Digital Personalization



Digital Personalization allows you to use anonymous digital identities to optimize online marketing with essential offline attributes such as age, wealth indicators, and Gender. Digital Personalization enables you to optimize and segment audiences in a privacy compliant and anonymous way.


One of the following fields is required in order for the batch process of Digital Crosswalk to complete successfully, you can send all toghether.

Input Fields Accept (any or all)

Field Required Description
maid Required if no other input signals present Mobile Advertising IDS. We support two types of MAIDs: Apple's Advertising Identifier (IDFA) or Android's Advertising ID (AdID). They can be combined and up to 10 maids. Case-insensitive. Hyphens acceptable.
md5 Required if no other input signals present Cryptographic Hash Algorithm
sha1 Required if no other input signals present Cryptographic Hash Algorithm
sha2 Required if no other input signals present Cryptographic Hash Algorithm
ip Required if no other input signals present IP Address - Version 4 accepted - periods acceptable
*All of the input fields simultaneously present also form a valid combination.


Digital Personalization appends Demographics separately to the MAID and Hash that were sent as input. For this reason, the Output Layout identifies with a prefix before the field name whether the appended demographic belongs to either the MAID or the Hash. Example: For the Gender Demographic returned from a MAID, the Output Layout will display as "Maid - Gender"

Core Demographics

Output Field Description Returned Values
GENDER Known gender - Male, Female. The gender of an individual is typically gathered from self-reported or public information sources, or can be assigned based on the individuals name and/or title. In cases where the individual's first name and title are unknown/ambiguous and no additional sources reflect gender, the gender will be coded as "Unknown."
  • M - Male
  • F - Female
1 character: M or F
AGE Adult Estimated Age is calculated from date of birth data. Age data is applied at the individual level and is compiled from a variety of sources that may include public data, buying activities, and self-reported information. This is a calculation of age based on the individual's Year of Birth. The calculation is current year less the YOB. 2 characters from 18-99
DOB The known month and Year of birth of the individual and date where availabe. The Adult Date of Birth select will identify members of the household that meet the given birth date criteria. Dates must be entered for the birth month and year. Age data is applied at the individual level and is compiled from a variety of sources that may include public data, buying activities, and self-reported information. Exact age data is considered sensitive in nature and may require contractual restrictions. Formats YYYYMMDD, YYYYMM, YYYY
HOMEOWNERCD The Homeowner/Renter select identifies if the occupant of the residence is the homeowner or a renter. Home ownership as reflected by real estate transaction and deed records County Assessor or County Recorder based, survey data and modeled information.
  • H - Homeowner
  • R - Renter
1 character: H or R
MARRIEDCD Known marital status and modeled information. The Marital Status select indicates if member of the household is likely married or single. Data is applied at the household level where available and then the married or single designation is inferred at the Zip+4 or to provide more thorough coverage.
  • M - Married
  • S - Single
1 character: M or S
WEALTHSCR The net worth selection is a demographically based analytical model which predicts the ranges for household net worth. Net worth is calculated by the total assets etitmated to be associated with a household (such as deposit accounts, investments and home value) minus liabilities (such as loans, mortgages and credit card debt).
  • A = $0 OR LESS
  • B = $1 - $4,999
  • C = $5,000 - $24,999
  • D = $25,000 - $49,999
  • E = $50,000 - $74,999
  • F = $75,000 - $99,999
  • G = $100,000 - $149,999
  • H = $150,000 - $249,999
  • I = $250,000 - $374,999
  • J = $375,000 - $499,999
  • K = $500,000 - $749,999
  • L = $750,000 - $999,999
  • M = $1,000,000 +
1 character: A - M
ETHNICITYCD Ethnicity of an Individual as proved by self reported participante and overlays from participating source data. *Information (values) for the states of CO, CT and VA are not provided for this field. The data has been removed based upon our approach to the Sensitive Personal Information requirements for Colorado Privacy Act, the Connecticut Data Privacy Act, and Virginia’s Consumer Data Protection Act.
  • A - Southeast Asian
  • C - Central & Southwest Asian
  • E - Eastern European
  • F - All African American Ethnic Groups
  • I - Middle Eastern
  • J - Jewish
  • M - Mediterranean
  • N - Native American
  • O - Far Eastern
  • P - Polynesian
  • S - Scandinavian
  • T - Other
  • W - Western European
  • Y - Hispanic
  • Z - Uncoded (No Group)
1 character: A, C, E, F, I, J, M, N, O, P, S, T, W, Y, Z
CHILD The Presence of Children, childrens's age ranges and number of children selections reflects the probable presence of children under age 18 in a given household. Information is sourced from children's age and gender data which is gathered from a variety of sources that includes public records where they may be available, survey data as well as modeled census based information.
  • Y - Presence of Children
1 character: Y or Blank
CHILDAGECD_6 Presence of Children under 6 1 character
CHILDAGECD_6_10 Presence of Children Aged 6 - 10 1 character
CHILDAGECD_11_15 Presence of Children Aged 11 - 15 1 character
CHILDAGECD_16_17 Presence of Children Aged 16 - 17 1 character
CHILDNBRCD Number of Children Code:
  • A - No Children
  • B - Less Than 3
  • C - 3-5
  • D - 6+
1 character: A, B, C, D



