ID Max Plus


ID Max Plus product is a real-time solution that verifies and completes fractional consumer information to identify, score and segment individuals. ID Max provides significant value by returning key consumer information:
  • ID Max receives partial or complete consumer contact information as input and returns completed identity information (name, address, additional phones, and additional emails)
  • After completion of core identity information, ID Max provides a score on a 100 point scale to reflect the level of verification. This score can be used to make a pass/fail decision when verifying a given individual
  • To complete the individual profile, ID Max also provides key consumer attributes (property, demographics, and phone attributes) to drive inbound routing, marketing segmentation, and offer personalization


The ID Max Plus product accepts identity data elements including name, address, phone, and email as input. ID Max accepts IP address to flag if a consumer is using a non-US based IP address.
Input Field Required Description
Full Name Required* Full individual name, 100 characters max.
First Name Required* First name, 50 characters max.
Last Name Required* Last name, 50 characters max.
Address1 Required* Address line 1, 64 characters max.
Address2 Optional Address line 2, 64 characters max.
City Required* City name, 28 characters max. * Either City/State or Zip5 is required.
State Required* 2 character state abbreviation. * Either City/State or Zip5 is required.
Zip5 Required* digit numeric USPS zip code. * Either City/State or Zip5 is required.
Phone Required* 10 digit numeric phone number (without spaces, dashes, or parentheses)
Phone2 Required* 10 digit numeric 2nd phone number (without spaces, dashes, or parentheses)
Email Required* Email address, 100 characters max
IP Required* IP v4 address in dotted decimal nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn format
*At a minimum, one of the following input combinations is required for processing:
  • Phone
  • Phone2
  • Email
  • FName + LName
  • FullName
  • Address1 + Zip5
  • Address1 + City + State
  • IP
For Identity append/competition & additional contact information, ID Max Plus requires phone, email or name & address input.


The ID Max Plus product returns identity information, additional points of contact, scores, and attributes in the output. The identity information includes name & address, while the additional points of contact include additional phone numbers and email addresses. The Scores returned from ID Max include both the overall IDVerifyScore and more granular component results. The Component results are divided into 4 sections: Validation Components, Linkage Components, Risk Flag Components, and Component Summaries.

Customers can opt to use Infutor’s IDVerifyScore to make a pass/fail decision about an individual, or customers desiring to build their own scoring algorithms for verification can opt to use the components for more control and granularity. In addition to the scores that ID Max returns, the product also returns attributes, which provide deeper insights into the individual. The attributes ID Max returns include Demographic Attributes, Property Attributes, Auto Attributes, Phone Attributes, and IP Attributes.

Field No. Output Field Description Return Values
1 Appended First Name Appended First Name 20 characters
2 Appended Surname Appended Last Name 20 characters
3 Appended Middle Name Appended Middle Initial 1 Character
4 Appended Company Name Appended Business Name 100 Characters
5 Appended Street Number Appended Street Number 28 Characters
6 Appended Pre Directional Appended Street Pre Direction: N, S, E, W, NE, SW, etc 2 Characters
7 Appended Street Name Appended Street Name 28 characters
8 Appended Street Suffix Appended Street Type: St, Ave, Rd, etc 4 characters
9 Appended Post Directional Appended Street Post Direction: N, S, E, W, NE, SW, etc 2 Characters
10 Appended Unit Designator Appended Secondary Unit designator: Apt, Suite, etc 4 Characters
11 Appended Unit Number Appended Secondary unit number: Apt #, Suite #, etc 8 Characters
12 Appended City Appended USPS City Name 28 Characters
13 Appended State Code Appended USPS state abbreviation 2 Characters
14 Appended Zip Code Appended numeric USPS zip code 5 Characters
15 Appended Zip Code Extension Appended numeric USPS zip+4 4 Characters
16 Delivery Point Code Appended Delivery point code with check digit 3 Characters
17 Carrier Route Code Appended Carrier Route 4 Characters
18 Appended County Code Appended FIPS county code 3 Characters
19 Zip4 Type Code Appended USPS Zip+4 type F – firm or company address G – General delivery address H – High-rise or business complex P – PO Box address R – Rural route address S – Street or residential address Blank - Unknown F, G, H, P, R, S
20 Delivery Point Validation Appended Delivery Point Validation Y – Address DPV confirmed for both primary and (if present) secondary numbers D – Address DPV confirmed for primary number only, secondary number information was missing S – Address DPV confirmed for the primary number only, and secondary number information was present but unconfirmed N – Both Primary and (if present) Secondary number information failed to DPV confirm Blank – Address not presented to hash table Y, D, S, N
