Email Validate


Infutor’s Email Validate product accepts email addresses as input and runs it against a validation process. The Email Validate product is available in batch, via the Powerflex 2 automated batch platform.


The Email Validate takes an email as its sole input parameter.
Input Field Required Description
Email Yes Email Address, 100 characters maximum


Field No. Output Field Description Return Values
1 Appended Email If a valid email address is available from the validation process, this field will contain that email address. There are 2 possibilities to populate this field: A) Email presented is fully validated – this field will contain original email address B) Email presented was deemed invalid but a correction was available (removing an extra period, changing a comma to a period, etc) – status code will show invalid status but validated, corrected version of email will be available in this field 100 Characters
2 Infutor Status Code A status code will always be returned and describes the detailed results of the validation.
100 - Valid email address.
110 – Syntax OK
120 – Syntax OK and the Domain is Valid
130- Domain is a catch all and does not support validation.
400 - Emails with that username aren’t accepted.
410 - That address isn’t accepted.
420 - Address matched to known bouncers.
430 - Address has opted out from commercial email.
440 - Emails with that domain aren’t accepted.
450 - Address is a spamtrap, a known complainer or is suppressed.
600 - Mailbox doesn't exist.
610 - The mailbox is full and can’t receive email.
620 - Mail isn't accepted for this domain.
700 - Domain doesn’t have a valid IP address.
710 - Domain doesn’t exist.
720 - Domain can’t receive email.
800 - Invalid top-level domain (TLD) in address.
810 - Address contains an extra space or character.
820 - IP address is not allowed as a domain.
830 - Unquoted spaces not allowed in email addresses.
900 - General syntax error.
910- Invalid character in address.
920 - Invalid username syntax.
930 - Address is too long.
940 - Address doesn’t have a username.
950 - Address doesn’t have an @ sign.
955 - Address has more than one @ sign.
960 - Address doesn’t have a domain.
970 - Invalid username syntax for that domain.
980 - Address has unbalanced parentheses.
990 - Invalid domain syntax.
999 - Timeout. Did not get a response in time / System Error
3 Digit Numeric