Output Field Description Returned Values
ZIP Five-Position numeric as assigned in USPS publication 65, National Zip Code Directory 5 characters
Z4TYPE Zip+4 Type:
  • F - Firm or company address
  • G - General delivery address
  • H - High-rise or business complex
  • P - PO Box address
  • R - Rural route address
  • S - Street or residential address
1 character: F, G, H, P, R, S
DPV Delivery Point Validation Code:
  • Y - Address DPV confirmed for both primary and (if present) secondary numbers
  • D - Address DPV confirmed for the primary number only, and secondary number information was missing
  • S - Address DPV confirmed for the primary number only, and secondary number information was present but unconfirmed
  • N - Both Primary and (if present) Secondary number information failed to DPV Confirm
1 character: Y, D, S, N
VACANT Vacant:
  • Y - Physical Address Identified by USPS as Vacant
  • N - Someone living at that address
1 character: Y or N
MSA A metropolitan statistical area (MSA), formerly known as a standard metropolitan statistical area (SMSA), is the formal definition of a region that consists of a city and surrounding communities that are linked by social and economic factors, as established by the U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB). For more information on how FIPS, MSA and CBSA are related, visit 4 characters
CBSA New metropolitan and micropolitan statistical area definitions were announced by OMB on June 6, 2003, based on application of the 2000 standards with Census 2000 data. Metropolitan and Micropolitan Statistical Areas are collectively referred to as Core-Based Statistical Areas. Metropolitan statistical areas have at least one urbanized area of 50,000 or more population, plus adjacent territory that has a high degree of social and economic integration with the core as measured by commuting ties. M 5 characters
STATECD Federal Information Processing System (FIPS) Codes for States and Counties FIPS codes are numbers which uniquely identify geographic areas, this fields contains the two-digit State code, e.g. Code 01 corresponds to ALABAMA 2 characters
CNTYCD Federal Information Processing System (FIPS) Codes for States and Counties FIPS codes are numbers which uniquely identify geographic areas, this fields contains the three-digit count code, e.g. Code 003 corresponds to Baldwin County 3 characters
DWELLTYPE Dwelling Type is an indicator of the type of structure at a given address. Single Family Dwelling Unit (SFDU) indicates that one household resides in the structure. Multiple Family Dwelling Unit (MFDU) is one where more than one household is present in the building.
  • S=Single Family Dwelling Unit (SFDU)
  • M=Multi-family Dwelling Unit (MFDU)
  • Blank - Unknown
1 character: S or M


