CRM Freshlink


CRM FreshLink is a solution that cleanses, verifies, links and completes fractional or decayed consumer information. It provides significant value by returning key consumer information:
  • When input data is first received, the CRM FreshLink service scores each piece of input data based on its cleanliness. The service then attempts to correct any errors. These scores are valuable for finding the source of dirty or decayed data.
  • With partial or complete consumer contact information as input, CRM FreshLink matches a record to the Infutor Identity Graph to return a unique identifier. Identifiers are found on the individual, household (example: members of the same family in the same house), and address level (example: roommates sharing the same apartment).
  • Matching records to the Infutor Identity Graph allows CRM FreshLink to return completed identity information (name, address, additional phones, and additional emails).


The CRM FreshLink product accepts identity data elements including name, address, phone, and email as input.
Input name Description
Full Name Full individual Name
First Name First name, 15 characters maximum
Last Name Last name, 20 characters maximum
Address1 Address line 1, 64 characters maximum
Address2 Address line 2, 64 characters maximum
City City name, 28 characters max. * Either City/State or Zip5 is required
State 2 character state abbreviation. * Either City/State or Zip5 is required
Zip5 5 digit numeric USPS zip code. * Either City/State or Zip5 is required
Phone 10 digit numeric phone number (without spaces, dashes, or parentheses)
Phone2 10 digit numeric 2nd phone number (without spaces, dashes, or parentheses)
Email Email address, 100 characters maximum
IP IP v4 address in dotted decimal nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn format
SHA2 64 characters SHA2 email address encryption
SHA1 40 characters SHA1 email address encryption
MD5 32 characters MD5 email address encryption
*At a minimum, one of the following input combinations is required for processing:
  • Phone
  • Phone2
  • Email
  • FName + LName
  • FullName
  • Address1 + Zip
  • Address1 + City + State
  • IP
  • Sha2
  • Sha1
  • MD5
For Identity append/competition & additional contact information, CRM FreshLink requires phone, email or name & address input. The Powerflex2 system will produce an output file in the same format as the one received.


Field No. Output Field Description Return Values
1 Cleansed Phone Data in this column indicates that phone input data has been successfully cleansed by CRM FreshLink or that the input data has been confirmed as clean. An invalid input generates a blank field. Phone number or blank
2 Input Phone Type Phone Owner Id Match CategoryIP – Individual - PhoneHP – Household - PhoneAP – Address - PhoneNP – Name – PhoneLP – Last Name – PhoneFP – First Name - PhoneZP –Zip - PhoneP- Phone VerifiedX – No Match IP, HP, AP, NP, LP, FP, ZP, P, X
3 Cleansed Phone 2 Data in this column indicates that phone input data has been successfully cleansed by CRM FreshLink or that the input data has been confirmed as clean. An invalid input generates a blank field. Phone number or blank
4 Input Second Phone Type Phone Owner Id Match CategoryIP – Individual - PhoneHP – Household - PhoneAP – Address - PhoneNP – Name – PhoneLP – Last Name – PhoneFP – First Name - PhoneZP –Zip - PhoneP- Phone VerifiedX – No Match IP, HP, AP, NP, LP, FP, ZP, P, X
5 Cleansed Email Data in this column indicates that email input data has been successfully cleansed by CRM FreshLink or that the input data has been confirmed as clean. An invalid input generates a blank field. Email address or blank
6 Cleansed First Name Data in this column indicates that name input data has been successfully cleansed by CRM FreshLink or that the input data has been confirmed as clean. An invalid input generates a blank field. First name or blank
7 Cleansed Last Name Data in this column indicates that name input data has been successfully cleansed by CRMFreshLink or that the input data has been confirmed as clean. An invalid input generates a blank field. Last name or blank
8 Cleansed Middle Name Data in this column indicates that name input data has been successfully cleansed by CRM FreshLink or that the input data has been confirmed as clean. An invalid input generates a blank field. Middle name or blank
9 Cleansed Full Name Data in this column indicates that full name input data has been successfully cleansed by CRM FreshLink or that the input data has been confirmed as clean. An invalid input generates a blank field. Full name or blank
10 Cleansed Full Address Data in this column indicates that address input data has been successfully cleansed by CRM FreshLink or that the input data has been confirmed as clean. An invalid input generates a blank field. Address or blank
11 Cleansed City Data in this column indicates that city input data has been successfully cleansed by CRMFreshLink or that the input data has been confirmed as clean. An invalid input generates a blank field. City or blank
12 Cleansed State Data in this column indicates that State input data has been successfully cleansed by CRM FreshLink or that the input data has been confirmed as clean. An invalid input generates a blank field. State or blank
13 Cleansed Zip Data in this column indicates that zip input data has been successfully cleansed by CRM FreshLink or that the input data has been confirmed as clean. An invalid input generates a blank field. Zip or blank
14 Unique Customer PID Unique individual that was matched to on the database.1st Character – Y (Person found on the database)/N (Person not found on the database). Remaining characters - Unique Identifier. String Value 32 characters max.