21 Appended Mail able Flag Appended Deliverable flag Y, N, or Blank
22 Validation Date Appended Last address validation date YYYYMMDD or YYYYMM, depending on availability.
23 Appended Phone Appended Phone (up to 3 additional Phone numbers) 10 characters
24 Appended Phone Type Appended Phone Type L – Landline V - VoIP W – Wireless O - Other L, V, W, O
25 Appended Phone Category Appended Matched Category I – Individual H – Household A – Address Z – Name/Zip I, H, A, Z
26 Appended Phone 2 Appended Phone (up to 3 additional Phone numbers) 10 characters
27 Appended Phone 2 Type Appended Phone Type L – Landline V - VoIP W – Wireless O - Other L, V, W, O
28 Appended Phone 2 Category Appended Matched Category I – Individual H – Household A – Address Z – Name/Zip I, H, A, Z
29 Appended Phone 3 Appended Phone (up to 3 additional Phone numbers) 10 characters
30 Appended Phone 3 Type Appended Phone Type L – Landline V - VoIP W – Wireless O - Other L, V, W, O
31 Appended Phone 3 Category Appended Matched Category I – Individual H – Household A – Address Z – Name/Zip I, H, A, Z
32 Appended Email Appended Email 100 Characters
33 Appended Email Category Appended Matched Email Category (up to 3, one for each appended Email) I – Individual H – Household A – Address Z – Name/Zip I, H, A, Z
34 Appended Email 2 Appended Email 2 100 Characters
35 Appended Email Category Appended Matched Email Category (up to 3, one for each appended Email) I – Individual H – Household A – Address Z – Name/Zip I, H, A, Z
36 Appended Email 3 Appended Email 3 100 Characters
37 Appended Email 3 Category Appended Matched Email Category (up to 3, one for each appended Email) I – Individual H – Household A – Address Z – Name/Zip I, H, A, Z
38 Valid Address The postal address is a valid USPS address Score 0-100
39 Valid Phone The phone is a valid 10 digit telephone number based on the North American Numbering Plan (NANP) Score 0-100
40 Valid Email The email is a valid formatted email address Score 0-100
41 Valid Name The individual’s first and last names appear to be valid names and do not contain vulgar words or expressions Score 0-100
42 Deceased The deceased field is used to determine if an identity is living or deceased. A score of 100 signals that the individual is living. Based on different client configurations, any numeric value other than 100 signals that the individual is deceased (typically 0-10). A blank value in this field indicates that there was not enough data present on input to attempt a match against the deceased file and thus no score is available. 0 or 100 or Blank
43 Name to Phone The name links to the phone Score 0-100
44 Name to Email The name links to the email Score 0-100
45 Name to Address The name links to the postal address Score 0-100
46 Address to Phone The postal address links to the phone Score 0-100
47 Address to Email The postal address link to the email Score 0-100
48 Phone to Email The phone links to the email Score 0-100
49 US Location The "US Location" field is used to determine if an identities' IP Address is recognized to be within USA. A score of 100 represents the individual's IP Address is recognized to be within USA 0 or 100
50 Valid Second Phone The Second phone is a valid 10 digit telephone number based on the North American Numbering Plan (NANP) Score 0-100
51 Name to Second Phone "Name" to "Second Phone" verifies the quality of the of the input identity by scoring the linkage of the "Name" to "Second Phone" on a scale from 0 – 100 Score 0-100
52 Address to Second Phone The postal address links to the Second phone Score 0-100
53 Second Phone to Email The Second phone links to the email Score 0-100
