ID Ver


Infutor’s ID Ver product provides a mechanism for verifying consumer contact information, for purposes of scoring and for identifying and reducing potential fraud and risk. The product receives consumer contact information as input and returns scores to reflect the level of verification. The ID Ver product returns an IDVerifyScore on a 100 point scale, which reflects the overall status of the ID verification. The IDVerifyScore can be used to make a pass/fail decision when verifying a given individual.


ID Ver accepts identity data elements including name, address, phone, and email as input. ID Ver accepts IP address to flag if a consumer is using a non-US based IP address.
Input Field Required? Description
FullName Required* Full individual Name
FName Required* First name, 15 characters max.
LName Required* Last name, 20 characters max.
Address1 Required* Address line 1, 64 characters max.
Address2 Optional Address line 2, 64 characters max.
City Required* City name, 28 characters max. * Either City/State or Zip5 is required.
State Required* 2 character state abbreviation. * Either City/State or Zip5 is required.
Zip5 Required* 5 digit numeric USPS zip code. * Either City/State or Zip5 is required.
Phone Required* 10 digit numeric phone number (without spaces, dashes, or parentheses)
Phone2 Required* 10 digit numeric 2nd phone number (without spaces, dashes, or parentheses)
Email Required* Email address, 100 characters max
IP Required* IP v4 address in dotted decimal nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn format
*At a minimum, one of the following input combinations is required for processing:
  • Phone
  • Phone2
  • Email
  • FName + LName
  • FullName
  • Address1 + Zip5
  • Address1 + City + State
  • IP


The ID Ver product returns scores in the output. The Scores returned from ID Ver include both the overall IDVerifyScore and more granular component results.
Field No. Output Field Description Return Values
1 Valid Address The validation scores validate the quality of the of the input address data by scoring the formatting of the data on a scale from 0 – 100; 0 being the worst, and 100 being the best. Score 0-100
2 Valid Phone The validation scores validate the quality of the of the input phone data by scoring the formatting of the data on a scale from 0 - 100;0 being the worst, and 100 being the best. Score 0-100
3 Valid Email The validation scores validate the quality of the of the input email data by scoring the formatting of the data on a scale from 0 – 100; 0 being the worst, and 100 being the best. Score 0-100
4 Valid Name The validation scores validate the quality of the input name data by comparing against common name tables and vulgar word tables to return a score on a scale from 0-100. Score 0-100
5 Valid Second Phone The validation scores validate the quality of the of the input contact data by scoring the formatting of the data on a scale from 0 – 100; 0 being the worse, and 100 being the best. Score 0-100
6 Phone Confidence Score Score of 0-100 that reflects the confidence for a given phone to be active and which also hasn't been reassigned, based on activity & velocity indicators. Score 0-100
7 Second Phone Confidence Score Score of 0-100 that reflects the confidence that a given phone is active and hasn't been reassigned, based on activity & velocity indicators. Score 0-100
8 Address Confidence Score Score 0-100 that reflects the confidence, accuracy, and deliverability for the input postal address. Score 0-100
9 Name to Phone Using Infutor's identity graph, the "Name" to "Phone" verifies the quality of the of the input identity by scoring the linkage of the "Name" to "Phone" on a scale from 0 – 100 Scores 0-100
10 Name to Email Using Infutor's identity graph, the "Name" to" Email" verifies the quality of the of the input identity by scoring the linkage of the "Name" to "Email" on a scale from 0 – 100 Scores 0-100
11 Name to Address Using Infutor's identity graph, the "Name" to "Address" verifies the quality of the input identity by scoring the linkage of the "Name" to "Address" on scale from 0 – 100. Scores 0-100
12 Address to Phone Using Infutor's identity graph, the "Address" to "Phone" verifies the quality of the input identity by scoring the linkage of the "Address" to "Phone" on a scale from 0 – 100. Scores 0-100
13 Address to Email Using Infutor's identity graph, the "Address" to "Email" verifies the quality of the of the input identity by scoring the linkage of the "Address" to "Email" on a scale from 0 – 100. Scores 0-100
14 Phone to Email Using Infutor's identity graph, the "Phone" to "Email" verifies the quality of the of the input identity by scoring the linkage of the "Phone" to "Email" on a scale from 0 – 100. Scores 0-100
15 Name to Second Phone Using Infutor's identity graph, the "Name" to "Second Phone" verifies the quality of the of the input identity by scoring the linkage of the "Name" to "Second Phone" on a scale from 0 – 100. Scores 0-100
16 Address to Second Phone Using Infutor's identity graph, the "Address" to "Second Phone" verifies the quality of the of the input identity by scoring the linkage of the "Address" to "Second Phone" on a scale from 0 – 100 Scores 0-100
17 Second Phone to Email Using Infutor's identity graph, the "Second Phone" to "Email" verifies the quality of the of the input identity by scoring the linkage of the "Second Phone" to "Email" on a scale from 0 – 100 Scores 0-100
18 Deceased The deceased field is used to determine if an identity is living or deceased. A score of 100 represents the individual is living and a score of 0 represents the individual is deceased. If the field is Blank, it means Unknown Scores 0-100 or BLANK
19 US Location The "US Location" field is used to determine if an identities' IP Address is recognized to be within USA. A score of 100 represents the individual's IP Address is recognized to be within USA. Scores 0-100
20 Valid Count A count of the number of Validation Components which returned a positive verification. Decimal Value, 0-5
21 Linkage Count A count of the number of Linkage Components which returned a positive verification. Decimal Value, 0-5
22 Risk Flag Count A count of the number of Risk Flag Components which returned a positive verification. Decimal Value, 0-5
23 Validation Summary A summary of the Validation Components results. Pass, Fail, or Inconclusive
24 Linkage Summary A summary of the Linkage Components results. Pass, Fail, or Inconclusive
25 Risk Flag Summary A summary of the Risk Flag Components results. Pass, Fail, or Inconclusive
26 ID Verify Score The validation scores validate the quality of the of the input contact data by scoring the formatting of the data on a scale from 0 – 100; 0 being the worse, and 100 being the best. Scores 0-100

Configurable Components of the IDVerifyScore:

For customers who want to build their own scoring algorithm for verification, the ID Ver product exposes all the configurable components that factor into the IDVerifyScore. Each component has a score on a 100 point scale, providing detailed granularity on how each identity data element scores for a given individual. The components are categorized into 4 sections: Validation Components, Linkage Components, Risk Flag Components, and Component Summaries. By default, each of the Configurable Components has equal weighting in influencing the overall IDVerifyScore. However, Infutor recommends customers allow for a regression analysis, so Infutor can analyze and help customers optimize the ID Ver product to meet their specific business needs by emphasizing or de-emphasizing relevant components, adjusting the weighting of how each component influences the overall IDVerifyScore. Additionally, if a given component is not relevant for a customer’s business needs, that component can be turned off from impacting the IDVerifyScore.