15 Household ID Unique address + Last Name that was matched to on the database.1st Character - Y (Address found on the database)/N (Address not found on the database). Remaining characters - Unique Identifier. String Value 100 characters max.
16 Address ID Unique address that was matched to Infutor’s Identity Graph.1st Character - Y (Address found on the database)/N (Address not found on the database).Remaining characters - Unique Identifier. This can be used in conjunction with other data points to understand if multiple customers are living at the same household. String Value 32 characters max.
17 Refreshed First Name If input data is provided, this field returns that input, and if it was successfully cleansed, the cleansed output will show here. If no data was input, then we reference the Infutor Identity Graph to populate a result. 50 characters
18 Refreshed Last Name If input data is provided, this field returns that input, and if it was successfully cleansed, the cleansed output will show here. If no data was input, then we reference the Infutor Identity Graph to populate a result. 50 characters
19 Refreshed Middle Name If input data is provided, this field returns that input, and if it was successfully cleansed, the cleansed output will show here. If no data was input, then we reference the Infutor Identity Graph to populate a result. 1 Character
20 Refreshed House Number If an input House Number is provided, this field returns that input, and if it was successfully cleansed, the cleansed output will show here. If no House Number was input, then we reference the Infutor Identity Graph to populate one. 10 Characters
21 Refreshed Pre Directional Street Pre Direction: N, S, E, W, NE, SW, etc. If an input is provided, this field returns that input, and if it was successfully cleansed, the cleansed output will show here. If no input was provided, then we reference the Infutor Identity Graph to populate one. 2 Characters
22 Refreshed Street Name Street name. If an input is provided, this field returns that input, and if it was successfully cleansed, the cleansed output will show here. If no input was provided, then we reference the Infutor Identity Graph to populate one. 28 Characters
23 Refreshed Street Type Street suffix: ST, AVE, BLVD, etc. If an input is provided, this field returns that input, and if it was successfully cleansed, the cleansed output will show here. If no input was provided, then we reference the Infutor Identity Graph to populate one. 4 Characters
24 Refreshed Post Directional Street Post Direction: N, S, E, W, NE, SW, etc. If an input is provided, this field returns that input, and if it was successfully cleansed, the cleansed output will show here. If no input was provided, then we reference the Infutor Identity Graph to populate one. 2 Characters
25 Refreshed Apartment Type Secondary Unit designator: Apt, Suite, etc. If an input is provided, this field returns that input, and if it was successfully cleansed, the cleansed output will show here. If no input was provided, then we reference the Infutor Identity Graph to populate one. 4 Characters
26 Refreshed Apartment Number Secondary unit number: Apt #, Suite #, etc. If an input is provided, this field returns that input, and if it was successfully cleansed, the cleansed output will show here. If no input was provided, then we reference the Infutor Identity Graph to populate one. 8 Characters
27 Refreshed Full Address Full address output in a single field. If an input is provided, this field returns that input, and if it was successfully cleansed, the cleansed output will show here. If no input was provided, then we reference the Infutor Identity Graph to populate one. 100 Characters
28 Refreshed City USPS City Name. If an input is provided, this field returns that input, and if it was successfully cleansed, the cleansed output will show here. If no input was provided, then we reference the Infutor Identity Graph to populate one. 28 Characters
29 Refreshed State USPS state abbreviation. If an input is provided, this field returns that input, and if it was successfully cleansed, the cleansed output will show here. If no input was provided, then we reference the Infutor Identity Graph to populate one. 2 Characters