54 Valid Count A count of the number of Validation Components which returned a positive verification Decimal value, 0-5
55 Linkage Count A count of the number of Linkage Components which returned a positive verification Decimal value, 0-9
56 Risk Flag Count A count of the number of Risk Flag Components which returned a positive verification Decimal value, 0-2
57 Validation Summary A summary of the Validation Components results Pass, Fail, or Inconclusive
58 Linkage Summary A summary of the Linkage Components results Pass, Fail, or Inconclusive
59 Risk Flag Summary A summary of the Risk Flag Components results Pass, Fail, or Inconclusive
60 ID Verify Score The IDVerifyScore is an overall score to reflect the quality of an ID verification Score 0-100
61 Property Type Indicator Property type indicator, 2 digit numeric: 10 = Single Family Residence / Townhouse 11 = Condominium (residential) 20 = Commercial 21 = Duplex, Triplex, Quadplex 22 = Apartment 23 = Hotel, Motel 24 = Commercial (condominium) 25 = Retail 26 = Services (general public) 27 = Office Building 28 = Warehouse 29 = Financial Institution 30 = Hospital (medical complex, clinic) 31 = Parking 32 = Amusement – Recreation 50 = Industrial 51 = Industrial Light 52 = Industrial Heavy 53 = Transport 54 = Utilities 70 = Agricultural 80 = Vacant 90 = Exempt nn
62 Land Plus Improvement Value The “total” (i.e., land + improvement) value closet to current market value used for assessment by county or local taxing authorities Integer (dollars)
63 Improvement Value Improvement Value Integer (dollars)
64 Improvement Value Indicator The “improvement” value indicator A = Assessed M = Market P = Appraised T = Transitional A, M, P, or T
65 Assessed Value The Total Assessed Value of the Parcel's Land & Improvement values as provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority Integer (dollars)
66 Length of Residence Length of Residence in years, 2 digits 00 - 99
67 Homeowner H=Homeowner, R=Renter, A = Inferred Homeowner, B = Inferred Renter H, R, A or B
68 Dwelling Type Dwelling Type. S=Single Family Dwelling Unit (SFDU). M=Multi-family Dwelling Unit (MFDU) S or M
69 Acres Total land mass in acres. (4 decimal points). Example: 13000=1.3 acres Integer
70 Land Square Feet Total land mass in Square Feet Integer
71 Year Built The construction year of the original building. (e.g., YYYY) YYYY
72 Living Square Feet The area of a building that is used for general living. This is typically the area of a building that is heated or air conditioned and does not include Garage, Porch or Basement square footage Integer
73 Number of Rooms Total number of rooms contained in the primary building Integer
74 Number of Bedrooms Total number of bedrooms contained in the primary building Integer
75 Number of Bathrooms Number of Bathrooms. 2 implied decimal places. 2.00 baths = 200. Integer
76 Total Full Baths Total number of Full Baths (typically comprised of a sink, toilet, and bathtub / shower stall). A home containing 2 1/2 baths would have the number 2 stored in this field Integer
77 Total Half Baths Total number of Half Baths (typically comprised of a sink & toilet). A home containing 2 1/2 baths would have the number 1 stored in this field Integer
79 Presence of Fireplace This field is populated with a "Y" if a fireplace is located within the building Y or blank
80 Presence of Pool Populated with a "Y" if a Pool is present on the parcel Y or blank
82 Tax Amount The tax amount provided by the county or local taxing / assessment authority Integer (dollars)
83 Recording Date The date the sales transaction was record at the county YYYYMMDD
84 Sell Price Price of the sale as depicted on the recorded sales transaction Integer (dollars)
85 Mortgage Amount Amount of Loan Integer (dollars)
