Reverse Phone ID Append Premium


The Reverse Phone Append Premium product accepts Phone as input along with optional name and address. The transaction does a reverse phone search against Infutor data sources and returns the matched record along with verification scores.


Input Field Required Description
Phone Yes 10 digit numeric phone number ( without spaces, dashes, or parentheses)
First Name No First name, 15 characters max.
Last Name No Last name, 20 characters max.
Address1 No Address line 1, 64 characters max.
Address2 No Address line 2, 64 characters max.
City No City name, 28 characters max. *Either City/State or Zip5 is required.
State No 2 character state abbreviation. *Either City/State or Zip5 is required.
Zip5 No 5 digit numeric USPS zip code. *Either City/State or Zip5 is required.
Consent Date No Date of Consent / Signup date (for TCPA verification). Format: YYYYMMDD.


Field No. Output Field Description Return Values
1 Verification Code TCPA Verification Code: L – Landline V – VoIP Y - The identity verified for the given wireless number using authoritative phone sources. YP - The identity verified for the given wireless number using authoritative phone sources, partial match. YP* - The wireless phone has not been reassigned since the consent date / sign-up date. YX - The identity verified for the given wireless number using high confidence proprietary sources. U - Unconfirmed. N - Risk. A different identity is associated with the given wireless phone number Blank - Risk. The ten digit number is a non-standard phone number. L, V, Y, YP, YP*, YX, U, N, Blank
2 Score Appended Match Score 3 characters
3 Category Appended Match Category IP – Individual - Phone HP – Household - Phone AP – Address - Phone NP – Name – Phone LP – Last Name – Phone FP – First Name - Phone ZP – Zip - Phone P- Phone Verified X – No Match IP, HP, AP, NP, LP, FP, ZP, P, X
4 MCD Combined appended match score and category 6 characters
5 PrePaid Likely prepaid phone flag Y, N or blank
6 Appended Name Additional name field. Populated when exact identity is unknown. 100 characters
7 Appended First Name Appended First Name 20 characters
8 Appended Last Name Appended Last Name 20 characters
9 Appended Middle Name Appended Middle Initial 1
10 Appended Business Name Appended Business Name 100 characters
11 Appended House Number Appended Primary House Number 10 Characters
12 Appended Pre Directional Appended Street Pre Direction: N, S, E, W, NE, SW, etc 2 characters
13 Appended Street Name Appended Street Name 28 characters
14 Appended Street Type Appended Street suffix: ST, AVE, BLVD, etc 4 Characters
15 Appended Post Directional Appended Street Post Direction: N, S, E, W, NE, SW, etc. 2 Characters
16 Appended Unit Type Appended Secondary Unit designator: Apt, Suite, etc 4 Characters
17 Appended Unit Number Appended Secondary unit number: Apt #, Suite #, etc 8 characters
18 Appended City Name Appended USPS City Name 28 Characters
19 Appended State Appended USPS state abbreviation 2 characters
20 Appended Zip5 Appended numeric USPS zip code 5 Characters
21 Appended Zip4 Appended numeric USPS zip+4 4 Characters
22 Appended Dpc Appended Delivery point code with check digit 3 characters
23 Appended Crte Appended Carrier Route 4 characters
24 Appended Cnty Appended FIPS county code 3 characters
25 Appended Z4Type Appended USPS Zip+4 type F – firm or company address G – General delivery address H – High-rise or business complex P – PO Box address R – Rural route address S – Street or residential address Blank - Unknown F, G, H, P, R, S
26 Appended DPV Indicator Appended Delivery Point Validation Y – Address DPV confirmed for both primary and (if present) secondary numbers. D – Address DPV confirmed for primary number only, secondary number information was missing. S – Address DPV confirmed for the primary number only, and secondary number information was present but unconfirmed. N – Both Primary and (if present) Secondary number information failed to DPV confirm. Blank – Address not presented to hash table Y, D, S, N
27 Appended Deliverable Flag Appended Deliverable Flag Y, N, or Blank
28 Appended Validation Date Appended Last address validation date YYYYMMDD
29 Appended Phone Telephone Number, Echo of input phone 10 characters
30 Appended Phone Type Appended Phone Type (up to 3, one for each appended phone) L – Land Line V - VoIP W – Wireless O - Other L, V, W, O
31 Appended Did Direct Inward Dial Number Y or blank
32 Appended Record Type Appended Record Type R – Residential B – Business P – Payphone U - Unknown R, B, P, U
33 Appended First Date Date record was first received YYYYMMDD
34 Appended Last Date Date record was last received as connected YYYYMMDD
35 Appended Telco Name of original telephone company provider 100 characters
36 Appended Phone Score Telephone confidence score 1 is highest confidence, 5 is lowest. 4’s are considered possible disconnects, 5’s are likely disconnects. PHV 1-3 are considered high confidence records. 1 - 5
37 Appended Da Code Directory Assistance Flag, 1 character max. Y – Record as it appears in Directory Assistance D – Record was removed / delisted from Directory Assistance Blank – Private record (not in Directory Assistance) Y, D, Blank
38 Time Zone Time Zone Hawaii=2 Alaska=3 Pacific=4 Mountain=5 Central=6 Eastern=7 Atlantic=8 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
39 Daylight Savings Spring/Fall Time Change Observed 1 or Blank