PROP_MTGINTRATE3 3rd Rate Associated with Mortgage (4 decimal) , Example: 47300 - 4.73% 6 characters
PROP_MTGINTRATETYPE3 Mortgage Rate Type 2:
  • FIX - Fixed
  • ADJ - Adjustable
  • VAR - Variable
  • BAL - Balloon
3 characters

Property Intelligence - AVM & Home Equity

HEQUITY_EST Estimate of Homeowner Equity in the Property in Dollars. 8 characters
HEQUITY_CONF Home Equity Estimate Confidence Level (from 1 to 4).
  • 1 - High confidence Home Equity prediction
  • 2 - Medium confidence Home Equity predictions
  • 3 - Medium-Low confidence Home Equity predictions
  • 4 - Low confidence Home Equity predictions.
1 character: 1, 2, 3, 4
AVM_ESTIMATE Estimate of Property Value in Dollars. 8 characters
AVM_ESTIMATE_ERROR Estimate Error in Dollars (based on zip or national if zip not available). 7 characters
AVM_ESTIMATE_PCT_ERROR Estimate Error as a percentage of Estimate Value (000-999) (based on zip or national if zip not available). 3 characters