86 Mortgage Date Date mortgage was initiated YYYYMMDD
87 Mortgage Term The length of time of the mortgage in years Integer (years)
88 Mortgage Due Date Date mortgage becomes due Mortgage Due Date
89 Gender M=male, F=Female, blank or U=unknown M, F, or U
90 Age Adult Age 0 - 99
91 Median Year Built The year home was built. 4 digits nnnn
92 Estimated Household Income Estimated household income, 1 character: A = Less than $20,000 B = $20,000 - $29,999 C = $30,000 - $39,999 D = $40,000 - $49,999 E = $50,000 - $74,999 F = $75,000 - $99,999 G = $100,000 - $124,999 H = $125,000 or more A - I
93 Marital Status M=Married, S=Single, A=Inferred Married, B=Inferred Single M, S, A, or B
94 Wealth Score Model based on income, homeownership, and other assets owned: A = Estimated Net less than $5,000 B = Estimated Net $5,000 - $19,999 C = Estimated Net $20,000 - $49,999 D = Estimated Net $50,000 – $79,999 E = Estimated Net $80,000 - $99,999 F = Estimated Net $100,000 - $249,999 G = Estimated Net $250,000 - $499,999 H = Estimated Net over $500,000 A - H
95 Home Market Value Estimated Home Market value: A = $1,000 - $24,999 B = $25,000 - $49,999 C = $50,000 - $74,999 D = $75,000 - $99,999 E = $100,000 - $124,999 F = $125,000 - $149,999 G = $150,000 - $174,999 H = $175,000 - $199,999 I = $200,000 - $224,999 J = $225,000 - $249,999 K = $250,000 - $274,999 L = $275,000 - $299,999 M = $300,000 - $349,999 N = $350,000 - $399,999 O = $400,000 - $449,999 P = $450,000 - $499,999 Q = $500,000 - $749,999 R = $750,000 - $999,999 S = $1,000,000+ A - S
96 Presence of Children Presence of Children. Y= children present Y or Blank
97 Number of Children Number of Children. A=No children, B=less than 3, C= 3-5 children A – C
98 Median House Value Median House Value Code: A = Less than $50,000 B = $50,000 - $99,999 C = $100,000 - $149,999 D = $150,000 - $249,999 E = $250,000 - $349,999 F = $350,000 - $499,999 G = $500,000 - $749,999 H = $750,000 - $999,999 I = $1,000,000+ A – I
99 Median Years of School Median years of school, 3 digits max. 1 implied decimal. eg 210 = 21.0 years 000-220
100 Geo Credit **This is a premium attribute field available only by subscription. Contact Infutor Sales for more information. Purchasing Power Model, 1 character: A = (820-High) B = (800-819) C = (780-799) D = (760-779) E = (740-759) F = (720-739) G = (700-719) H = (680-699) I = (660-679) J = (640-659) K = (620-639) L = (600-619) M = (580-599) N = (560-579) O = (540-559) P = (520-539) Q = (500-519) R = (480-499) S = (460-479) T = (Low-459) A - T
101 Phone Type Phone type for the Phone. L=Landline, V=VoIP, W=Wireless, O=Other L, V, W, O
102 Second Phone Type Phone type for the 2nd Phone. L=Landline, V=VoIP, W=Wireless, O=Other L, V, W, O
103 Auto Make Vehicle Make, 30 characters max String Value
104 Auto Model Vehicle Model, 30 characters max String Value
105 Auto Year Vehicle Year YYYY
106 Auto Class Vehicle Class Code, 15 characters max 15 characters
107 Auto Fuel Type Vehicle Fuel Code 1 character
108 Auto MFG Vehicle Manufacturing Code 1 character
109 Auto Style Vehicle Style Code 10 characters
110 Mileage Mileage from the last odometer reading in increments of 10,000. A=0-10,000. Z= 250,000+ A-Z
111 Last Verified Date Last verification date YYYYMMDD
112 Second Auto Make Second Vehicle Make, 30 characters max String Value
113 Second Auto Model Second Vehicle Model, 30 characters max String Value
114 Second Auto Year Second Vehicle Year YYYY
115 Second Auto Class Second Vehicle Class Code, 15 characters max 15 characters
116 Second Auto Fuel Type Second Vehicle Fuel Code 1 character
117 Second Auto MFG Second Vehicle Manufacturing Code 1 character
118 Second Auto Style Second Vehicle Style Code 10 characters