30 Refreshed Zip5 Numeric USPS zip code. If an input is provided, this field returns that input, and if it was successfully cleansed, the cleansed output will show here. If no input was provided, then we reference the Infutor Identity Graph to populate one. 5 Characters
31 Refreshed Zip +4 Extension Numeric USPS zip+4 extension. If an input is provided, this field returns that input, and if it was successfully cleansed, the cleansed output will show here. If no input was provided, then we reference the Infutor Identity Graph to populate one. 4 Characters
32 Refreshed Delivery Point Code Delivery point code with check digit. If an input is provided, this field returns that input, and if it was successfully cleansed, the cleansed output will show here. If no input was provided, then we reference the Infutor Identity Graph to populate one. 3 Characters
33 Refreshed Carrier Route Code Carrier Route Code. If an input address is provided, this field returns the carrier route for that input, and if it was successfully cleansed, the carrier route for the cleansed output will show here. If no input address was provided, then we reference the Infutor Identity Graph to populate an address and this field contains the corresponding carrier route code. 4 Characters
34 Zip4 Type Code Appended USPS Zip+4 typeF – firm or company addressG – General delivery addressH – High-rise or business complexP – PO Box addressR – Rural route addressS – Street or residential addressBlank - Unknown F, G, H, P, R, S
35 Delivery Point Validation Appended Delivery Point ValidationY – Address DPV confirmed for both primary and (if present) secondary numbersD – Address DPV confirmed for primary number only, secondary number information was missingS – Address DPV confirmed for the primary number only, and secondary number information was present but unconfirmedN – Both Primary and (if present) Secondary number information failed to DPV confirmBlank – Address not presented to table Y, D, S, N
36 Appended Validation Date Appended address last validated date YYYYMMDD or YYYYMM, depending on availability.
37 Address Improvement Code Address Improvement Codes:0 - Source Address is best address.1 - Source Address NCOA'd.*2 - Corrected Source Address NCOA'd*.3 - New proprietary change of address returned.4 - Corrected Source Address returned.5 - Source Address NCOA'd, but MLNA.6 - Corrected Source Address NCOA'd, but MLNA.*7 - Source Address NCOA'd, but NIXIE.*8 - Corrected Source Address NCOA'd, but NIXIE.* *Values 1, 2 ,5 - 8 are returned only with the NCOA Add on. 0-8
38 Appended Phone Net new appended 10-digit numeric phone number (without spaces, dashes, or parentheses) 10 characters
39 Appended Phone Type Phone type for the Phone. L=Landline, V=VoIP, W=Wireless, O=Other. L, V, W, O
40 Appended DID Direct Inward Dial Number Y or blank
41 Appended Record Type Appended Record TypeR – ResidentialB – BusinessP – PayphoneU - Unknown R, B, P, U
42 Appended First Date Date record was first received YYYYMMDD
43 Appended Last Date Date record was last received as connected YYYYMMDD
44 Appended Telco Name Name of original telephone company provider 100 Characters
45 Appended Phone Confidence Score Telephone confidence score1 is highest confidence, 5 is lowest. 4’s are considered possible disconnects, 5’s are likely disconnects. PHV 1-3 are considered high confidence records. 1 - 5
46 Appended DA Code Directory Assistance Flag, 1 character max. Y – Record as it appears in Directory Assistance D – Record was removed / delisted from Directory Assistance Blank – Private record (not in Directory Assistance) Y, D, Blank
47 Appended Match Score Appended Match Score (See Appendix B) nnn
48 Appended Match Category Appended Matched Category (up to 3, one for each appended phone)I – IndividualH – HouseholdA – AddressZ – Name/Zip I, H, A, Z
49 Appended Second Phone Net New Appended 10-digit numeric phone number (without spaces, dashes, or parentheses) 10 characters
50 Appended Second Phone Type Phone Type for the second appended phoneL – Land LineV - VoIPW – WirelessO – Other (Pay phone, Pager, Toll Free) L, V, W, O
51 Appended Second DID Direct Inward Dial Number Y or blank