Supplemental Demographics

Output Field Description Returned Values
LOR Length of residence indicates the probable number of years an individual/household has been located at current address. Data comes from multiple sources including real estate, public record and self-reported sources. 2 characters: 00 - 99
SGLPARENT Potentially single parent determined by model of known demographic information. The Single Parent Household select is used to identify households with a potentially single parent present. Data is applied at the household level and is sourced from self-reported survey data. 1 character: Y
HHNBRSR Total number of individuals in a given household whose known birth year indicates and age of 65 or greater 1 character: Y
HHNBR Total number of individuals in a given household. Number of individuals in household
SPANISHSPCD Indicates an individual who has reported speaking Spanish in their home 1 character: Y
SOHOCD Indicates an individual owns a small business or has a home office at this address. 1 character: Y
VETERANCD Compilation of signals and self reported data indicating an individual within the household has served or is serving in the armed forces. 1 character: Y
CREDITCARD Indicator that an indivdual has used a credit card for purchases of goods and services.
  • Y - Credit Card
1 character
CHARITYDNR Known donor to charitable causes received from self-reported and other transactional sources 1 character: Y
MRKTHOMEVAL Estimated market value of home as indicated by County Tax Assesor and deed records. The Home Market Value indicates the relative Home Market Value as compared to all of the homes within the same county. This data is applied at the address level.
  • A - $1,000 - $24,999
  • B - $25,000 - $49,999
  • C - $50,000 - $74,999
  • D - $75,000 - $99,999
  • E - $100,000 - $124,999
  • F - $125,000 - $149,999
  • G - $150,000 - $174,999
  • H - $175,000 - $199,999
  • I - $200,000 - $224,999
  • J - $225,000 - $249,999
  • K - $250,000 - $274,999
  • L - $275,000 - $299,999
  • M - $300,000 - $349,999
  • N - $350,000 - $399,999
  • O - $400,000 - $449,999
  • P - $450,000 - $499,999
  • Q - $500,000 - $749,999
  • R - $750,000 - $999,999
  • S - $1,000,000 Plus
1 character: A - S
EDUCATIONCD Education is defined as the level of education completed by the consumer. This is a probabalistic attribute based on self-reported information, surveys, and census sources.
  • A - Completed High School
  • B - Completed College
  • C - Completed Graduate School
  • D - Attended Vocational/Technical
1 character: A, B, C, D
OCCUPATIONCD Derived from self-reported data and/or state license bureaus indicating an individuals occupation code.
  • B - DOCTOR
  • L - FORMAN
  • N - FARM
  • 2 - LEGAL
  • 3 - MEDICAL
1 character: A – Z,1 - 5
RELIGIONCD Religion of individual as provided by self reported participants and overlays from participating source data.
  • B - Buddhist
  • C - Catholic
  • G - Greek Orthodox
  • H - Hindu
  • I - Islamic
  • J - Jewish
  • K - Siku
  • L - Lutheran
  • M - Mormon
  • O - Eastern Orthodox
  • P - Protestant
  • S - Shinto
  • X - Not Known or Unmatched
1 character: B, C, E, G, H, I, J, S, L, M, O, P, S, X
YRBLD Year dwelling was built based on real estate transaction and deed records County Assessor or County Recorder based Format YYYY
MOBHOMECD Residence is a mobile home as indicated by Real Estate transaction and deed records County Assessor or County Recorder based 1 character: Y
POOL Residence has a pool as indicated by Real Estate transaction and deed records County Assessor or County Recorder based 1 character: Y
FIREPLCD Residence has a fireplace as indicated by Real Estate transaction and deed records County Assessor or County Recorder based 1 character: Y
CENSPCT_WATER Percentage of Water in a given zip code From 0-100
CENS_POP_DENSITY Population Density per square mile in a given zip code 6 character max eg. 85035
CENS_HU_DENSITY Housing Units Density per square mile in a given zip code 6 character max eg. 29338
CENSPCT_POP_WHITE Percentage of White population in a given zip code From 0-100
CENSPCT_POP_BLACK Percentage of Black population in a given zip code From 0-100
CENSPCT_POP_AMERIND Percentage of Amer Indian population in a given zip code From 0-100
CENSPCT_POP_ASIAN Percentage of Asian population in a given zip code From 0-100
CENSPCT_POP_PACISL Percentage of Pac Islander population in a given zip code From 0-100
CENSPCT_POP_OTHRACE Percentage of Other Races population in a given zip code From 0-100
CENSPCT_POP_MULTIRACE Percentage of Multi Race population in a given zip code From 0-100
CENSPCT_POP_HISPANIC Percentage of Hispanic population in a given zip code From 0-100
CENSPCT_POP_AGELT18 Percentage Population Age 18 in a given zip code From 0-100
CENSPCT_POP_MALES Percentage Males in a given zip code From 0-100
CENSPCT_ADULT_AGE1824 Percentage Adult Age 18-24 in a given zip code From 0-100
CENSPCT_ADULT_AGE2534 Percentage Adult Age 25-34 in a given zip code From 0-100
CENSPCT_ADULT_AGE3544 Percentage Adult Age 35-44 in a given zip code From 0-100
CENSPCT_ADULT_AGE4554 Percentage Adult Age 45-54 in a given zip code From 0-100
CENSPCT_ADULT_AGE5564 Percentage Adult Age 55-64 in a given zip code From 0-100
CENSPCT_ADULT_AGEGE65 Percentage Adult Age 65+ in a given zip code From 0-100
CENS_POP_MEDAGE Population Median Age in a given zip code From 0-100
CENS_HH_AVGSIZE Average Household Size in a given zip code (not rounded to the nearest whole) 10 characters max eg. 3
CENSPCT_HH_FAMILY Percentage Hh Family in a given zip code From 0-100
CENSPCT_HH_FAMILY_HUSBWIFE Percentage Hh Family Husband & Wife in a given zip code From 0-100
CENSPCT_HU_OCCUPIED Percentage Housing unit Occupied in a given zip code From 0-100
CENSPCT_HU_OWNED Percentage Housing unit Owned in a given zip code From 0-100
CENSPCT_HU_RENTED Percentage Housing unit Rented in a given zip code From 0-100
CENSPCT_HU_VACANTSEASONAL Percentage Housing unt Vacant/Seasonal in a given zip code From 0-100



These are Premium Attributes, not part of the standard layout. Please contact your Infutor Sales Representative if you wish to activate them.


Parcel Level GeoCodes

Output Field Description Returned Values
LATITUDE The geometrical location north or south of the equator assigned to the address. A value in decimal degrees to an accuracy of 4 decimal places is accurate to 11.1 meters, a value of 6 decimal places is accurate 0.111 meters.
LONGITUDE The geometrical location east or west of a north-south line, called the prime meridian, assigned to the address. A value in decimal degrees to an accuracy of 4 decimal places is accurate to 11.1 meters, a value of 6 decimal places is accurate 0.111 meters.
GEOLEVEL The level of precision at which the Latitude and Longitude are assigned.
  • 01 - Exact Parcel Level
  • 02 - Street Interpolation (ie., parcel point interpolation between 2 points)
  • 03 - Street Point (i.e., a spatial location derived from placement on the street centerline)
  • 04 - ZIP9
  • 05 - ZIP7
  • 06 - ZIP5
  • 07 - CITY
  • 08 - STATE
From 01-08