119 Second Auto Mileage Second Vehicle Mileage from the last odometer reading in increments of 10,000. A=0-10,000. Z= 250,000+ A-Z
120 Second Auto Last Verified Date Second Vehicle Last verification date YYYYMMDD
121 Third Auto Make Third Vehicle Make, 30 characters max String Value
122 Third Auto Model Third Vehicle Model, 30 characters max String Value
123 Third Auto Year Third Vehicle Year YYYY
124 Third Auto Class Third Vehicle Class Code, 15 characters max 15 characters
125 Third Auto Fuel Type Third Vehicle Fuel Code 1 character
126 Third Auto MFG Third Vehicle Manufacturing Code 1 character
127 Third Auto Style Third Vehicle Style Code 10 characters
128 Third Auto Mileage Third Vehicle Mileage from the last odometer reading in increments of 10,000. A=0-10,000. Z= 250,000+ A-Z
129 Third Auto Last Verified Date Third Vehicle Last verification date YYYYMMDD
130 Fourth Auto Make Fourth Vehicle Make, 30 characters max String Value
131 Fourth Auto Model Fourth Vehicle Model, 30 characters max String Value
132 Fourth Auto Year Fourth Vehicle Year YYYY
133 Fourth Auto Class Fourth Vehicle Class Code, 15 characters max 15 characters
134 Fourth Auto Fuel Type Fourth Vehicle Fuel Code 1 character
135 Fourth Auto MFG Fourth Vehicle Manufacturing Code 1 character
136 Fourth Auto Style Fourth Vehicle Style Code 10 characters
137 Fourth Auto Mileage Fourth Vehicle Mileage from the last odometer reading in increments of 10,000. A=0-10,000. Z= 250,000+ A-Z
138 Fourth Auto Last Verified Date Fourth Vehicle Last verification date YYYYMMDD
139 IP Address IP v4 address. IP v4 address
140 Region Region. State name if within the US 50 characters
141 IP City Approximate city the IP address is located within 28 characters
142 IP Zip Approximate Zip code associated with the IP address 5 characters
143 Latitude Approximate latitude of the IP address 11 characters
144 Longitude Approximate longitude of the IP address 11 characters
145 Internet Provider Internet service provider responsible for the IP address 255 characters
146 IP From Starting IP of the range that the IP address belongs IP v4 address
147 IP To Final IP of the range that the IP address belongs IP v4 address
148 Luxury Vehicle Owner Luxury vehicle owner Y or Blank
149 SUV Owner SUV vehicle owner Y or Blank
150 Pickup Truck Owner Pickup Truck Vehicle Owner Y or Blank
151 Appended Email Score Matching Score related to the first Email Score 0 - 100
152 Appended Email 2 Score Matching Score related to the second Email Score 0 - 100
153 Appended Email 3 Score Matching Score related to the third email Score 0 - 100
154 Appended SHA2 Appended Hash Email in a SHA2 encryption – Will be returned when SHA2 is the input 64 characters
155 Appended Second SHA2 Appended Second Hash Email in a SHA2 encryption – Will be returned when SHA2 is the input 64 characters
156 Appended Third SHA2 Appended Third Hash Email in a SHA2 encryption – Will be returned when SHA2 is the input 64 characters
157 Appended MD5 Appended Hash Email in a MD5 encryption -- Will be returned when MD5 is the input 32 characters
158 Appended Second MD5 Appended Second Hash Email in a MD5 encryption -- Will be returned when MD5 is the input 32 characters
159 Appended Third MD5 Appended Third Hash Email in a MD5 encryption -- Will be returned when MD5 is the input 32 characters
160 Appended SHA1 Appended Hash Email in a SHA1 encryption -- Will be returned when SHA1 is the input 40 characters
161 Appended Second SHA1 Appended Second Hash Email in a SHA1 encryption -- Will be returned when SHA1 is the input 40 characters
162 Appended Third SHA1 Appended Third Hash Email in a SHA1 encryption -- Will be returned when SHA1 is the input 40 characters