52 Appended Second Record Type Appended Record TypeR – ResidentialB – BusinessP – PayphoneU – Unknown R, B, P, U
53 Appended Second First Date Date record was first received YYYYMMDD
54 Appended Second Last Date Date record was last received as connected YYYYMMDD
55 Appended Second Telco Name Name of original telephone company provider 100 Characters
56 Appended Second Phone Confidence Score Telephone confidence score1 is highest confidence, 5 is lowest. 4’s are considered possible disconnects, 5’s are likely disconnects. PHV 1-3 are considered high confidence records. 1 - 5
57 Appended Second DA Code Directory Assistance Flag, 1 character max. Y – Record as it appears in Directory Assistance D – Record was removed / delisted from Directory Assistance Blank – Private record (not in Directory Assistance) Y, D, Blank
58 Appended Second Match Score Appended Match Score (See Appendix B) nnn
59 Appended Second Match Category Appended Matched Category (up to 3, one for each appended phone)I – IndividualH – HouseholdA – AddressZ – Name/Zip I, H, A, Z
60 Appended Third Phone Net New Appended 10 digit numeric phone number (without spaces, dashes, or parentheses) 10 characters
61 Appended Third Phone Type Phone Type for the Third appended phoneL – Land LineV - VoIPW – WirelessO – Other (Pay phone, Pager, Toll Free) L, V, W, O
62 Appended Third DID Direct Inward Dial Number Y or blank
63 Appended Third Record Type Appended Record TypeR – ResidentialB – BusinessP – PayphoneU – Unknown R, B, P, U
64 Appended Third First Date Date record was first received YYYYMMDD
65 Appended Third Last Date Date record was last received as connected YYYYMMDD
66 Appended Third Telco Name Name of original telephone company provider 100 Characters
67 Appended Third Phone Confidence Score Telephone confidence score1 is highest confidence, 5 is lowest. 4’s are considered possible disconnects, 5’s are likely disconnects. PHV 1-3 are considered high confidence records. 1 - 5
68 Appended Third DA Code Directory Assistance Flag, 1 character max. Y – Record as it appears in Directory Assistance D – Record was removed / delisted from Directory Assistance Blank – Private record (not in Directory Assistance) Y, D, Blank
69 Appended Third Score Appended Match Score (See Appendix B) nnn
70 Appended Third Category Appended Matched Category (up to 3, one for each appended phone)I – IndividualH – HouseholdA – AddressZ – Name/Zip I, H, A, Z
71 Appended Email Net New Appended Email Address 100 Characters
72 Appended Email Suppression Code Email Suppression Code N - Email is Eligible for Deployment N or blank
73 Appended Email Match Score Appended Match Score (See Appendix B) nnn
74 Appended Email Match Category Appended Matched Category I – Individual (First Name, Last Name, and Address)H – Household (Last Name and Address)A – Address (Address)Z – Name/Zip (Last Name and Zip Code) I, H, A, Z
75 Appended Email URL Appended URL - Indicates the website the consumer "opted-in" to receive marketing emails. 100 Characters
76 Appended Email Last Date Appended Email Last Seen Date YYYYMMDD
77 Appended Second Email Net New Appended Email Address 100 Characters
78 Appended Second Email Suppression Code Email Suppression Code N – Email is Eligible for Deployment N or blank
79 Appended Second Email Match Score Appended Match Score (See Appendix B) nnn
80 Appended Second Email Match Category Appended Matched Category I – Individual (First Name, Last Name, and Address)H – Household (Last Name and Address)A – Address (Address)Z – Name/Zip (Last Name and Zip Code) I, H, A, Z
81 Appended Second Email URL Second Appended Email URL - Indicates the website the consumer "opted-in" to receive marketing emails. 100 Characters
82 Appended Second Email Last Date Second Appended Email Last Seen Date YYYYMMDD
83 Appended Third Email Net New Appended Email Address 100 Characters
84 Appended Third Email Suppression Code Email Suppression Code N – Email is Eligible for Deployment N or blank
85 Appended Third Email Match Score Appended Match Score (See Appendix B) nnn
86 Appended Third Email Match Category Appended Matched Category I – Individual (First Name, Last Name, and Address)H – Household (Last Name and Address)A – Address (Address)Z – Name/Zip (Last Name and Zip Code) I, H, A, Z