Behavioral & Lifestyle Insights

Output Field Description Returned Values
MS_ACCESSORY Includes shoes, purses, belts, etc. Values from 0 to 99
MS_APPAREL Includes the purchase of clothing. MS_ACCESSORY, MS_KIDAPP, MS_MENAPP, and MS_WOMAPP are included in the overall MS_APPAREL variable. Values from 0 to 99
MS_AUDIO Includes purchases related to audio equipment. Values from 0 to 99
MS_AUTO Includes purchases related to Cars/Trucks Values from 0 to 99
MS_AVIATION Includes purchases of aviation related items. Values from 0 to 99
MS_BARGAINS Includes purchases of low-cost or on-sale products from catalogs, retail and websites Values from 0 to 99
MS_BIBLE Includes purchases of religious items Values from 0 to 99
MS_BOATSAIL Includes boating, sailing, canoeing, kayaking, water skiing, rafting, etc Values from 0 to 99
MS_BOOKS Number of distinct book company participants. Values from 0 to 99
MS_BUSINESS Includes business news, and/or products usually associated with running a business or a career or operating an office Values from 0 to 99
MS_CAMP Includes camping and hiking Values from 0 to 99
MS_CATALOG Number of different catalogs ordered from. Values from 0 to 99
MS_COLLECTIBLES Includes dolls, coins, stamps, stuffed animals, plates, memorabilia, etc. Values from 0 to 99
MS_COMPUTERS Includes Computers, software and computer accessories Values from 0 to 99
MS_COOKING Includes recipes, cooking utensils and food products Values from 0 to 99
MS_BEAUTY Includes purchases of Beauty & Cosmetic items Values from 0 to 99
MS_CRAFTS Includes crochet, sewing, knitting, needlepoint, quilting, jewelry, ceramics, painting, etc. Values from 0 to 99
MS_CULTUREARTS Includes art, antiques, opera, museums, the theatre, etc. Values from 0 to 99
MS_CURREVENT Includes periodicals, news magazines, websites & blogs Values from 0 to 99
MS_DIY Includes home improvements and construction, wood working, auto repair, etc. Values from 0 to 99
MS_ELECTRONICS Includes home and auto stereos, video equipment, etc. Does not include computers. Values from 0 to 99
MS_EQUESTRIAN Includes purchases related to horses/horse riding Values from 0 to 99
MS_FAMILY Includes products designed for families with children. Values from 0 to 99
MS_FICTION Include books & magazines of fiction Values from 0 to 99
MS_FISHING Include fishing paraphenalia as well as books & publications related to fishings Values from 0 to 99
MS_FITNESS Includes purchases of fitness equipment, clothing, accessories as well as subscribers to publications and books. Values from 0 to 99
MS_FOOD Includes purchases of any food item Values from 0 to 99
MS_FUNDRAISING Includes purchases of any food item Values from 0 to 99
MS_GAMES Includes computer games, traditional board games, puzzles, etc. Values from 0 to 99
MS_GARDEN Includes purchases of gardening products, plants, seeds, books etc. Also includes subscribers to gardening publications Values from 0 to 99
MS_MERCHANDISE Includes catalog items not classified under any other affinity. Values from 0 to 99
MS_GIFTGIVR Number of orders that were given as gifts. Values from 0 to 99
MS_GIFTEE Number of orders that were received as gifts. Values from 0 to 99
MS_GIFTS Includes products usually given as gifts. Values from 0 to 99
MS_GOURMET Includes upscale products, and fine foods, wines, and other expensive items. Values from 0 to 99
MS_HEALTH MS_FITNESS is included in MS_HEALTH. Also includes health related items which are not fitness Values from 0 to 99
MS_HISTORY Includes purchases of books/publications related to history Values from 0 to 99
MS_HOMEDECR Includes furniture as well as other home décor items such as rugs, vases, pictures etc. Values from 0 to 99
MS_HOUSEWARES Includes housewares excluding large appliance purchases Values from 0 to 99
MS_HUMOR Includes comic books and strips, cartoons, comedies, etc. Values from 0 to 99
MS_HUNTING Includes purchases of all types of hunting related items (including rifles, bows etc) as well as subscribers to hunting publications Values from 0 to 99
MS_INSPIRATION Includes non-religious products, such as new age products, astrology, etc. Values from 0 to 99
MS_KIDAPP Includes all types of children's apparel Values from 0 to 99
MS_MAGS Number of distinct participating magazine titles. Values from 0 to 99
MS_MENAPP Includes all types of men's apparel Values from 0 to 99
MS_MOTORCYCLES Includes all types of motorcycles/motorcycle related products and subscriptions to motorcycle publications Values from 0 to 99
MS_MUSIC Includes music, music playing equipment, and musical instruments. Values from 0 to 99
MS_MONEYMAKING Includes moneymaking opportunities, usually of the get-rich-quick nature. Values from 0 to 99
MS_MONEYMAKING Includes moneymaking opportunities, usually of the get-rich-quick nature. Values from 0 to 99
MS_PFIN Includes all types of personal finance (including magazines) Values from 0 to 99
MS_PETS Includes purchase of all types of pet products including cats and dogs Values from 0 to 99
MS_PHOTOPROC Includes companies that offer film processed via the mail or the Internet. Values from 0 to 99
MS_PHOTO Includes products/magazines related to photography Values from 0 to 99
MS_PUBLISH Number of distinct publishing participants, counting individual magazines and book companies Values from 0 to 99
MS_PUB_COOKING Includes all types of cooking publications & books Values from 0 to 99
MS_PUB_FAMILY Includes all types of family/children publications & books Values from 0 to 99
MS_PUB_GARDEN Includes all types of gardening publications & books Values from 0 to 99
MS_PUB_GIFTGIVR Indicates number of magazine subscriptions given as a gift Values from 0 to 99
MS_PUB_GIFTEE Indicates number of magazine subscriptions or book orders received as a Gift. Values from 0 to 99
