TCPA Premium


Infutor’s ID TCPA Premium product is designed to help clients mitigate TCPA risk, both by identifying wireless numbers, and by offering identity verification (to verify called party consent).


The ID TCPA Premium product accepts identity data elements including name, address, phone and Consent Date as input.

Input Field Required Description
First Name No First name, 15 characters max.
Last Name Yes Last name, 20 characters max.
Address1 No Address line 1, 64 characters max.
Address2 No Address line 2, 64 characters max.
City No City name, 28 characters max. *Either City/State or Zip5 is required.
State No 2 character state abbreviation. *Either City/State or Zip5 is required.
Zip5 No 5 digit numeric USPS zip code. *Either City/State or Zip5 is required.
Phone Yes 10 digit numeric phone number ( without spaces, dashes, or parentheses)
Consent Date No Date of Consent / Signup date (for TCPA verification). Format: YYYYMMDD.


The ID TCPA Premium product returns Verification Code and Phone Type in the output. The Phone Types returned by TCPA Premium are sourced from the telephone carrier network and are authoritative and accurate, even in situations where a phone has been recently ported from landline to wireless.

Field No. Output Field Description Return Values
1 Appended Phone Type Phone type L – Land Line V – VoIP W – Wireless O – Other L, V, W, O, Blank
2 Verification Code Verification Code V – VoIP, not subject to TCPA wireless provisions. L – Landline, not subject to TCPA wireless provisions. Y - Yes the identity verified for the wireless number using authoritative sources. YP - Yes the identity verified for the wireless number using authoritative sources, partial match. YP* - Infutor confirmed the ownership of the phone has not changed since the consent date. YX - Yes the identity verified for the wireless number using high confidence proprietary sources (utility, financial). N - No, a different name was linked to the wireless phone. U - Unconfirmed. Blank – Unidentified Phone type L, V, Y, YP, YP*, YX, U, N, Blank