87 Appended Third Email URL Third Appended Email URL - Indicates the website the consumer "opted-in" to receive marketing emails. 100 Characters
88 Appended Third Email Last Date Third Appended Email Last Seen Date YYYYMMDD
89 Valid Address The validation scores validate the quality of the of the input address data by scoring the formatting of the data on a scale from 0 – 100; 0 being the worst, and 100 being the best. Score 0-100
90 Valid Phone The validation scores validate the quality of the of the input phone data by scoring the formatting of the data on a scale from 0 - 100;0 being the worst, and 100 being the best. Score 0-100
91 Valid Second Phone Score 0-100 that reflects the confidence that a given phone is active and hasn't been reassigned, based on activity & velocity indicators Score 0-100
92 Valid Email The validation scores validate the quality of the of the input email data by scoring the formatting of the data on a scale from 0 – 100; 0 being the worst, and 100 being the best. Score 0-100
93 Valid Name The validation scores validate the quality of the input name data by comparing against common name tables and vulgar word tables to return a score on a scale from 0-100. Score 0-100
94 Phone Confidence Score The Score 0-100 that reflects the confidence that a given phone is active and hasn't been reassigned, based on activity & velocity indicators Score 0-100
95 Second Phone Confidence Score Score 0-100 that reflects the confidence that a given phone is active and hasn't been reassigned, based on activity & velocity indicators Score 0-100
96 Address Confidence Score Score 0-100 that reflects the confidence, accuracy, and deliverability for the input postal address. Score 0-100
97 Name To Phone Using Infutor's identity graph, the "Name" to "Phone" verifies the quality of the of the input identity by scoring the linkage of the "Name" to "Phone" on a scale from 0 – 100. Score 0-100
98 Name To Second Phone Using Infutor's identity graph, the "Name" to "Second Phone" verifies the quality of the of the input identity by scoring the linkage of the "Name" to "Second Phone" on a scale from 0 – 100. Score 0-100
99 Name To Email Using Infutor's identity graph, the "Name" to" Email" verifies the quality of the of the input identity by scoring the linkage of the "Name" to "Email" on a scale from 0 – 100. Score 0-100
100 Name To Address Using Infutor's identity graph, the "Name" to "Address" verifies the quality of the input identity by scoring the linkage of the "Name" to "Address" on a scale from 0 – 100. Score 0-100
101 Address To Phone Using Infutor's identity graph, the "Address" to "Phone" verifies the quality of the input identity by scoring the linkage of the "Address" to "Phone" on a scale from 0 – 100. Score 0-100
102 Address To Second Phone Using Infutor's identity graph, the "Address" to "Second Phone" verifies the quality of the of the input identity by scoring the linkage of the "Address" to "Second Phone" on a scale from 0 – 100. Score 0-100
103 Address To Email Using Infutor's identity graph, the "Address" to "Email" verifies the quality of the of the input identity by scoring the linkage of the "Address" to "Email" on a scale from 0 – 100. Score 0-100
104 Phone To Email Using Infutor's identity graph, the "Phone" to "Email" verifies the quality of the of the input identity by scoring the linkage of the "Phone" to "Email" on a scale from 0 – 100 . Score 0-100
105 Second Phone To Email Using Infutor's identity graph, the "Second Phone" to "Email" verifies the quality of the of the input identity by scoring the linkage of the "Second Phone" to "Email" on a scale from 0 – 100 Score 0-100
106 Deceased The deceased field is used to determine if an identity is living or deceased. A score of 100 represents the individual is living and a score of 0 represents the individual is deceased. If the field is Blank, it means Unknown 0 or 100 or Blank
107 USLocation The "US Location" field is used to determine if an identities' IP Address is recognized to be within USA. A score of 100 represents the individual's IP Address is recognized to be within USA. 0 or 100
108 Valid Count A count of the number of Validation Components which returned a positive verification. Decimal value, 0-5.