MS_PUB_HOMEDECR Includes all types of publications & books related to home décor and furninishings Values from 0 to 99
MS_PUB_HOMELIV Includes all types of publications & books related to home living Values from 0 to 99
MS_PUB_OUTDOORS Includes all types of publications & books related to outdoors (includes hunting, fishing, camping, hiking, some watersports) Values from 0 to 99
MS_SCIENCE Includes products, magazines & books related to science Values from 0 to 99
MS_SPORTS Includes products, magazines & books related to sports Values from 0 to 99
MS_TRAVEL Includes products, magazines & books related traveling & vacations Values from 0 to 99
MS_TVMOVIES Includes purchases of videos, subscribers to streaming services as well as magazine subscribers Values from 0 to 99
MS_WILDLIFE Includes purchasers of products related to Wildlife and the environment as well as donors & magazine subscribers Values from 0 to 99
MS_WOMAN Includes generic women’s publications. Values from 0 to 99
MS_WOMAPP Includes all types of women's apparel Values from 0 to 99
MS_WOMFASH Includes publications related to women’s fashion. Values from 0 to 99
CPI_HISTORY_AMERICAN_INDEX Interested specifically in American History, patriotic themes, and/or veteran’s issues. Included in CPI_HISTORY_INDEX. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_APPAREL_INDEX Interested in or purchasers of Apparel or fashion. Includes the CPI_APPAREL_ACCESSORIES, CPI_APPAREL_KIDS, CPI_APPAREL_MEN, CPI_APPAREL_MENFASH, CPI_APPAREL_WOMEN, CPI_APPAREL_WOMFASH indices below. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_APPAREL_ACCESSORY_INDEX Interested in or purchaseres of shoes, purses, belts, etc. Included in CPI_APPAREL_INDEX. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_APPAREL_KIDS_INDEX Interested in or purchasers of children’s apparel via direct marketing channels. Included in CPI_APPAREL_INDEX. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_APPAREL_MEN_INDEX Interested in or purchasers of men’s apparel . Included in CPI_APPAREL_INDEX. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_APPAREL_MENFASH_INDEX Interested in or purchasers of men’s fashion. Included in CPI_APPAREL_INDEX. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_APPAREL_WOMEN_INDEX Interested in or purchasers of women’s apparel via direct marketing channels. Included in CPI_APPAREL_INDEX. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_APPAREL_WOMFASH_INDEX Interested in or purchasers of women’s fashion. Included in CPI_APPAREL_INDEX. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_INSURANCE_AUTO_INDEX Interested in purchasing Automobile Insurance Values from 9 to 0
CPI_AUTO_TRUCKS_INDEX Interested specifically in trucks (excluding SUVs). Included in CPI_AUTO_INDEX. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_AUTO_INDEX Interested in anything automobile-related, such as auto parts and tools, restoration, performance, general and make/model specific enthusiast products, etc. Includes CPI_AUTO_RACING and CPI_AUTO_TRUCKS indices. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_AVIATION_INDEX Interested in airplanes and other things that really fly and can transport things and people. Does not include toy planes. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_BARGAINS_INDEX Interested in saving money, including coupons, low-cost stores and discount clubs, money-saving sales, rewards programs, auction websites, free stuff, etc. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_BEAUTY_INDEX Interested in beauty-related products, including cosmetics, treatments, etc. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_BIBLE_INDEX Interested in religion, church-going, bible-oriented products, and the spiritual. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_PUBLISH_BOOKS_INDEX Known to have purchased a book via direct marketing channels. Included in CPI_PUBLISH_INDEX. Includes CPI_NONFICTION, CPI_FICTION, and CPI_SCIFI passions. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_BUSINESS_INDEX Interested in business news, career, and/or products usually associated with running a business. Includes CPI__BUSINESS_HOMEOFFICE index. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_BUSINESS_HOMEOFFICE_INDEX Indication that the person has a Home Office. Included in CPI_BUSINESS_INDEX. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_CATALOG_INDEX Has purchased from a catalog. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_DONOR_INDEX Has a known history of donating to charitable causes. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_FAMILY_INDEX Those known to live in a family (i.e., adults and children) household, based on the presence of children and/or the purchase of children’s related products. Includes both CPI_FAMILY_TEEN_INDEX and CPI_FAMILY_YOUNG_INDEX. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_FAMILY_TEEN_INDEX Those known to live in a family (i.e., adults and children) household with at least one teenager, based on based the presence of children and/or the purchase of teen-related products. Included in CPI_FAMILY_INDEX. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_FAMILY_YOUNG_INDEX Those known to live in a family (i.e., adults and children) household with at least one child under , based on the presence of children and/or the purchase of younger children’s related products. Included in CPI_FAMILY_INDEX. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_COLLECTIBLES_INDEX Interested in collectibles, including dolls, coins, stamps, stuffed animals, plates, memorabilia, etc. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_COLLEGE_INDEX Interested in colleges and universities as an alumni. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_COMPUTERS_INDEX Interested in computers and products used with computers. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_CONTINUITY_INDEX Purchased a product offered via continuity. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_COOKING_INDEX Interested in cooking, baking, and all things culinary, including recipes and cooking equipment. Included in CPI_HOMELIV_INDEX. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_CRAFTS_INDEX Covers all crafts, including crochet, sewing, knitting, needlepoint, quilting, jewelry, ceramics, painting, etc. Includes the CPI_CRAFTS_CROCHET, CPI_CRAFTS_KNIT, CPI_CRAFTS_NEEDLEPOINT, CPI_CRAFTS_QUILT, CPI_CRAFTS_SEW passions listed below. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_CRAFTS_CROCHET_INDEX Interested in crocheting. Included in CPI_CRAFTS Index Values from 9 to 0
CPI_CRAFTS_KNIT_INDEX Interested in knititing. Included in CPI_CRAFTS Index Values from 9 to 0
CPI_CRAFTS_NEEDLEPOINT_INDEX Interested in needlepoint. Included in CPI_CRAFTS Index Values from 9 to 0
CPI_CRAFTS_QUILT_INDEX Interested in quilting. Included in CPI_CRAFTS Index Values from 9 to 0
CPI_CRAFTS_SEW_INDEX Interested in the sewing craft. Included in CPI_CRAFTS_INDEX. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_CC_INDEX Has used a credit card to make a purchase Values from 9 to 0
CPI_CREDIT_REPAIR_INDEX Interested in repairing their credit Values from 9 to 0
CPI_CREDIT_REPORT_INDEX Have purchased or obtained a copy of their credit report Values from 9 to 0
CPI_CULTUREARTS_INDEX Interested in culture and the arts, including art, antiques, opera, museums, the theatre, etc. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_CURREVENT_INDEX Interested in the news and politics. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_DIY_INDEX Interested in Do It Yourself projects, including home improvements and construction, wood working, auto repair, etc. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_EDUCATION_SEEKERS_INDEX Interested in furthering their education including online schools, brick and mortar schools and trade schools Values from 9 to 0
CPI_ELECTRONICS_INDEX Interested in electronics, such as home and auto stereos, video equipment, etc. Does not include computers. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_FICTION_INDEX Interested in fiction books. Included in CPI_PUBLISH_INDEX and CPI_PUBLISH_BOOKS_INDEX. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_GAMBLING_INDEX Interested in games of chance, including casino gambling and lotteries. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_GAMES_INDEX Interested in a variety of games, including computer games, traditional board games, puzzles, etc. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_GARDENING_INDEX Interested in gardening and plants, both indoors and outdoors, decorative and edible. Included in CPI_HOMELIV_INDEX. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_GIFTGIVR_INDEX Has been known to purchase gifts for others via a direct marketing channel. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_GOURMET_INDEX Interested in gourmet and upscale products, such as fine foods, wines, and other expensive items. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_HEALTH_INDEX Interested in one’s health and/or self-improvement. Includes HEALTH_DIET and HEALTH_FITNESS indices below. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_INSURANCE_HEALTH_INDEX Interested in purchasing Health Insurance Values from 9 to 0
CPI_HEALTH_DIET_INDEX Interested in weight control or losing weight. Included in CPI_HEALTH_INDEX. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_HEALTH_FITNESS_INDEX Interested in physical fitness and exercise, including running, biking, walking, weight lifting, aerobics, etc. Included in CPI_HEALTH_INDEX. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_HIGHTECH_INDEX Interested in new and/or relatively rare high technology electronic products, such as HDTV’s, digital video cameras, digital video recorders, satellite radio, pagers, home fax machines, plasma TVs, etc. This is a moving target as products become more accepted and as new products are invented. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_HISPANIC_INDEX Race indicated as Hispanic, speaks Spanish, and/or interested in Hispanic-oriented products. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_HISTORY_INDEX Interested in History. Includes CPI_HISTORY_AMERICAN index. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_HOBBIES_INDEX Interested in unspecified hobbies or in various hobbies not included in other passions. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_HOMEDECR_INDEX Interested in Home Decorating, such as furnishings, wall and window treatments, layouts, etc. Included in CPI_HOMELIV_INDEX. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_HOMELIV_INDEX Interested in things related to the home. These include the CPI_COOKING, CPI_GARDENING, and CPI_HOMEDECR passions listed below, but also include house wares, linens, and the like. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_EQUESTRIAN_INDEX Interested in horses and riding. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_INSPIRATION_INDEX Interested in non-religious inspiration, including new age products, astrology, etc. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_INSURANCE_INDEX Interested in purchasing insurance (includes Life, Health & Auto) Values from 9 to 0