109 Linkage Count A count of the number of Linkage Components which returned a positive verification. Decimal value, 0-9.
110 Risk Flag Count A count of the number of Risk Flag Components which returned a positive verification. Decimal value, 0-2.
111 Validation Summary A summary of the Validation Components results. Pass, Fail, or Inconclusive
112 Linkage Summary A summary of the Linkage Components results. Pass, Fail, or Inconclusive
113 Risk Flag Summary A summary of the Risk Flag Components results. Pass, Fail, or Inconclusive
114 ID Verify Score The validation scores validate the quality of the of the input contact data by scoring the formatting of the data on a scale from 0 – 100; 0 being the worse, and 100 being the best. Score 0-100

Appendix A: Match Score Descriptions

Category Description Score Description
IE = Individual with Email 100 Exact First, Exact Last, Exact Street Address, Unit W/A, Zip
IP = Individual with Phone 101 Fuzzy First, Exact Last, Exact Street Address, Unit W/A, Zip
IEP = Individual with Email and Phone 102 Exact First, Fuzzy Last, Exact Street Address, Unit W/A, Zip
103 Fuzzy First, Fuzzy Last, Exact Street Address, Unit W/A, Zip
104 Exact First, Exact Last, Exact Street Address, Unit Missing, Zip
105 Fuzzy First, Exact Last, Exact Street Address,Unit Missing, Zip
106 Exact First, Fuzzy Last, Exact Street Address, Unit Missing, Zip
107 Fuzzy First, Fuzzy Last, Exact Street Address, Unit Missing, Zip
108 Exact First, Exact Last, Fuzzy Street Address, Zip
109 Fuzzy First, Exact Last, Fuzzy Street Address, Zip
110 Exact First, Fuzzy Last, Fuzzy Street Address, Zip
111 Fuzzy First, Fuzzy Last, Fuzzy Street Address, Zip
HE = HouseHold with Email 200 Exact Last, Exact Street Address, Unit W/A, Zip
HP = HouseHold with Phone 201 Fuzzy Last, Exact Street Address, Unit W/A, Zip
HEP = HouseHold with Email and Phone 202 Exact Last, Exact Street Address, Unit Missing, Zip
203 Fuzzy Last, Exact Street Address, Unit Missing, Zip
204 Exact Last, Fuzzy Street Address, Zip
205 Fuzzy Last, Fuzzy Street Address, Zip
AE = Address with Email 300 Exact Street Address, Unit W/A, Zip
AP = Address with Phone 301 Exact Street Address, Unit Missing, Zip
AEP = Address with Email and Phone 302 Fuzzy Street Address, Zip
NP = Name/Phone 400 Exact First, Exact Last, Phone
401 Fuzzy First, Exact Last, Phone
402 Exact First, Fuzzy Last, Phone
403 Fuzzy First, Fuzzy Last, Phone
LP = Last/Phone 450 Exact Last, Phone
451 Fuzzy Last, Phone
NE = Name/Email 470 Exact First, Exact Last, Email
471 Fuzzy First, Exact Last, Email
472 Exact First, Fuzzy Last, Email
473 Fuzzy First, Fuzzy Last, Email
NEP = Name/Email with phone 470 Exact First, Exact Last, Email, Phone
471 Fuzzy First, Exact Last, Email, Phone
472 Exact First, Fuzzy Last, Email, Phone
473 Fuzzy First, Fuzzy Last, Email, Phone
LE = Last/Email 480 Exact Last, Email
481 Fuzzy Last, Email
LEP = Last/Email with Phone 480 Exact Last, Email Phone, Email
481 Fuzzy Last, Email Phone, Email
FP = First/Phone 460 Exact First, Phone
461 Fuzzy, Phone
FE = First/Emaill 490 Exact First, Email
491 Fuzzy First, Email
FEP = First/Email with Phone 490 Exact First, Email, Phone, Email
491 Fuzzy First, Email, Phone, Email
EP = Email with Phone 900 Phone with Email Verified
P 900 Phone Verified
E 900 Email Verified
X or none 999 No match found