CPI_INTERNET_ACCESS_INDEX Known only to have internet access; does not necessarily include an internet purchase. Included in CPI_INTERNET_INDEX. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_INTERNET_BUY_INDEX Known to have purchased a product via the internet. Included in CPI_INTERNET_INDEX. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_INTERNET_INDEX Known to be on the internet. Includes the INTERNET_ACCESS and INTERNET_BUY passions. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_JOB_SEEKERS_INDEX Users of online job searching sites Values from 9 to 0
CPI_PUBLISH_MAGS_INDEX Known to have purchased a magazine via direct marketing channels. Included in CPI_PUBLISH_INDEX. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_PUBLISH_INDEX Known to have purchased a book or magazine via direct marketing channels. Includes CPI_PUBLISH_MAGS and CPI_PUBLISH_BOOKS passions. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_MOBILE_APPS_INDEX Have purchased a ring tone or app for a mobile device Values from 9 to 0
CPI_MOTORCYCLES_INDEX Interested in motorcycles and ATVs. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_MUSIC_INDEX Interested in music and/or music playing equipment. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_NONFICTION_INDEX Interested in non-fiction books. Included in CPI_PUBLISH_INDEX and CPI_PUBLISH_BOOKS_INDEX. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_MONEYMAKING_INDEX Interested in moneymaking opportunities, usually of the get-rich- quick nature. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_OUTDOORS_INDEX Interested in outdoor, sportsman-type activities. Includes the CPI_OUTDOORS_BOATSAIL, CPI_OUTDOORS_CAMP, CPI_OUTDOORS_FISHING, CPI_OUTDOORS_HUNTING, and CPI_OUTDOORS_HUNTFISH passions listed below. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_OUTDOORS_BOATSAIL_INDEX Interested in boating, sailing, canoeing, kayaking, water skiing, rafting, etc. Included in CPI_OUTDOORS_INDEX. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_OUTDOORS_CAMP_INDEX Interested in camping, hiking, climbing, etc. Included in CPI_OUTDOORS_INDEX. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_OUTDOORS_FISHING_INDEX Interested specifically in fishing, saltwater and/or freshwater. Included in CPI_OUTDOORS_INDEX. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_OUTDOORS_HUNTING_INDEX Interested specifically in hunting or guns. Included in CPI_OUTDOORS_INDEX. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_OUTDOORS_HUNTFISH_INDEX Interested in hunting and/or fishing. Source data covers both (general sportsman activities), not specific to one or the other. Included in CPI_OUTDOORS_INDEX. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_PFIN_INDEX Interested in personal finance, investments, retirement planning, etc. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_EGO_INDEX Interested in personalized products, such as monograms. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_PETS_CATS_INDEX Interested in or an owner of cats. Included in CPI_PETS_INDEX. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_PETS_DOGS_INDEX Interested in or an owner of dogs. Included in CPI_PETS_INDEX. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_PHOTOPROC_INDEX Known to have had film processed via the mail or the internet. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_PHOTOG_INDEX Interested in photography. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_CONSERVATIVE_INDEX Expressed a preference for a conservative political point of view or party. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_LIBERAL_INDEX Expressed a preference for a liberal political point of view or party. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_SOCIAL_NETWORKING_INDEX Users of online social networking services such as facebook, twitter etc. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_SPORTS_INDEX Interested in sports, mostly spectator and/or paraphernalia purchaser, but includes participation. Includes the CPI_SPORTS_BASEBALL, CPI_SPORTS_BASKETBALL, CPI_SPORTS_FOOTBALL, CPI_SPORTS_GOLF, CPI_SPORTS_HOCKEY, CPI_SPORTS_SKIING, CPI_SPORTS_SOCCER and CPI_SPORTS_TENNIS passions below. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_SPORTS_BASEBALL_INDEX Interested in the specific sport of Baseball as a spectator, paraphernalia purchaser and/or participant. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_SPORTS_BASKETBALL_INDEX Interested in Basketball Values from 9 to 0
CPI_SPORTS_BIKING_INDEX Interested in Biking Values from 9 to 0
CPI_SPORTS_FOOTBALL_INDEX Interested in Football Values from 9 to 0
CPI_SPORTS_GOLF_INDEX Interested in Golf Values from 9 to 0
CPI_SPORTS_HOCKEY_INDEX Interested in Hockey Values from 9 to 0
CPI_SPORTS_RUNNING_INDEX Interested in Running Values from 9 to 0
CPI_SPORTS_SKI_INDEX Interested in Skiing Values from 9 to 0
CPI_SPORTS_SOCCER_INDEX Interested in Soccer Values from 9 to 0
CPI_SPORTS_SWIMMING_INDEX Interested in Swimming Values from 9 to 0
CPI_SPORTS_TENNIS_INDEX Interested in Tennis Values from 9 to 0
CPI_SWEEPS_INDEX Interested in offers utilizing sweepstakes. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_TRAVEL_INDEX Interested in traveling. Includes the CPI_TRAVEL_CRUISE, CPI_TRAVEL_RV and CPI_TRAVEL_US passions. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_TRAVEL_CRUISE_INDEX Interested in boat cruises. Included in CPI_TRAVEL_INDEX. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_TRAVEL_RV_INDEX Interested in recreational vehicles or known to own one. Included in CPI_TRAVEL_INDEX. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_TRAVEL_US_INDEX Interested in travel within the US. Included in CPI_TRAVEL_INDEX. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_TVMOVIES_INDEX Interested in television, movies, videos, DVDs, etc. Values from 9 to 0
CPI_WILDLIFE_INDEX Interested in the environment and/or wildlife. Values from 9 to 0


Connex Segmentation

Output Field Description Returned Values
HHCLSTRDCD See Connex HouseHold Clusters Table Cluster code
NEIGHBORHOOD_CLSTRDCD See Connex Neighborhood Clusters Table Cluster code
FMCLSTRDCD See Connex Family Clusters Table Cluster code
MESSAGING_CLSTRDCD See Connex Messaging Clusters Table Cluster code
DIGITALCLSTRDCD See Connex Digital Clusters Table Cluster code
GENERATION_CLSTRDCD See Connex Generation Clusters Table Cluster code
GENERATION_GRPCD See Connex Generation Groups Table Generation group code
LIFESTG_CLSTRD See Connex Life Stage Clusters Table Cluster code
LIFESTG_GRPCD See Connex Life Stage Groups Table below Life Stage group code
CT_MEDIA_HEAVYUSAGE_MAGAZINE Y - Frequent reader of magazines 1 character: Y
CT_MEDIA_HEAVYUSAGE_NEWSPAPER Y - Frequent reader of newspapers 1 character: Y
CT_MEDIA_HEAVYUSAGE_RADIO Y - Frequent listener to radio 1 character: Y
CT_MEDIA_HEAVYUSAGE_PTRADIO Y - Frequent listener to radio primetime 1 character: Y
CT_MEDIA_HEAVYUSAGE_TV Y - Frequent watcher of television 1 character: Y
CT_MEDIA_HEAVYUSAGE_INTERNET Y - Frequent user of internet 1 character: Y
CT_MEDIA_HEAVYUSAGE_ODRMDA Y - Frequent reader of outdoor media 1 character: Y
CT_SOCIALUSAGE30_FB Y - Facebook Social media, photo or video-sharing services visited or used in the last 30 days 1 character: Y
CT_SOCIALUSAGE30_INSTA Y - Instagram Social media, photo or video-sharing services visited or used in the last 30 days 1 character: Y
CT_SOCIALUSAGE30_LNKIN Y - Linkedin Social media, photo or video-sharing services visited or used in the last 30 days 1 character: Y
CT_SOCIALUSAGE30_PINT Y - Pinterest Social media, photo or video-sharing services visited or used in the last 30 days 1 character: Y
CT_SOCIALUSAGE30_TWITTER Y - Twitter Social media, photo or video-sharing services visited or used in the last 30 days 1 character: Y
CT_SOCIALUSAGE30_YOUTUBE Y - Youtube Social media, photo or video-sharing services visited or used in the last 30 days 1 character: Y
CT_STRMSUB_PRIME Y - Subscribes to Prime Video for streaming video services 1 character: Y
CT_STRMSUB_HULU Y - Subscribes to Hulu for streaming video services 1 character: Y
CT_STRMSUB_NETFLIX Y - Subscribes to Netflix for streaming video services 1 character: Y
CT_SMRTPHN_TYPEOWNS_ANDROID Y - Owns an Android smartphone (any brand) 1 character: Y
CT_SMRTPHN_TYPEOWNS_IPHONE Y - Owns an Apple iPhone smartphone 1 character: Y
CT_HOMEIMPROVE12_ANY Y - Made improvements to home 1 character: Y
CT_HOMEREMODEL12_ANY Y - Home Remodeling - Summary: Any: In last 12 months 1 character: Y
CT_POLITICAL_PARTYAFF_DEMOCRAT Y - Democratic political affiliation 1 character: Y
CT_POLITICAL_PARTYAFF_GOP Y - Republican political affiliation 1 character: Y
CT_POLITICAL_PARTYAFF_IND Y - Independent/no party affiliation 1 character: Y
CT_POLITICAL_OUTLK_VCONSERV Y - Political outlook is very conservative 1 character: Y
CT_POLITICAL_OUTLK_SWCONSERV Y - Political outlook is somewhat conservative 1 character: Y
CT_POLITICAL_OUTLK_MID Y - Political outlook is middle of the road 1 character: Y
CT_POLITICAL_OUTLK_SWLIBERAL Y - Political outlook is somewhat liberal 1 character: Y
CT_POLITICAL_OUTLK_VLIBERAL Y - Political outlook is very liberal 1 character: Y
CT_ONLINESHOPSEG_OFFLINE Y - Online Shoppers Segments: Offline-Only Shoppers 1 character: Y
CT_ONLINESHOPSEG_TRAD Y - Online Shoppers Segments: Traditional Consumers 1 character: Y
CT_ONLINESHOPSEG_STRAITFWD Y - Online Shoppers Segments: Straightforward Shoppers 1 character: Y
CT_ONLINESHOPSEG_DEALSEEK Y - Online Shoppers Segments: Passionate Deal Seekers 1 character: Y
CT_ONLINESHOPSEG_QUALSEEK Y - Online Shoppers Segments: Active Quality Seekers 1 character: Y
CT_TECHTUDESEG_PHOBES Y - Technology Attitude Segments: Techno-Phobes 1 character: Y
CT_TECHTUDESEG_LAGGRDS Y - Technology Attitude Segments: Techno-Laggards 1 character: Y
CT_TECHTUDESEG_XPLOIT Y - Technology Attitude Segments: Tech-Sploiters 1 character: Y
CT_TECHTUDESEG_GAMER Y - Technology Attitude Segments: Techno-Gamers 1 character: Y
CT_TECHTUDESEG_THUSIAST Y - Technology Attitude Segments: Tech-Thusiasts 1 character: Y
CT_TECHTUDESEG_XPLOR Y - Technology Attitude Segments: Tech-Splorers 1 character: Y
CT_DNR_CONTRIB_PBS Y - Contributed to Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) 1 character: Y
CT_DNR_CONTRIB_NPR Y - Contributed to National Public Radio (NPR) 1 character: Y
CT_DNR_CONTRIB_RELIGIOUS Y - Contributed to religious organization(s) 1 character: Y
CT_DNR_CONTRIB_ARTS Y - Contributed to arts/cultural organization(s) 1 character: Y
CT_DNR_CONTRIB_EDU Y - Contributed to educational organization(s) 1 character: Y
CT_DNR_CONTRIB_ENVIRO Y - Contributed to environmental organization(s) 1 character: Y
CT_DNR_CONTRIB_HEALTH Y - Contributed to health organization(s) 1 character: Y
CT_DNR_CONTRIB_POL Y - Contributed to political organization(s) 1 character: Y
CT_DNR_CONTRIB_SOCSERV Y - Contributed to social service organization(s) 1 character: Y
CT_DNR_CONTRIB_NONREL Y - Contributed to other non-religious organization(s) 1 character: Y
CT_DNR_CONTRIBAMT_HIGH Y - Contributed $500 or more to organization(s) 1 character: Y
CT_VOLUNTEER_CHTYORG Y - Volunteered for a charitable organization 1 character: Y